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Utter Noob

Dwen Dooley

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Just starting off! Been futzing around with the demo a bit. I'm utter crud at building, so far, but found a working mun lander vehicle and brought jebediah there and back again a few times. Been laughing over some great videos on youtube.. Manley, and others.

Off to give the paid version a spin, Is there a body count somewhere? haha


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Welcome to the forums! :) If you need help refining your construction technique, you may want to take a look at some of the tutorials in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature. You might also find some inspiration from the things other users are sharing in the Spacecraft Exchange.

There's no body count yet :P There is an upcoming update that allows you to track your space program's reputation in Career Mode, though, and I'm sure that keeping your kerbonauts alive will help keep that positive.

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Welcome Dwen! I think I played the demo for a couple hours before I bought the game and haven't looked back. If you've been to the Mun several times, you're going to love all the other planets, moons, and asteroids. Each with their own unique ways to fail. :D

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Thanks for the welcomes. I spent a huge amount of time with it yesterday. arghh... time killer! ha.

So anyway.. decided to go out to visit Duna. With time accel, should be a piece of cake. No? No. I enabled the unlimited fuel cheats, put together a tiny nimble craft, and off I went to demonstrate my complete lack of orbital mechanics 'feel for it'. Chased that red sucker around it's orbit for a while, got it together, and popped in for just a flyby. Decided that a landing was just not in the cards because of time.Then spent some time chasing Kerbin around, and managed to bring the boys home ok. Success! Of course the kerbins were gone so long their skeletons probably disintegrated when the chute opened, but ok. :-)

So then I tried out a stock spaceplane. Accidentally went EVA and found flying around EVA to be somewhat glitchy. Was unable to match trajectory with my plane and had I not quit would have eventually burned up a kerbin on re-entry. whoops. How about mag shoes or a tether? :-)

So that's my report for the moment. Interested to see where I go from here. Obviously I'll probably start a real campaign mode game and try to get things done. For Science. :-)


I learned a vital lesson about delta vee on a mun landing. Sure, this engine can utterly defy this mun's gravity. That does not mean it can deaccelerate on a dime and will save Jebediah's ass from his existing delta vee. Whooops.

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