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[1.0.x] Protractor Continued - Rendezvous Plugin v2.5.1 (May 15th, 2015)


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On 06 August 2016 at 4:36 PM, Addle said:

A new version is now up on my Github as a pre-release. Seems to work acceptably so far, but there may certainly be issues. For one, the colliders seem to need updating. But you no longer need to put the parts on your vessels, and I suggest you not add them, at least until I can get them fixed.

You may find it here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.8.1pre1

Please report any issues to me!

And, of course, big thanks should go out to Z-Key Aerospace who did the update work to KSP 1.1.3!

And I know I technically don't need to apologise for taking a while to get this done, but I'm Canadian, so sorry it took so long! :)

I'm mostly waiting to fix the colliders before I make a full release, but I would also like to find and zap any other issues found. There was major surgery performed on it when I refactored it. It should now be more easy to make it work in the tracking station and other places in which it makes sense, which is part of the reason I did all that refactoring (other than it really needed it, generally). That isn't in yet, but is something I have in mind for the future.

Good to see you back on the forum.

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Hey mrenigma03! Good to see you here. Thanks for the compliment! Let me know if you ever want to hop back into Protractor development. XD

So, folks, any feedback on the pre-release? Any bugs you've found? I do seem to get an error in the log relating to the GUI, but it doesn't seem to be breaking anything.

On my end, not found anyone to fix the model yet, alas. Not quite sure if I even have the original model to fix or not. I think it might be the model.mdl file, but I am quite ignorant when it comes to modelling. If I must deprecate it, perhaps there's a way to hide it in the part list without removing the part. Then after some time, it could be removed with some advance warning. Best case is obviously to get it fixed. If anyone here has modelling experience and knows how to do this, do tell! All the files I have are in the Github.

Edited by Addle
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I wish I still had that kind of time! I probably wouldn't even recognize the code anymore.

I'll test out the pre-release this weekend and let you know if I see anything. Thanks again!


Edit: I didn't check the debug window or anything, but it is working almost perfectly for me. Only issue is the calculator icon that toggles the UI on the right side keeps cloning itself. I currently have 5 of them.

Edited by mrenigma03
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Odd, I haven't noticed the iron duplicating, though it's been mentioned. But only did some simple testing. I'll try and get that to replicate and see if I can fix it. If you know what you did when it duplicates, let me know. Granted, if you have 5, I probably will be able to make it happen. heh

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It makes a new instance every time I revert to VAB and launch a new mission. I have 15 icons now.

Running a fresh vanilla install with only this and Engineer Redux installed, so I doubt it's a conflict. Running partless too. No errors or warnings in the debug console either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29/08/2016 at 4:02 PM, Gabelach said:

Sorry if this has been brought up in the past, but the search feature has not helped me:

I cannot find protractor on CKAN, is it under another name? The changelog says that it should be there (update  2.4.16 2/27/15)

The working version for the latest KSP is a pre-release. It should show up once the proper release is done. The previous release wouldn't work with KSP 1.1.x, and so won't show. Hopefully, I will have time to devote to that around the weekend.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, compared to Kerbal Engineer Rendezvous, Protractor is late for 2,2 degrees, I did everything by the book and it made me miss Duna for 2,5 million kilometers, I did used it some long time a go and I needed some memory refreshing and a few Alt+F9, but even with precise maneuver mod and an hour of tweaking I couldn't correct orbit for a rendezvous... finally I decided to use only Kerbal Engineer and precise maneuver and got it perfect in first attempt with a small correction burn of about 25m/s when entering SOI of Duna...  Also when you are trying to synchronize protractor with Kerbal Alarm Clock there is a huge discrepancy of 30-something days depending of what option is checked in KAC "model" or "formula" ... "formula" option is much better but there is also difference of one day... in this case I don't know who's wrong or who's right... but in case of Kerbal Engineer vs. Protractor... Kerbal Engineer wins... this is not meant to be a rant... just some comparing of tools... luckily my frozen kerbal is oblivious of hair pulling in mission control... at least if we make a mistake he won't feel a thing... poor sod...

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Hmmm... using the latest version, the Protractor window seems to be ALWAYS open, with no way to close it... No stock toolbar button, & does NOT show up in Blizzy's, either... ??

Doing further testing...

By the way, I installed it today, to see whats up with the models... First off, the collider seems to be 90° off from the mesh... I'll see what I can do..

