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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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Just got to playing around with this after loving the old versions. Think I'm missing something tho, how does this new iteration work with MechJeb? I've had a couple of unmanned ships with MechJeb boxes that I'm still able to control even with no connection? Iirc, the older versions blocked out MJ along with other controls.

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So just to clarify: if I have a sat at Duna and it points to Kerbin and one at Kerbin that points at Duna, then they will connect, correct?

Like MeCripp said, they will if you picked the right dishes. All dishes have a cone in degrees. For long-range dishes this is significantly smaller as they are intended to be used for long ranges (obviously). If you use them at significantly shorter ranges, targeting a planet or moon will not work then, as the radius of the signal at that range won't be wide enough. You'll essentially have a circle on the surface where you have reception, but not in orbit unless it happens to be passing thought that circle at that moment. So you'll have to do a little trigonometry to check if a certain dish will work for a certain planet at a certain distance.

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Could the joints be separate parts, connecting to an antenna and a base structure, so that existing antennae are not directly affected? Would be possible with your code to actually define the orientation of such joints instead of the antennae mounted on them?

I guess modeling a rotary joint is somewhat easier than a rotating antenna (and probably some parts in other mods, e.g. Infernal Robotics, are already good to use as joints).

I just finished learning how to model with solar panel sun tracking, I could easily make new versions of dishes that have tracking gimbles on them. If you would like me to try to build something shoot me a pm, this thread is hauling... and I am afraid I would miss the reply.

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So just to clarify: if I have a sat at Duna and it points to Kerbin and one at Kerbin that points at Duna, then they will connect, correct?

Duna is at least 5Gm away from Kerbin. Using a dish with a 0.04 degree cone, at 5Gm you target an circle with about 1745km radius. If you have eg. 2 (so 1 is always unblocked by Kerbin) kerbinstationary sats (2868,75km orbit, 3468,75km radius), you will still always have blackouts (with 3 sats also, the radii are just too different).

To guarantee connection (not taking Mun and Minmus eclipses into account) you need 2 sats (spaced out wide enough of course) on an orbit below 1145km for a link with 1 dish at Duna (which is pointed at Kerbin). Of course the 2 sats are not enough for com with Kerbin base by antenna, the 2 sat way only works as an extension of an existing Kerbin sat network, otherwise you would need at least 1 more.

If I were you, I would put 2 Sats in 776.57 Orbit (Period of 1:30:00, so exactly 1/4 of a Kerbin day) directly across each other.

This way you dont face the same problem for Eve (min distance 4250Mm, so radius of 1483km covered, thus sats should be in orbit of 883km or less).

If you dont have a sat network already, put another pair (can be antenna only) in the same positions just 90° different, to form a square.

Thus, all 4 only need the basic 2.5Mm antenna for a link to Kerbin base, all dishes can be used for long range com.

The square also provides antenna coverage for all of Kerbins surface except the far North and far South regions.

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Are you missing ModuleManager? Put the file included in the download package in your GameData folder (and, just to be safe, delete all but the oldest version, though MM was supposed to have fixed that bug long ago). The antennas won't have RemoteTech capabilities without it.

Short answer is "You need either a satellite net or a short-range dish antenna (DTS-M1 or KR-7) pointed at Kerbin to send science from the Mun." In the latter case, KSC also has to be on your side of the planet. :wink:

Long answer is that RemoteTech doesn't let you transmit reports while on EVA (it's already a feature request, but we won't be getting to it for a while), and if you don't have a connection you shouldn't be able to send science at all, instead of sending it but not getting any benefit. So it sounds like you have at least one bug, maybe two. Please post a thorough description of what you did (preferably including save files and the contents of KSP_Data/output_log.txt, see bug report guidelines) to GitHub and we'll take a look at it.

eventually i realized i hadn't installed the mod. i don't know what was disturbing my EVA reports either.

i am an kidiot :)

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Ah so. Is there any workaround for this?

I think some of the alternate "unofficial" models don't do this. -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case <- More than just this case in the comments.

You can add this to your probe core cfg's to get the functionality without the part, but I don't remember if they stay remote or local.

name = MechJebCore

Other than that you'll have to do more code diving than I care to do at the moment.

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I think some of the alternate "unofficial" models don't do this. -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case <- More than just this case in the comments.

