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ships Loading distances

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Hi all, Sorry to post here but I have look all the place and cant find the answer.

So I have a big enterprise going on minmus using the MKS and I need to knoo how to change (manually if needed) the loading distances of objects in the game.

I have see that, the game will load stuff at 11.0 to 10.0 meter but some parts load at 3.0M to 2.5M.

So is there a way to restrict the loading distances in the area of 3.0 Meters to save CPU process time to keep the game at normal speeds, like change all the parts to load at 3K or 4k, that way I can have all the stuff I have in Minmus and have some decent Fps to play.

Right now I have 5 main parts on Minmus but only the Rigg will use most of the Fps ( it have 89 Tons and more that 300-400 parts) I use it to mine Kethane, them Base core, PDU, Constru, Bio, Kerbit, etc etc, and im dropping to 20 to 26 Fps and I need to send the rest of the Mods to build the base but by the looks of it in the end I will have like 10Fps or less so I need a way to slow down the lag and the only way to do that is to have the parts loading distance change.

I have change the config file to have the lest lag possible but it still slowdown some times, like launching a 1500 parts ship will drop to 10 to 15 Fps, so this or any other idea will be nice (thz).

Best regards to all.

Specs :

Intel i5-760 Quad core

Intel Extreme DP55KG

Kingstone 10Gb DDR3

2X ATI R7 260 OC / CrossFire



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I know this isn't really answering your question, but KSP is badly optimised, meaning that it lags hugely for seemingly no reason.

Due to the fact that the lag you seem to be having is the result of a very large vessel, this may work.

As for the loading distance of ships, there is no way to change it from altering configs; to my knowledge, the only way to adjust it is by changing the game's code, so I'd say your best bet for this is too request a loading distance adjuster, as I've seen mods adjust it before.

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Hi again,

THz for the answers,

looks like I have no way of getting the game faster on huge ships but its ok, all the tweaks I made to the game now looks ok i got 32Fps (+ or - ) and that's not bad for the massive number of parts also im getting some decent Fps from the big big ships (like 1500 or more).

Sergeant, thz for the idea but my problem is not pphysics, I don't fear the kraken my problem is speed (lag), there was a mod that solves my problem but is not ready for version 23.5, is the joining mod (or something like that) that weld parts together that way the part count stay low, I have to wait for it .

Regards to all

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Sergeant, thz for the idea but my problem is not pphysics, I don't fear the kraken my problem is speed (lag), there was a mod that solves my problem but is not ready for version 23.5, is the joining mod (or something like that) that weld parts together that way the part count stay low, I have to wait for it .

Regards to all

I think you will find that KJR will help, as it strengthens connections between parts, meaning that it will help in the same way part weld does.

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It is very unlikely to help in the same way that "welding" does as welding actually turns multiple parts into one part for the physics simulation leading to a large reduction in part count. Making stronger joints between parts just means that your ship will flex and wobble (and fall apart) less, all the same physics calculations would still be done...

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Lag when high part count ships are visible is due to the physics calculations being single-threaded. There's no config change, mod, setting or even a hack that will change that. Not even the 64bit version. Physics are still being calculated in a single thread.

Edit: although the part welding mod would help as it makes multiple parts into 1, its no use to stuff in flight. Unless you can parse craft files and are comfortable with savefile editing, there's no way to change a ship in flight. You could make a replica in the VAB, make that one part, then copy the craft contents to replace the active one though.

And also, please could you wrap your settings config in CODE tags or upload it elsewhere. Makes for easier forum reading, especially on mobile.

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Hi again to all,

So side the part welding mod there is no way to change or relieve some lag from part count, I use that mod in the old version (22 or 23 I think) and if I only weld some parts (like structural connections and/or all the stuff that do not need to move and that reduce a lot of lag.

What im saying (asking) is a way (or by hand, mod or by the developers ) to set the loading distances of objects to 3 or 4 Kilometers and not 10, or a option to define that.

I know for a physics point of view is nice to load at 10K but what I will do at 10K, I don't even see the dam ship only at 4 to 3 K I start to see the ship(a small thing in space) so there´s no point (from a user point of view) to load the ship that far away.

I have never read the saves looking for that and yes I have edited some files/configs and created some to help me on the game (like a trash burner for the TAC Life support to burn excess trash) but I did not see (or try to see) that part in the save file or needed, I do not need to change the ship in fight so there is no need to read the save file but is a great idea.

I will upload the config file to my server and add a link and not the hole text.

Best regards to all and thank you all for the answers


to really, really relieve the lag is to add to the game a similar option that weld parts, I will try to explain but English is not my 1º language.

For example "almost all structural parts have to be 1 single part for the physic's process" like if you add 2 steel beans or more they became 1 part, or all the struts and segments the same (if they are together they have to be 1 part) from the physics point of view it makes sense if they are together them they have to turn, twist or roll in the same direction so they are (+ or -) a single part.

Im not saying to do that to all the parts (not even half) but all the parts that will (if together) work on the basics of a single part, that way the process power needed is not so great, from the point of view of the code is not that big deal to change that but the problem will be how some parts react to that config, well to process something in terms of speed, direction and so on that can get messy but I think is the only way to get this game fast to run on (normal machines).

The other thing that will help is to add the multicore function, that way the game will use all the available cores to process the physics, my machine is not bad ( it have almost 4 years) but is still very strong but a (normal machine) will be slower that mine so any thing to help speed up the game is excellent, I know there is the 64 version but is not working so good.

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Ksp loads things by default at 2.5k

You can change this with various mods, one I know of is "Lazor Systems" which has an option to increase draw distance in its menu.

hmm that looks nice.

Are you sure about the 2.5K or that is the textures ??

For me the textures is not the problem, my GPU´s hardly work and the lag starts at 10K so or is a mod doing the lag or the physic's load at 10K and that is my problem, I need to have a lot of parts (base at minmus) and they can be far ( like 5K or 6k) but I don't need for the game to load that (is to far to even see).

Going to check that mod out maybe will help, thz

Regards to all


Hmm looks good, later on I will try it but looks great, the game start (according to the mod) at 22.000 K loading distance, I have change it to default (2.5) and later I will try if the lag is gone.

The problem will still be there but if it works I can manage the process load on the cpu using the mod

THz for the help Tortoise

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hmm that looks nice.

Are you sure about the 2.5K or that is the textures ??

For me the textures is not the problem, my GPU´s hardly work and the lag starts at 10K so or is a mod doing the lag or the physic's load at 10K and that is my problem, I need to have a lot of parts (base at minmus) and they can be far ( like 5K or 6k) but I don't need for the game to load that (is to far to even see).

Going to check that mod out maybe will help, thz

Regards to all


Hmm looks good, later on I will try it but looks great, the game start (according to the mod) at 22.000 K loading distance, I have change it to default (2.5) and later I will try if the lag is gone.

The problem will still be there but if it works I can manage the process load on the cpu using the mod

THz for the help Tortoise

No problem, and yea by default it's 2.5km

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Ksp loads things by default at 2.5k

You can change this with various mods, one I know of is "Lazor Systems" which has an option to increase draw distance in its menu.

Aah it was Lazor all along!

Now set to 1km. Thanks for the diagnosis.

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looks nice but I had some mix results, I had to change the distance to 1k for the ships to load at 2.5 and I got more lag after using this mod.

But I try to use the x64 version and now its great, is faster, using all cores and works better on ati cards, had some problems on the crossfire (some artifacts on the scenery) but now looks better, using the mod to keep distances to a minimal and its working good.

See test (using Dx9) 1500 parts (+ or -) 20 to 28 Fps


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