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[1.5.x]Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.4.3 (20.10.2018)

Dr. Jet

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  • New part: SSP-3
  • Fixed Ven's Revamp MM compatibility patch to work with new MM syntax


  • Новая запчасть - УСП-3
  • Исправление ММ-патча совместимости с Ven's Revamp, чтобы работал с новым синтаксисом ММ
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  • 2 weeks later...

something strange...  I just recently started a new KSP Career, clean install and then loaded all the mods again from scratch.  Now I have a problem finding a part.  I can find the SSP-3 in my parts list but the SSP-2 is missing.  I assume the 3 come in the same or later tech tree node, and thus it is not just a research problem.

Any ideas on how to track down the missing part?  what is the log file I can look in to see if MM reports an error in the part's .cfg file?



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If you are speaking about TechTree in stock Career - both should be in advElectrics node. If they are not - search ksp.log for ChopShop_SSP2 to find possible errors.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dr. Jet, 

Great mod, always install it. I did come across a few errors and didn't know where to report them or confirm they are errors.



Error: PartLoader Warning: Variable skinTemp not found in Part


Did some searching, think it is suppose to be, skinMaxTemp = 2000


The "size = 1" above rescaleFactor = 1 , is it supposed to be "scale = 1" ? The log doesn't complain about the ones inside the NODE so not sure. This two parts below are affected.




For this part, I could not find impactTolerance, I could find crashTolerance though, so this may be an error.

impactTolerance = 8 

Thanks for the new solar panel, it did conflict with my made up SSP-3, but I tossed that for yours. I did make a 10M scale one with a simple rescale and appropriate stat changes, just to reduce me from having way to many solar panels since I do not use tweakscale. These inline solar panels are my favorite, also the MK2 Parts, the side blisters, opening heatsheilds, and the hubs.

If you are open to suggestions, it would be nice to have a 5M, 7.5M, 10M inline parachutes with the rated capacity on the sides. I am horrible with calculating how many parachutes I need on a 100+ ton ship and most forum advice seems to be more is better.

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  On 3/10/2018 at 10:36 AM, Barar said:

Hi Dr. Jet, 

Great mod, always install it. I did come across a few errors and didn't know where to report them or confirm they are errors.



Error: PartLoader Warning: Variable skinTemp not found in Part


Did some searching, think it is suppose to be, skinMaxTemp = 2000



skinTemp = 1800 // Complex electronics don't feel very well near the engines, so it's lower then stock 2000.

Parameter is in place. Can't see how you didn't find it.

  1 hour ago, Barar said:

The "size = 1" above rescaleFactor = 1 , is it supposed to be "scale = 1" ? The log doesn't complain about the ones inside the NODE so not sure. This two parts below are affected.


It is "scale" there. Can't remember if it ever was "size".

BTW, what versions of KSP and ChopShop do you use, seeing such weirdness? 

I personally recommend KSP 1.3.1 and ChopShop 0.11.1 for maximum compatibility. There are not many mods available for KSP 1.4 yet.

  1 hour ago, Barar said:



For this part, I could not find impactTolerance, I could find crashTolerance though, so this may be an error.


"impactTolerance" is a parameter for landing legs and landing gear. It definitely should not be in antenna config. Will remove, thank you.

  1 hour ago, Barar said:

If you are open to suggestions, it would be nice to have a 5M, 7.5M, 10M inline parachutes with the rated capacity on the sides. I am horrible with calculating how many parachutes I need on a 100+ ton ship and most forum advice seems to be more is better.


I'm not sure if I will do even 2.5m ones, not speaking about bigger.

For huge payloads I recommend RealChute - chutes recalculate automatically for every planet atmosphere and descent speed you chose.

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So I just re-downloaded the latest version v0.11.1 from curse, Spacedock and CKAN today and ran it on my test install KSP 1.3.1 and looked in the configs.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, this is the error log(below) I get when I am running v0.11.1. The parameter is in place, I was asking if it was suppose to be the variable skinMaxTemp or skinTemperature, not the variable skinTemp(doesnt exits as a KSP variable that I can find). As I cannot find any reference to the later in any searches I've done and throws these errors in the log. For me the log is saying that no Variable exists of skinTemp in KSP as it is seaching for that variable from the part.cfg file to apply it.