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here i tried redoing the whole "GameData\Protractor\Parts" folder with everything in .mu and .dds format and with proper collision meshes, somebody who knows how KAS / FAR work (so not me) could try dropping this in and seeing if it fixes whatever's the problems. obviously back up your important stuff first.




also its got a toggleable backlight now cause why not

the whole "MODULE{ name = ProtractorModule }" bit in the cfg doesn't actually seem to do anything with the latest version of protractor.dll and protractor itself still doesn't seem to work right in 1.2 prerelease but that's not gonna be anything i know how to help with

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03 October 2016 at 8:29 PM, Sam Hall said:

here i tried redoing the whole "GameData\Protractor\Parts" folder with everything in .mu and .dds format and with proper collision meshes, somebody who knows how KAS / FAR work (so not me) could try dropping this in and seeing if it fixes whatever's the problems. obviously back up your important stuff first.


May I include the new protractor parts in a KSP1.2 build of Protractor?

It works OK although something has changed with themes.


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This was one of the most awesome, useful and simple mods. I really miss it and planning my interplanetary missions now has become quite tedious. I need my Protractor back :(

Everyone involved in continuing this great project has my respect and thanks!

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6 minutes ago, Sheppard said:

This was one of the most awesome, useful and simple mods. I really miss it and planning my interplanetary missions now has become quite tedious. I need my Protractor back :(

Everyone involved in continuing this great project has my respect and thanks!

For now, I can also recommend Transfer Window Planner. UI looks a bit complex at first, but it's actually quite intuitive and plays very well with kerbal alarm clock.


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Thanks for the tip

2 minutes ago, Temeter said:

For now, I can also recommend Transfer Window Planner. UI looks a bit complex at first, but it's actually quite intuitive and plays very well with alarm clock.


Thanks for the tip. Wasn't something like this included in MechJeb (still waiting for a CKAN release of that mod too)?

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4 minutes ago, Sheppard said:

Thanks for the tip

Thanks for the tip. Wasn't something like this included in MechJeb (still waiting for a CKAN release of that mod too)?

Yeah, basic window is the same as Mechjeb.

It's a lot more usefull, tho: It does let you specify maneuvers between all planets without having a craft in orbit, and has more options+information (like full delta-v requirements). If you got kerbal alarm clock, then you can also save your own transfer windows to it, so you'll get reminded when that window approaches.

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OK the new version of Contract Configurator has finally dropped onto CKAN so I need to get my finger out.  Please avoid it if you can 'cos it breaks everything.

Turns out the weird assembly in Contract Configurator breaks the standard KAC Wrapper too.  Protractor links to Toolbar and KAC.  That foxed me for a while.

The new version of Contract Configurator breaks [x] Science!, TAC Fuel Balancer and Protractor!

I'll do some testing but I really do need to go to bed at a sensible hour.  I don't take releasing a new version of a mod lightly so you'll have to wait for a little longer.  All three at once is kinda scary.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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Download for KSP1.2 http://themoose.co.uk/kspProtractor2.9.zip

Source https://github.com/thewebbooth/protractor

Changes http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/ProtractorChanges.md

  • Fixed and Compiled against KSP 1.2
  • Includes some unreleased changes by Addle
  • New parts by Sam Hall
  • Fix for Contract Configurator/Toolbar/KAC bug

This is an unofficial build by Z-Key Aerospace.  All bugs are by me.  Please don't pester the authors if you have trouble with this build.

License is GPL3.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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First off, thank you so much for creating a 1.2 compatible version of this mod.

I just installed the unofficial build you posted and noticed one issue.  Whenever I switch from the ship view back to the space center / tracking center, and then select a different ship, the protractor icon in the toolbar to the right duplicates itself.  Meaning when I load into the second ship from the tracking station, two protractor icons are visible.  If I load into a third ship from the tracking station, three protractor icons are visible.

I am currently running the latest version of KSP 1.2 64bit on a Windows 8 machine.  The only other mod I have installed is KER (the most recent unofficial version).


Edited by Gyse
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yeah actually it looks like just reverting the current flight to launch is enough to make a new icon spawn. very odd



EDIT: oh god


it followed me back out to the main menu this time, i didnt know it could do that. help

Edited by Sam Hall
alarming new development
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7 hours ago, Sam Hall said:

yeah actually it looks like just reverting the current flight to launch is enough to make a new icon spawn. very odd

It's always done that.  Install Blizzy.

There may be an easy way to fix it but I'm tempted to just rip out the code and replace it with the stuff I know.  That would involve more than just a bug fix, more of a project fork.

If that happens, it isnt gonna happen just yet.

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