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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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Need help guys, I cannot cancel a burn.

You know I click on exec and the ship starts burning when the time comes.

Well I notice I'll run out of electric charge for my ions... click the "X" nothing happens, the burn is still going.

What do I need to do to cancel an ongoing burn ? Oh and signal delay is off, so that isn't the problem.

Thanks !

EDIT: obviously **After** asking I find out how... n/m. For those that are wondering, you click NODE and it cancels...

Edited by Francois424
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Hey there! I have a problem with my first interstellar network connections.

I cannot establish connections with my probes decoupled around Duna. My main satellite work fine (those with 90Gm dish), but smaller ones with 50 Mm dishes don't want to cooperate with bigger one.


It looks like the signal can't get pass 90 Gm satellite. 1 is 90Gm with other dishes, and it is working very good, but when I try to change to one of decoupled satellites i get 'no connection' information. :/

I know how to establish stable communication network around Kerbin and I'm getting very frustated that I can't make this happen on Duna.

What am I doing wrong? After decoupling I'm losing control of this drones. :/

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Did you activate the relevant dishes on the sats you decoupled and set the dish targets properly? This really must be done before you decouple. I also hope you have a 50Mm dish for each 'local' sat you intend to deploy on the main sat connected to Kerbin, and that those dishes are active and targeting Active Vessel (at least while you're deploying the local sat network, afterwards they'll need to be targeting one of the sats in the network).

Typically I use Omni antennae for local comms around a given body as nothing needs targeting. I use Dishes to communicate between planet/moons and interplanetary. This means that to have complete coverage, I need comsats around each moon as well, but it removes some hassle, particularly during initial deployment of a new network (if deploying the network from one initial vessel).

Edit: After looking more closely at your image, I note that the two sats marked as having the 50Mm dishes have those dishes targeting Duna. They really should be targeting the one sat used to link to Kerbin (the one with the 90Gm dish). I also note that the interplanetary link sat shows no indication of having any of its 50Mm dishes targeting any of the other comsats. Dishes have to be targeted on both ends.

Edit 2: Closer examination shows what appear to be link lines between 1 and 2 as well as between 1 and 3. If 1 is the interplanetary link, then you should not be having an issue. In any case, I'd still suggest trying what I've suggested above.

Edited by Einarr
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I've been dabbling with RemoteTech for something different and ran into a problem that I can't figure out what's wrong.

I have 3 short-range satellites in geo orbit around Kerbin and 1 short-range satellites in a lower (faster) orbit). Then I have two long-range satellites in synchronous orbit around Kerbin at 4k. In orbit around Mun I have 2 long-range satellites and 1 short-range satelite. Here's my issue. When either of my two long-range satellites around Kerbin is the active vessel, it shows a connection to at least one of my satellites in orbit of the Mun (see screenshot below). However, when I switch to that same satellite around Mun, it shows I have no connection back.

Can anybody shed some light as to what I'm doing wrong?RemoteTech.jpg?1418642664413



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g0tchas: what are each of the antennae in the desired chain of control targeted at? Also, which antennae are they? (Remember both the link forward and back, since dish antennae need to be correctly targeted at both ends.

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When either of my two long-range satellites around Kerbin is the active vessel, it shows a connection to at least one of my satellites in orbit of the Mun (see screenshot below). However, when I switch to that same satellite around Mun, it shows I have no connection back.

I suspect your Mun satellite is targeting active vessel, so if you are focused on one of your Kerbin sats, the Mun sat connects to it. If you switch to the Mun sat, it's now the active vessel, so the connection drops.

My general design rule for RT sats is one of the longest useful antenna, and a minimum of 3 dishes. One dish is always a downlink toward KSC or whatever control station you are relying on. One dish is a *fixed* uplink toward either a remote exploration ship or to a remote local network. The 3rd dish is to active vessel, so whatever I'm flying always benefits from a connection from literally every satellite in the solar system within range. For most permanent networks, I'll usually have 5 dishes:

1) Downlink to Kerbin

2) Peer comm sat in same SOI

3) Other peer comm sat in same SOI

4) Ground base within SOI (Mun base, etc.)

5) Active vessel

2) and 3) are for redundancy purposes. More than once I went to replace/upgrade a sat and broke my network because I forgot to switch targets on another sat and had to rendezvous with it to regain control. I always have 4) because even with sufficient antenna range, I've had problems with networks bridging from omni to target in the past, so I only use omni for transit vessels and backup - and use a fixed connection for anything permanent. 5) is only useful for transit vessels and useless for maintaining the network itself.

What would be very useful and interesting is a 'lock on last active vessel' upgrade/option so that all non-focused sats connected to the active vessel (assuming they have active vessel selected and sufficient range - current behavior) and then maintained that connection when you switch to them. If you then switch to another vessel, they'd follow to that vessel. But it'd allow you to repair a mis-configured network by walking the graph up from KSC configuring each satellite as you go. It would still preserve the existing active vessel functionality, and it would be doing nothing magical since it requires already being able to create that connection - we're just having it hold the connection over vessel change.

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I would take a guess that your Mun Satellite has a dish pointed at the Active Vessel, and so when you control the Long Range Kerbin satellite, it points at your craft and has a connection. When you control the satellite around the Mun, that craft would require a dish to be pointed at your Long Range Kerbin satellite.

Make sure that both satellites have one dish pointing directly at each other.