You can add this to your probe core cfg's to get the functionality without the part, but I don't remember if they stay remote or local.

name = MechJebCore

Other than that you'll have to do more code diving than I care to do at the moment.

er, er, more specifically is there any way to disable vessel control, with MechJeb on board, if there's no signal? Takes most of the challenge away if those signal paths only serve to quell my OCD. For what it's worth, if be fine if even manned vessels were disabled without signal.

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While we're talking about MechJeb, is it needed for this mod? By 'needed', I mean in regards to geosynchronous orbit establishment. I'll set up an orbit but can never get it perfect. It'll always be like Apoapsis 2,869.19 km and periapsis of 2,868.28 km (numbers taken from a random satellite). It's pretty damn close but not close enough because the orbits eventually decay and the satellites become useless, ruining the whole network. I started off with 3 satellites in a triangle around Kerbin and now have about 9 and am deploying more because I can't get it absolutely perfect. Do y'all use MechJeb for this or is there a better way to do it? I'm using PreciseNode to get it as close as possible but still within a few in-game weeks/months the orbits are toast.

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While we're talking about MechJeb, is it needed for this mod? By 'needed', I mean in regards to geosynchronous orbit establishment. I'll set up an orbit but can never get it perfect. It'll always be like Apoapsis 2,869.19 km and periapsis of 2,868.28 km (numbers taken from a random satellite). It's pretty damn close but not close enough because the orbits eventually decay and the satellites become useless, ruining the whole network. I started off with 3 satellites in a triangle around Kerbin and now have about 9 and am deploying more because I can't get it absolutely perfect. Do y'all use MechJeb for this or is there a better way to do it? I'm using PreciseNode to get it as close as possible but still within a few in-game weeks/months the orbits are toast.

You don't need it you can use void or Engineer and your Apoapsis and periapsis don't matter much you need to watch the orbit time and for what your showing your looking for a 6 hr time.

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A precise orbit is not relevant, a precise period is...

And using RCS adjustments and engineer redux, you can get relatively close (eg 1/10second for 1:30:00 period, 776.57 orbit).

Not sure how precise the period is displayed for larger orbits, as I dont use them for such exact constellations.

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You don't need it you can use void or Engineer and your Apoapsis and periapsis don't matter much you need to watch the orbit time and for what your showing your looking for a 6 hr time.

Well, that's simpler. Let me ask another question then: how do y'all compensate for the ejection forces of decoupler nodes? I just launched a new satellite about 20 seconds ago and even the weakest decoupler (ejection force of 10 or so) changed the periapsis by 4 km. The orbital time is 19 seconds short of 6 hours now (instead of pretty much dead on like it was).

Edited by Shiv
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Well, that's simpler. Let me ask another question then: how do y'all compensate for the ejection forces of decoupler nodes? I just launched a new satellite about 20 seconds ago and even the weakest decoupler (ejection force of 10 or so) changed the periapsis by 4 km. The orbital time is 19 seconds short of 6 hours.

All staging is done well before making precise orbit for me. But in case, turn your vessel normal/antinormal before staging: you'll have a very small change in inclination, but with no prograde/retrograde component in Delta-V you will not change periapsis/apoapsis.

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Hey, I'm having some trouble and wasn't sure if it was appropriate for a bug report so I thought I'd make a post to see if anyone else has had a similar issue as I have searched all through this thread/ bug reports for it with no success. My reflectron LL-5 has totally disappeared from the VAB, I saved a satellite with it attached last night and when I reloaded it had been replaced with the reflectron KR-7, which has a much shorter range. I'm 99% sure that I put the LL-5 on but am now starting to doubt my own sanity... :confused: Anyway I tried reinstalling RemoteTech and it's still missing, I can see it in the research centre but it's not in the VAB in either career or sandbox. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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Hey, I'm having some trouble and wasn't sure if it was appropriate for a bug report so I thought I'd make a post to see if anyone else has had a similar issue as I have searched all through this thread/ bug reports for it with no success. My reflectron LL-5 has totally disappeared from the VAB, I saved a satellite with it attached last night and when I reloaded it had been replaced with the reflectron KR-7, which has a much shorter range. I'm 99% sure that I put the LL-5 on but am now starting to doubt my own sanity... :confused: Anyway I tried reinstalling RemoteTech and it's still missing, I can see it in the research centre but it's not in the VAB in either career or sandbox. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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It is done on purpose by RemoteTech 2, to substitute the LL-5 with the KR-14 (not the KR-7, mind you!). LL-5 and KR-14 have the same specifics (apart the cost). Neat trick with the category of the part.