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Propulsion/SkyCrane/SkyCrane1/ChopShop_SkyCrane1'
PartLoader Warning: Variable skinTemp not found in Part
PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Propulsion/SkyCrane/SkyCrane2/ChopShop_SkyCrane2'
PartLoader Warning: Variable skinTemp not found in Part

Was suggesting to change skinTemp to skinMaxTemp or skinTemperature


In your latest version v0.11.1 that I downloaded today from curse, Spacedock and CKAN. I get this error on the logs in KSP 1.3.1.

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Structural/Weight/weight/ChopShop_LeadWeight'
PartLoader Warning: Variable size not found in Part

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Structural/Mk2/beak/ChopShop_Mk2Beak'
PartLoader Warning: Variable size not found in Part


Since size does not exists as a Variable under Part, but does under Node. I get these errors, so I opened the beak.cfg and weight.cfg files and edited size = 1 into scale = 1, errors gone. Since scale is not defined in the cfg file anywhere, i was guessing it was just a mistake. I posted the config that I download just a few minutes ago. See items in red. I did not post the entire cfg to reduce post size.



name = ChopShop_Mk2Beak
module = Part
author = Dr. Jet

    model = ChopShop/Structural/Mk2/beak
    texture = pure_white , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/mk2adapters1m

size = 1                                           *This needs to be scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

    name = node1
    transform = node1
    size = 1
    method = FIXED_JOINT
    name = node2
    transform = node2
    size = 1
    method = FIXED_JOINT

    name = node_stack_bottom
    transform = node_bottom
    size = 2
    method = FIXED_JOINT

stackSymmetry = 1




name = ChopShop_LeadWeight
module = Part
author = Dr. Jet
mesh = model.mu
size = 1                                                                        *This needs to be scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1
node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 4800


I did compare all three different downloaded files from different sources and looked in the cfg files for the parts, they are all like this. Can you try downloading one and opening the cfg file for it and confirm. I am quite familiar with config files and do quite a bit of my own private modding so I am wondering how I am getting different files from what you say I should expect.


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  On 3/10/2018 at 10:22 PM, Barar said:

So I just re-downloaded the latest version v0.11.1 from curse, Spacedock and CKAN today and ran it on my test install KSP 1.3.1 and looked in the configs.

Was suggesting to change skinTemp to skinMaxTemp or skinTemperature


Oh! Syntax has changed... Thank you. That part is so-o-o-o old, I didn't even notice. SkinMaxTemp it should be.


PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Structural/Weight/weight/ChopShop_LeadWeight'
PartLoader Warning: Variable size not found in Part

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Structural/Mk2/beak/ChopShop_Mk2Beak'
PartLoader Warning: Variable size not found in Part


Will fix. Thank you.

BTW, you can also use https://github.com/doktorjet/ChopShop to report issues and suggest fixes or improvements.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Version 0.11.2 is out. 


  • German localization by Nils277 added.
  • Updated sample crafts to be compatible with KSP 1.4
  • Fixed some uncritical typos in configs.


  • Добавлен перевод на немецкий от Nils277.
  • Обновлены примеры аппаратов для совместимости с KSP 1.4
  • Поправил несколько некритичных опечаток в конфигах.

Also included alpha version of compatibility patch for ETT. It's a temporary measure, as ETT GitHub source is terribly outdated and not suitable for commits.

P.S. Curseforge source will not be updated any time soon. Those... bad guys are forcing me to register at Twitch for UNNEEDED additional services. Download from SpaceDock.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/23/2018 at 8:38 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

something strange...  I just recently started a new KSP Career, clean install and then loaded all the mods again from scratch.  Now I have a problem finding a part.  I can find the SSP-3 in my parts list but the SSP-2 is missing.  I assume the 3 come in the same or later tech tree node, and thus it is not just a research problem.

