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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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I do not use KOS. I use MJ. I would also like to turn Off signal delay.

Your in luck you can just edit you RT setting cfg

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1.0

RangeMultiplier = 1

ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2

SpeedOfLight = 3E+08

MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path

EnableSignalDelay = False <---------- Here

RangeModelType = Additive

MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 1

ThrottleTimeWarp = True

DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1

OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1

ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1


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I could use some advice please.

I have a new Scansat probe which is replacing my first one - It's doing the exact same job, just got the second-tier Scansat gear on it. I got the first one launched into polar orbit over Kerbin without too much trouble. This one's different..

Launch goes fine, and upon reaching altitude, I jettison the fairings. Action group "2" should extend the omni aerial and solar panels, but it just queues in the flight computer - and any further inputs also queue. I do have a connection to KSC at this point. If I jettison the fairings then manually activate the aerial and solar panels by right-clicking, they activate just fine, so I think it's something to do with action groups.

I've retried this launch about ten times, and can't see what I'm doing wrong. The nearest I got to success: I launched, jettisoned fairings, activated the aerial and solar panels, set up a node to circularise, and plugged the node into the flight computer to do - then I tried to activate the scansat modules. They just queued (in front of the node execute, but they never activated). I waited for the maneuver node, and that didn't execute either.

Is it me?? Why would actions queue in the flight computer when you have a connection to KSC?

I have about 12 mods according to AVC.

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I have a space station, with 6 kerbals on it and the large remote core unit.

Is the same station i have in orbit of kerbin, but this one start on kerbin, and now is on mun. Sinse it's creation, the SSL Mun is not turning into a command center like the SSL Kerbin did.

The conditions are the same.

What is going on, is there any thing i can do to enable it as command center on this station like the other did?

15566062029_eab78faacd_o.pngcommand center problem by Climberfx, on Flickr

15751933755_f9d318bd06_o.pngcommand center problem by Climberfx, on Flickr

Edited by Climberfx
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If you look at the RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg you will see

%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {
%IsRTCommandStation = true
[COLOR="#FF0000"]%RTCommandMinCrew = 6[/COLOR] <-------------- Here you can change how many kerbals need for command station

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
%TechRequired = unmannedTech
%OmniRange = 3000

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

And think there was something funny as it didn't count kerbals in lab, I think.

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Not counting any in lab ?

EDIT- To be clear there 6 not counting the ones in the lab ? As, I don't think any in the lab count.

EDIT- So if you only had 6 and 2 where in the lab you are 2 kerbals short.

EDIT- Sounds like it.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Yep, there are two in the lab, but i already think on this and try moving all to the habitats before.

Still did not work.

And just for the record, the other station have the same 6, two each habitat and 2 in the lab and it worked there.

Like i said, same station config, same people config, but one work and other not.

I even try to change to 4 in the cfg like you told me above, just to be sure, even then no work.

I really really think that is a bug.

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Well, .25 has the ability to transfer crew. Just click in the mach, choose transfer then click the other module.

I use CLS (connection Living Spaces), so to this be possible the habitats must be connected, but this is not necessary on stock.

Or you always can do by EVA then and use the jet pack or ladders to go to other module.

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I don't know if this has been requested before, but it would be super-cool if you could upload commands that would persist even after returning to the space center. If there's already a solution to this, it'd be great to hear.

Something like that came up sometime ago and if you used the fightcomputer if you leave the window open and go somewhere it will still run the command but that was so time ago.

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could you please elaborate

Currently, RemoteTech can't distinguish between MechJeb-supplied and user input. So if, for example, you want to use the landing autopilot with RemoteTech, it will only control the craft while you're in contact, and it will do so with a signal delay if you have that enabled.

Simplest workaround is to delete the MechJeb config file from the RemoteTech folder. This will make MechJeb ignore RemoteTech rules.

I think I'll suggest that the file be removed from the next release, since this causes so many problems. :/

Launch goes fine, and upon reaching altitude, I jettison the fairings. Action group "2" should extend the omni aerial and solar panels, but it just queues in the flight computer - and any further inputs also queue. I do have a connection to KSC at this point. If I jettison the fairings then manually activate the aerial and solar panels by right-clicking, they activate just fine, so I think it's something to do with action groups.

I've retried this launch about ten times, and can't see what I'm doing wrong. The nearest I got to success: I launched, jettisoned fairings, activated the aerial and solar panels, set up a node to circularise, and plugged the node into the flight computer to do - then I tried to activate the scansat modules. They just queued (in front of the node execute, but they never activated). I waited for the maneuver node, and that didn't execute either.

That sounds weird. Can you post a screenshot of the bad queue so I can see exactly what you mean?

why is my uav getting no signal? i have a working coms array its not connecting at all


Do you have any antennas other than the Reflectron DP-10? That one only has a 500 km range, so it can't reach your satellites. And I'm guessing you can't connect directly to KSC because you're over the horizon.