So, unless you keep thinking at a KR-7 instead of a KR-14, you should not worry too much about your sanity :).

Ok that's good news then :rolleyes:.. I just have a quick question about what dishes can communicate with each other, is it possible for all the reflectrons to relay through each other until the lowest range limit is met? eg a KR-7 relaying through a KR-14 until the KR-7 is out of range, or is it possible to still transmit through the flight computer if the KR-14 is in obit around Kerbin and the KR-7 or a DTS-M1 is on a ship out of Kerbins SOI? Sorry if this has been covered but I couldn't find the info I was looking for.

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Ok that's good news then :rolleyes:.. I just have a quick question about what dishes can communicate with each other, is it possible for all the reflectrons to relay through each other until the lowest range limit is met? eg a KR-7 relaying through a KR-14 until the KR-7 is out of range, or is it possible to still transmit through the flight computer if the KR-14 is in obit around Kerbin and the KR-7 or a DTS-M1 is on a ship out of Kerbins SOI? Sorry if this has been covered but I couldn't find the info I was looking for.

Hope my knowledge on this is still current...

The settings for RemoteTech (held in /GameData/RemoteTech2/RemoteTech_settings.cfg) include a line "RangeModelType = ", by default it is set to "Standard" and means the antenna with the lowest range dictates the range of the connection. So, with a KR-7 and a KR-14, the range is dictated by the KR-7 (90 Mm). However, RemoteTech also allows to use the "Additive" model (just change that line to "Additive" where "Standard" was), then the range of connection is given by SQRT(RANT1*RANT2)+MIN(RANT1|RANT2) (where RANT1 and RANT2 are the ranges of the two antennae, MIN is the minimum of the two), or in this case (KR-7 and KR-14) = 2,414 Gm.

I consider the Additive model much more realistic (as the range is a function of the gains of both receiving and transmitting antennae), though being much simpler that the true to life equation.

Also, at the time the Additive model was introduced (RT2 v. 1.3.3), there was also something about a change in the settings line "RangeMultiplier = " to read "= 10" instead of "= 1". I can't remember what that change was about, but it has the effect of multiplying all ranges of all antennae (something I don't need, so I keep that to 1).

You don't have to worry about different SoI unless an antenna is pointed at a body instead of the other antenna (or you use the Active Vessel feature).

Edited by diomedea
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Well, that's simpler. Let me ask another question then: how do y'all compensate for the ejection forces of decoupler nodes? I just launched a new satellite about 20 seconds ago and even the weakest decoupler (ejection force of 10 or so) changed the periapsis by 4 km. The orbital time is 19 seconds short of 6 hours now (instead of pretty much dead on like it was).

Simple, if you're worried about decoupler force, either grab tweakables and set that decoupler to 0, or use a docking port instead as the decoupler device. I'd recommend the tweakables myself, having a decoupler that serves as a 'holster' for items is useful, rather than explosive jettison.

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Well, that's simpler. Let me ask another question then: how do y'all compensate for the ejection forces of decoupler nodes? I just launched a new satellite about 20 seconds ago and even the weakest decoupler (ejection force of 10 or so) changed the periapsis by 4 km. The orbital time is 19 seconds short of 6 hours now (instead of pretty much dead on like it was).

Easy peasy.

Possible solution 1: Orient your bird normal (+ or -) to your orbit (rather than prograde or retrograde), then fire the decoupler. You'll get a slight change to inclination, but virtually no change to period.

Possible solution 2: Or design your bird such that it retains the stage/systems that were used to perfect the orbit and don't decouple at all.

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So I made a little antenna... I still need to build an articulating arm but I will get to that later. Possibly tomorrow.



Let me know what you think... Skinning is not exactly my forte so. I have set the angle to 15° which is it's stats in the real world for that antennae that size. The range and power consumption are in need of tuning. I have another one that I can post when I wake up that's a smaller version with three turns coil that should have a 45° angle. The plan is to build mounting arms for them, this will give them optional ability to track as well if the code gets implemented.

Also it's worth mentioning that I also modeled a mount that would be seen on a large dish or telescope, its setup to track as well. It's ment for ground stations and possibly large futuristic/sci-fi style vessels if your interested let me know and I will pack and post it. If I can make it work so you can put any dish I will otherwise I will put a dish on it for now as a placeholder, maybe with a slow spin on its horizontal axis for fun... I will post developments as I have them. Thanks again!

Edited by MrWizerd
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