Any ideas on how to track down the missing part?  what is the log file I can look in to see if MM reports an error in the part's .cfg file?


So I ran into this problem too in my Career game. I found that the CTT.cfg was not update to reflect the new ChopShop_SSP3 part. The SSP3 Mk3 (3.75m) part defaults to Advanced Electrics which comes a few tech nodes before the SSP2 Mk2 (2.5m) in Advanced Solar Tech. So SSP3 Mk3 (3.75m) will show before SSP2 Mk2 (2.5m). You can see this in the techtree when playing a career game.

I did check this today on new downloads of the ChopShop_0.11.1.zip Jan 31, 2018 3.72MB 1.3.1 game version from curseforge and also the Version 0.11.2 for 1.41 released on Spacedock 2018-03-11.

To fix, you just need to add in this line below into the CTT.cfg file in the ChopShop/ModuleManager folder.

@TechRequired = advSolarTech

I posted this to github, but since someone else was experiencing the same issue, I wanted them to see the temporary fix.

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v 0.11.3


  • Обновлён перевод на немецкий от Nils277.
  • Исправлен отсутствующий патч для УСП-3 под CTT.

As I'm an unfortunate GoG customer, I can't test this patch under KSP 1.4.2 right now. Though it should work... I guess...

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  • 1 month later...

@Dr. Jet


Load(Model): ChopShop/Utility/DAS-1/model
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "GameObject/DAS_antenna/Tube_000/Antennae_000"
(Filename:  Line: 0)

BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "GameObject/DAS_antenna/Tube_001/Antennae_001"
(Filename:  Line: 0)

BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "GameObject/DAS_antenna/Tube_002/Antennae_002"
(Filename:  Line: 0)

BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "GameObject/DAS_antenna/Tube_003/Antennae_003"
(Filename:  Line: 0)


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  • 2 weeks later...

v 0.11.4

  • Added support for Textures Unlimited (had to re-build a couple of models). Shinies!!!
  • Fixed all troubles with DDAS (hopefully).
  • Few minor fixes.


  •  Добавлена поддержка Textures Unlimited (пришлось переделать пару моделей). Блестяшки!!!
  • Исправлены все проблемы с ДДАС (надеюсь).
  • Несколько мелких исправлений.


You'll still need Textures Unlimited to get that shiny metal effect AND a separate TU config for stock parts if you want wings, engines and other stuff to match.

Minor patch to return working decals to Rugged Rover and RTG Rover. Decal names appeared to be case sensitive. Who knew that? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/1/2018 at 10:40 AM, Vaga said:

Your inline 2t chute seems to have a bug.

The segment base has a height of 0.4m but when I add a 2t chute it jumps to 17.0m

All the other chuts so far seem to be fine.


Hm-m-m... This legacy bug was not seen for a while...

Open your PartDatabase.cfg and check if you have 

	url = ChopShop/Utility/Chutes/chute2/ChopShop_ChSeg2
		cube = PACKED, 0.4388,0.7829,0.6683, 0.4388,0.7708,0.5222, 0.2968,0.8427,0.211, 0.2968,0.7434,0.2089, 0.1975,0.7209,0.6697, 0.1975,0.7168,0.6697, -0.1728,0.09103,0, 0.5926,0.3381,1.311
		cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 9.203,0.3492,2.824, 9.212,0.348,2.824, 5.946,0.8857,16.79, 5.947,0.9097,17.06, 9.177,0.3249,2.824, 9.225,0.3328,2.824, 0,8.42,-1.073E-06, 2.8,17,2.8
		cube = DEPLOYED, 22.58,31.22,7.878, 22.56,31.2,7.878, 48.49,40.38,15.23, 48.5,40.13,15.54, 22.85,30.38,7.878, 22.85,30.65,7.878, 0,7.653,-9.537E-07, 8,15.46,8

If numbers are different, especially in PACKED state - delete PartDatabase.cfg and restart the game.

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  On 6/2/2018 at 6:04 PM, Dr. Jet said:

If numbers are different, especially in PACKED state - delete PartDatabase.cfg and restart the game. 