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Experiencing a new problem, I'm running .25 and the newest release of RT. Craft has 100% electrical charge, crewed craft so the computer is under 'local control'. Everything seems to work just fine- it's just flooding my log and screen - annoying. DOes anyone know what could be causing this, this is a fresh install with vanilla, RT, DRE and the latest release of HGR.

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Experiencing a new problem, I'm running .25 and the newest release of RT. Craft has 100% electrical charge, crewed craft so the computer is under 'local control'. Everything seems to work just fine- it's just flooding my log and screen - annoying. DOes anyone know what could be causing this, this is a fresh install with vanilla, RT, DRE and the latest release of HGR.

Saw something similar to this a few days ago. Seems to happen if the "master" ModuleSPU is on a part that isn't the currently valid control source. Couple of questions:

  • Are both the Soyuz orbital and reentry modules command parts?
  • Do they both have ModuleSPU, either because HGR configures them that way or because you've added a config to add it?
  • What is the root part of the vessel?
  • Which module are the kerbals in?

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Like so many KSP players, I love the idea of this mod and am desperate to get my network up and running. However, I cannot for the life of me get the mod installed properly. I'm running KSP .25 on OSX. The mod is installed well enough so that I can see the parts in the VAB. But when the mod is installed, a crazy thing happens. All rockets revert to zero thrust at 3,000 meters. Seems crazy, I know. But as soon as I take the mod out, the problem goes away. I don't know enough about the game to understand why this is happening or how to fix it. Can anyone help me out?

thanks, Andrew (please PM with a solution, if you have one)

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I just like to say Im playing 0.90 beta with 0.25 RemoteTech-v1.5.1

I also started a new career game.

After 6-10 houres of playing 0.90 with remote tech, then im happy to say that so far I have had 0 problems in the start of a new game.

However I have only been in the kerbin system and only used features and antennas with a range that cover the kerbin system. So I do not know if the big dish are working but my guess will be YES.

I do not know if the remote programming feature work 100% since my sattelite had serious problems turning without RCS. And in the start of the game several features are turned off in KSP such as navigation nodes ect. So I did not yet use the remote software but fly manual.

Other than that, I run the game with 21 mods from 0.25 version of the game, and so far I have had 0 problems that I have notised and 0 crash though they are outdated.

( Only mod that have been updated to 0.90 that im using are modulemanagerto version 2.5.4 ).


Edited by Peder
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Like so many KSP players, I love the idea of this mod and am desperate to get my network up and running. However, I cannot for the life of me get the mod installed properly. I'm running KSP .25 on OSX. The mod is installed well enough so that I can see the parts in the VAB. But when the mod is installed, a crazy thing happens. All rockets revert to zero thrust at 3,000 meters. Seems crazy, I know. But as soon as I take the mod out, the problem goes away. I don't know enough about the game to understand why this is happening or how to fix it. Can anyone help me out?

thanks, Andrew (please PM with a solution, if you have one)

Are those unmanned rockets? Because 3km is the range of the build in antenna of probe cores if I remember correctly. So you might either have no external antenna with longer range installed and active the rocket, or if you use FAR and used anything but the DP-10 it might have been ripped of due to drag forces.

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I just like to say Im playing 0.90 beta with 0.25 RemoteTech-v1.5.1

I also started a new career game.

After 6-10 houres of playing 0.90 with remote tech, then im happy to say that so far I have had 0 problems in the start of a new game.

I also started a new career in 0.90. I have only flown one unmanned flight, controlled with a Stayputnik and connected via a DP-10. It seemed to work OK.

(Well, for various values of OK, but not related to RemoteTech - a big ship with no extra reaction wheels, and powered by a LV-T30 doesn't turn very well. But I was in control!)

I also rolled out the same ship with no antenna, and I got the expected "No Connection" and no control.

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You have to have an antenna that does not break under dynamic load. Meaning one of the dish antennas. The 3000 km limit is the antenna on the probe core. Also, you will probably want to launch a satellite network using a manned mission so that way you can maintain contact with your unmanned craft on the far side of Kerbin (away from mission control). Try the Reflectron KR-7, activate before launch and set Mission Control as the target.

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You have to have an antenna that does not break under dynamic load.

Also, the DP-10 is intended for this role, with a range that is sufficient to get out of the atmosphere.

Seconded on the need for a satellite network, ideally at synchronous orbit (2868.750 km, which you will end up memorizing too), using a DTS-M1 dish targeted at Kerbin to contact low-orbit ships. At synchronous orbit, the satellites will maintain stable, predictable positions with the same sats in view of KSC.

Oh, and I do prefer to enable the Root Range model (see "Alternative Rules" in the RemoteTech Players Guide) for a minimum of fussiness and a little more realism.

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Also, the DP-10 is intended for this role, with a range that is sufficient to get out of the atmosphere.

Seconded on the need for a satellite network, ideally at synchronous orbit (2868.750 km, which you will end up memorizing too), using a DTS-M1 dish targeted at Kerbin to contact low-orbit ships. At synchronous orbit, the satellites will maintain stable, predictable positions with the same sats in view of KSC.

Oh, and I do prefer to enable the Root Range model (see "Alternative Rules" in the RemoteTech Players Guide) for a minimum of fussiness and a little more realism.

You don't need to be keosynchronous. You just need to have complete coverage. For 3 satellites that means more than 600Km (I use usually 650-700km). Rule of thumb for 3 satellites: double the planet radious for the minimum heigh requiered. That allows for the complete coverage on every planet/moon. Also you dont need to have a perfect circular orbit. Not even the same orbit (i.e same apo/peri). Just similar and with the same exact period.

Edited by KaiserSoze
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