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SpaceX OG2 mission challenge.

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The challenge: build a falcon 9 1.1 from what ever parts you want, build sattelites out of whatever parts you wish (design them to look like the Og2 sats). Launch the mission, land the first stwbtake pics (details below), post them. Profit.

Rules: use what ever parts pack you wish for the satellites or rocket. Part clipping is allowed.

Submission: pics; in the VAB, showing payload, launch,staging, first stage landing, payload separation.


+1.2 succesful launch.

+20 first stage landing

+3 9individual engines, action grouped for 5,3 and center engine groups. Arranged in a circle, 8 on the outside, 1 on the inside.

+5 accurate satellites.

+2 second stage with only one engine.

+7 succesful spacecraft sep.

- 15 failure to put the sats in a 200 km orbit.

-10 any deviation from the engine specs (not properly action grouped, more or less than 9 engines in the wrong shape, etc)

-50 LV explosion in Atmo.

My Attempt:


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post your attempts!

Edited by DarthVader
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What are we trying to do?

You can tell a poorly thought out challenge from a mile away, if the first few posts are asking for details, you have done something wrong.

Make sure you explain your challenge properly so players know what they are supposed to be doing.

How do we win this anyway?

Every challenge needs a way to win it or to judge if someone is the best, usually this is the shortest time to complete the challenge or the least components used, or even the lowest mass or least fuel consumed.

So make sure you decide in advance how players of your challenge will be scored, it saves confusion later on.

How do we win? Why is this any different from just building a F9 and launching any old sattelite on it? Is it a challenge, or just a place for people to put their SpaceX replicas?

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so highest score anyone can get is 38.5, lowest is -75...

Sorry, I agree with TechnicalK3rbal, not a very well-thought-out challenge, and very restrictive on the specifications... so you will get lots and lots of people being first, and lots of others being last... until they work out where they went wrong, re-submit then everyone gets into first place...

Nice idea, but think it reads more like a 'Show off your Falcon 9 1.1 replicas here' thread, as even with modded parts they will all be very very similar :/

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