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[v0.90/v.25]Transparent Pods v1.2.2 for KSP v0.90


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i found out why the craft aren't working, their wings need you to have pWings intstalled as they rely on that plugin. nli2work i think you should add pWings to list of required mods.

True. I had a note few version back specifying the example craft files required pWing pluging, but thats been buried. Only the 4 pWing parts require pWing plugin. You'll still have most of the other parts if you prefer standard wing boards from b9 or SPP. so strictly speaking pWing is optional. unlike FS which drives the fuel tank switching and about 75% of the engine parts.

@SmiteZero, I think FAR and DYJ will have to work together for something like that to really happen. All I can do is make things that _look_ like a split flap, it'd still just work as an airbrake.

I'm transitioning toward some more space faring oriented parts, plane stuff will probably take a little back seat for a while.

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Wait, what?

FAR has flaps/spoilers on pControl surfaces?


So I just settled an internal debate and installed FAR. I assume that's where the changes come from...

Perhaps this just requires a few models? ;)

Can't wait to see your new parts, regardless.

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That's Okay, I decided I don't like FAR overall and removed it again. D: The flaps do indeed deploy in stages, though.

Aside, I personally really appreciate mesh switches, resource swapping and texture changing through the tweakable system as you mentioned. Less parts in the parts list is a GoodThing. :)

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FAR Control Surfaces have flap settings, but nothing to drive an animation that I can tell. airbrake function is part of FS. I could try to tie something up with Kinetech, but again it'd just be cosmetic.

You can have a control surface that splits in two to work as an airbrake. It won't operate the brake as a rudder, but will be able use it to slow down. Both CSS and BobCat's Buran use this method for operating their split tailfin.

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You can have a control surface that splits in two to work as an airbrake. It won't operate the brake as a rudder, but will be able use it to slow down. Both CSS and BobCat's Buran use this method for operating their split tailfin.

Again, perhaps we should be pestering DYJ to add an airbrake-as-rudder feature to pWing? :)

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Hey, firstly, I love the mod but I'm having an issue with loading the pre-made ships. I get the message " the following parts are missing: rFp Wing 1 rFpCtrlsrf rFpSurface" can anybody help? Thanks.

Same here. Stock Retro ships don't load, missing the same three parts.

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Awesome update! :D Love the brake/control surface.

Thanks! make sure you have 1.7.1c. Had a couple stupid mistakes I had to fix in quick succession :)

make that 1.7.1d... yet anotehr dumb mistake.

Edited by nli2work
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Thanks! make sure you have 1.7.1c. Had a couple stupid mistakes I had to fix in quick succession :)

Yeah -- I just re-grabbed the mod. I jumped blindly into the new stock drone craft --I didn't even notice the new engines! wow. One weird thing though: When I crashed it, it told me I killed a Kerbal. There shouldn't be a crew loading on it, right? It's assigning one when I loaded straight to the runway.

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The probe has same IVA as mkX31. a remote cockpit as it were. unfortunately the way KSP treats it, it's not really remote. The Probe Control Room mod would be useful here. I should look into it.

remove this part from RF_RPMPatch.cfg if you just want a simple probe core.

CrewCapacity = 1

name = UnIVA
name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

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I think the thrust vectors are supposed to be horizontal relative to the middle of the part, not the edge...

Oh, and if I put the new little UAV pod down in the VAB (Just release it from the mouse), I can't pick it up again. Weird that.

Edited by Mekan1k
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1st of all,i must say this mod is getting better with every release.But i have suggestion(request) for VTOL rotation.

Instead of using IR patch to fine rotate engines,you could use:

name = FSVTOLrotator
deployedAngle =
maxDownAngle =
stepAngle =
targetPartObject =
availableAngles1 = 90, 180, 45
availableAngles2 = 0, 0, 0
startInverted =
steerDirection =

because FS Plugin is already mandatory.

There are many benefits to use FSVTOLrotator over IR,like individual engine setting,pairing engines (front-back),engines rotate instead of gimbal(if set so)...and we don't need to use other plugins.

I was trying to do this myself,but i don't know the right name for engine rotation.In IR.cfg i found "engineMount" but this rotates engine mount not the engine(mount rotates,engine stays still).

Also you can add:

name = FScopterThrottle

to fine tune hover height.

Another small one,since the part count is rising,an ATM.cfg would be handy.

Regards and thank you.

Edited by sebi.zzr
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@ Mekan1k - I think that's a display thing with RCSBuild Aid. stock thrust indicator updates correctly in Editor; and flight behaviour indicates the thrust points move properly when the engine rotates. RE: small Probe Core, Will fix, somehow colliders got lost in the prefab.

@ sebi.zzr - All true. I don't know how long it'll take for FSVTOLrotator configs though, its not documented. Only references I have are the B9 parts, and their config isn't commented either. I got nothing to go on to set up FSVTOLrotator. All I get is a ton of NullRefs. I can't even look at the FS module in MonoDevelop. personally I just use the stock animategeneric setup. ATM is processing all the textures from what I can tell in the logs, I'll create a config for ATM just in case.

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