All the atmosphere-unsafe antennas should work at 38 km; you can find the exact tolerances in the manual.

I have a space station, with 6 kerbals on it and the large remote core unit.

Is the same station i have in orbit of kerbin, but this one start on kerbin, and now is on mun. Sinse it's creation, the SSL Mun is not turning into a command center like the SSL Kerbin did.

The conditions are the same.

What is going on, is there any thing i can do to enable it as command center on this station like the other did?

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7566/15566062029_eab78faacd_o.pngcommand center problem by Climberfx, on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3949/15751933755_f9d318bd06_o.pngcommand center problem by Climberfx, on Flickr

There seems to be a bug with how command center requirements are evaluated when the vessel is not in focus. Can you check that the command center does work (i.e., red dot appears on the map view) when you have the station loaded?

I don't know if this has been requested before, but it would be super-cool if you could upload commands that would persist even after returning to the space center. If there's already a solution to this, it'd be great to hear.

Requested before, and it's a priority, but I won't be able to do any coding for the next week at least, and I have no idea where the other devs went. :(

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[Regarding persistent flight computer]

Requested before, and it's a priority, but I won't be able to do any coding for the next week at least, and I have no idea where the other devs went. :(

I did a bit of experimentation a while ago using the stock ConfigNode system and got some promising preliminary results. Being just an experiment to keep myself entertained on a blissfull day off it was never completed, and thus never made it to a Pull Request. Most command types are implemented though, so feel free to grab any inspiration you wish from my fork (i'll make sure to comment the commit a bit to make it more clear what I did).

In my small experiment, I simply hooked into the stock persistence handling, but it might be prudent to have a custom persistence system in place, so that the data can be saved on a per-vessel level and not per part. It will also cordon off a lot of clutter in the stock persistence file. Especially if you want to make DelayedFlightCtrlStates persistent.

Regarding the other devs. As with any hobby, activity levels tend to ebb and flow (case in point; the commit above, coded in july, and left hanging until this brief spur of forum activity by yours truly). I'm sure at least some of them will be back in time. And if not, then the beauty of the mod no longer being dependent on a closed group is that new devs are free to join.

Edited by JDP
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Aside from using surface retrograde facing, I don't have any suggestions for how to land on thrust. Theoretically you could try to do it by manually programming a suicide burn, but I'd hope your probe is very sturdy. (If you have an airbag mod, though, it might be doable).

With RemoteTech, Moho is very hard to even get an orbit around because you need to shed a lot of excess speed very quickly, and because slight errors in the burn execution will lead to huge errors in the trajectory. If you need to make a long orbit insertion burn (say, 10 minutes or more), I'd suggest you pick a high periapsis (say, 100-200 km) for your insertion burn, then adjust the orbit later. That will give you much more margin for error at the cost of only a little more fuel.

Well, I abandoned the landing idea, and just sent an orbit only probe. Basically, rather than 7 minutes of terror, it would have been 7 minutes of guesswork. JPL would not have got so many plaudits had they used that description for Curiosity!

But I'm not completely giving up. I have some testing planned - maybe start easy with Minmus then try on the Mun. Airbags of some nature seem to be required - skycranes are a definite no!

As for my Moho capture, I should have about 3m/s acceleration by the time I get there, so I should be good, with as you suggest a fairly conservative periapsis.

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Could someone please tell me what the four interface buttons actually do? I don't get any tooltips either in tracking station or when controlling a vessel....

And how is this not in any tutorial? I have been searching for ages...

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do you need two way range for links to work? like can a 500 link to a 2k antenna

MeCripp is right, and there's also an alternate "root range model" that, if it's enabled, allows stronger antennas to "compensate for" weaker antennas and communicate with them over slightly longer range (much like in real life -- the link-budget equation includes the gains of the receiver and the transmitter). In your case, they could communicate over a range of 750 km.

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MeCripp is right, and there's also an alternate "root range model" that, if it's enabled, allows stronger antennas to "compensate for" weaker antennas and communicate with them over slightly longer range (much like in real life -- the link-budget equation includes the gains of the receiver and the transmitter). In your case, they could communicate over a range of 750 km.

That if the antenna are on the same part isn't it ?

EDIT- Or, I'm think of something different.

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thanks this explains why my signal is dropping out i assumed that the link range was only based on the range of the strongest antenna between two sources. guess i need a low orbit comms array for drone flights

edit: this actually explains why not all my sats are linked, i think the com 32's need a range increase to 6mil as they are the highest orbiting omni antenna.

my reasoning for this is because if you plan on going with a 2 axis array at geo kerbin and you will have one axis above the geo kerbin orbit the distance between your sat at 90 degree intervals can go above the 5mm limit. there should be a bit more wiggle room for this type of set up other wise you have to up the number of sats on that orbit which isnt ideal since you already have 4 and increasing launches is kind of a nuisance given those variables i think its reasonable to request a range buff to 6mm for com 32 to give more flexibility for gko arrays

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