Because I always delete the PartDatabase.cfg the same moment I delete the MM cache (when changing / adding / deleting anything that got configs) I can say now, after KSP booted up (and I deleted PartDatabase.cfg before) it looks like this:

	url = ChopShop/Utility/Chutes/chute2/ChopShop_ChSeg2
		cube = PACKED, 0.439,0.7826,0.6683, 0.439,0.7699,0.5222, 0.2979,0.839,0.211, 0.2979,0.7401,0.2089, 0.1976,0.7207,0.6697, 0.1976,0.7167,0.6697, -0.1728,0.09103,0, 0.5926,0.3381,1.311
		cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 16.42,0.3829,2.988, 16.4,0.3838,2.824, 7.808,0.8146,17.2, 6.026,0.9,17.06, 16.63,0.3626,2.824, 16.75,0.3687,2.824, 0,8.42,-1.073E-06, 2.8,17,2.8
		cube = DEPLOYED, 33.49,31.46,7.878, 33.48,31.44,7.878, 48.62,40.39,13.02, 48.58,39.81,15.54, 34.05,31.14,7.878, 34.19,31.27,7.878, 0,7.653,-9.537E-07, 8,15.46,8


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  On 6/2/2018 at 7:10 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Because I always delete the PartDatabase.cfg the same moment I delete the MM cache (when changing / adding / deleting anything that got configs) I can say now, after KSP booted up (and I deleted PartDatabase.cfg before) it looks like this:

	url = ChopShop/Utility/Chutes/chute2/ChopShop_ChSeg2
		cube = PACKED, 0.439,0.7826,0.6683, 0.439,0.7699,0.5222, 0.2979,0.839,0.211, 0.2979,0.7401,0.2089, 0.1976,0.7207,0.6697, 0.1976,0.7167,0.6697, -0.1728,0.09103,0, 0.5926,0.3381,1.311
		cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 16.42,0.3829,2.988, 16.4,0.3838,2.824, 7.808,0.8146,17.2, 6.026,0.9,17.06, 16.63,0.3626,2.824, 16.75,0.3687,2.824, 0,8.42,-1.073E-06, 2.8,17,2.8
		cube = DEPLOYED, 33.49,31.46,7.878, 33.48,31.44,7.878, 48.62,40.39,13.02, 48.58,39.81,15.54, 34.05,31.14,7.878, 34.19,31.27,7.878, 0,7.653,-9.537E-07, 8,15.46,8



This is what I have before deleting it.

	url = ChopShop/Utility/Chutes/chute2/ChopShop_ChSeg2
		cube = PACKED, 0.439,0.7826,0.6683, 0.439,0.7698,0.5222, 0.2979,0.839,0.211, 0.2979,0.7401,0.2089, 0.1976,0.7207,0.6697, 0.1976,0.7167,0.6697, -0.1728,0.09103,0, 0.5926,0.3381,1.311
		cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 10.68,0.2997,2.824, 10.67,0.2999,2.824, 5.957,0.8842,16.79, 5.956,0.9081,17.06, 11.14,0.2679,2.824, 11.27,0.2707,2.824, 0,8.42,-1.073E-06, 2.8,17,2.8
		cube = DEPLOYED, 25.29,27.91,7.878, 25.28,27.94,7.878, 48.59,40.29,15.29, 48.58,40.05,15.54, 25.59,27.14,7.878, 25.72,27.14,7.878, 0,7.653,-9.537E-07, 8,15.46,8

After deleting PartDatabase.cfg and reloading I get the exact same thing. The 2t chute is still adding to the size of the part and looks the same in PartDatabase.cfg

Edited by Vaga
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  On 6/3/2018 at 1:32 AM, Vaga said:

This is what I have before deleting it.

	url = ChopShop/Utility/Chutes/chute2/ChopShop_ChSeg2
		cube = PACKED, 0.439,0.7826,0.6683, 0.439,0.7698,0.5222, 0.2979,0.839,0.211, 0.2979,0.7401,0.2089, 0.1976,0.7207,0.6697, 0.1976,0.7167,0.6697, -0.1728,0.09103,0, 0.5926,0.3381,1.311
		cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 10.68,0.2997,2.824, 10.67,0.2999,2.824, 5.957,0.8842,16.79, 5.956,0.9081,17.06, 11.14,0.2679,2.824, 11.27,0.2707,2.824, 0,8.42,-1.073E-06, 2.8,17,2.8
		cube = DEPLOYED, 25.29,27.91,7.878, 25.28,27.94,7.878, 48.59,40.29,15.29, 48.58,40.05,15.54, 25.59,27.14,7.878, 25.72,27.14,7.878, 0,7.653,-9.537E-07, 8,15.46,8

After deleting PartDatabase.cfg and reloading I get the exact same thing. The 2t chute is still adding to the size of the part and looks the same in PartDatabase.cfg


Seems legit. PACKED cube shows the phisical size in VAB/SPH. And it's small. 

Will check... 

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It's some extremely weird sh1t...

File is exactly the same as in version where I have solved all VAB/SPH measurement issues with chutes in a batch.

Drag cubes are exactly what they should be. And it were drag cubes which produced this error in version

There are no rogue vertices. And there was not a single one either.

Other chutes which have exactly the same model (except for canopy size) and exactly the same animation do not produce similar error...


Though... Dumb re-building the part in newer PartTools under Unity 5.4 seem to solve the issue... at the expence of extra 12 kb (.mu bloated for some reason). I haven't touch anything! Same old model, same old animation file... Just pressed "Write" once again.


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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to check a couple of things to make sure I'm not misunderstanding them, all related to the SSPs.

Firstly, ssp1_small.cfg has a typo inside; in the section where you explain how to edit the settings to only require one activation button in the right-click menu, you've forgotten to comment out the line that says "And uncomment THIS one." Probably wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking at all the SSP files trying to puzzle out what's below.

Size 2 and 3 SSPs don't appear to have shrouds over them to make them aerodynamic on lift-off; this matches the screenshots but I'm curious if it's intentional because of the following:

  • Size 2 SSP has two "Shroud on/off" buttons in the Editor but they change the display of the top/bottom plates only; I believe this is to allow them to be fitted to a Size 1 stack? in Flight, two buttons are provided marked "Jettison shroud" but they don't appear to do anything at all, and the panels can be extended whether or not the shroud is "jettisoned." Maybe I'm just confused by the naming convention, or it's a relic of how things had to be done before mesh switching?
  • By contrast, SSP Size 3 has no mention of shrouds at all in either the Editor or Flight scene.


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  On 8/26/2018 at 11:05 PM, JH4C said:

Just wanted to check a couple of things to make sure I'm not misunderstanding them, all related to the SSPs.

Firstly, ssp1_small.cfg has a typo inside; in the section where you explain how to edit the settings to only require one activation button in the right-click menu, you've forgotten to comment out the line that says "And uncomment THIS one." 


Nope. Both in current archive and in my export folder it looks like this.

	animationName = ssp1_rotator	// To make central pivot ALWAYS active and get rid of surplus AG-actions - comment this line
//	sunTracking = true		// And uncomment THIS line.

Though this tweak is possible it's still not recommended. You'll see why when trying to make extra-dense satellite packaging.

  On 8/27/2018 at 2:05 AM, JH4C said:

Size 2 and 3 SSPs don't appear to have shrouds over them to make them aerodynamic on lift-off;


There never were aerodynamic shrouds there. "Shroud" part in code is actually a workaround for automatically appearing 2.5m adapter.

  On 8/27/2018 at 2:05 AM, JH4C said:
  • By contrast, SSP Size 3 has no mention of shrouds at all in either the Editor or Flight scene.

Yep. There could be 5m adapter, but we do not have 5m station parts - even in mods

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  On 9/1/2018 at 12:06 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Both in current archive and in my export folder it looks like this.


Okay, I just re-downloaded from Spacedock, that error is in their archive. I also checked the GitHub and the error is there as well. Is there somewhere else I should be looking? The current release is according to filenames and the Readmes, has there been another update since?

Thanks for easing my mind about the rest.

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