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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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You don't need the ISP scaler, the engine configs provided by Realism Overhaul are already balanced for RSS use (essentially, they have the stats of actual real-world engines).

BTW, Red, shouldn't this be on the list of compatible mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76841-%28RSS-RO%29-Constellation-Essentials-v1-3-1-Trusses-Engines-Adapters-%28Apr21%29 ?

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You don't need the ISP scaler, the engine configs provided by Realism Overhaul are already balanced for RSS use (essentially, they have the stats of actual real-world engines).

Thank you for the clarification!

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@Hattivat: I have seen that... Haven't tested it myself yet though... We don't so much have a list of 'compatible mods' we have a list of mods in which RO adjusts to make work with the RSS world. What we could do though is add a section of mods which are already RSS ready.

@Smartbrain5: No you aren't. Read the FAQ on the OP. If you still think you are having balancing issues, read the FAQ on the OP. Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually the light-bulb will go on.

@mecki: No it won't.

Edited by RedAV8R
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Alright RO users...now is your chance to directly affect what engines will be featured with the RLA stockalike engine set...

The following engines all need a real life counter part, no need to post specs or make the config, but I want ideas. What do you folks want to see:

RLA RLA EE-R-10 Resistojet Thruster RLA_resistojet_med

RLA RLA EE-R-01R Resistojet Thruster RLA_resistojet_micro_r

RLA RLA EE-R-05 Resistojet Thruster RLA_resistojet_small

RLA Rockomax "Cutter" Linear Aerospike Rocket RLA_linearspike_med

RLA MPR-45 Monopropellent Engine RLA_mp_med

RLA MPR-5R Monopropellent Engine RLA_mp_rad

RLA MPR-5 Monopropellent Engine RLA_mp_small

RLA MPR-1 Monopropellent Engine RLA_mp_tiny

RLA Rockomax "Spinnaker" Liquid Engine RLA_s_highengine

RLA LV-T5 Liquid Fuel Engine RLA_s_lowengine

I know there are some real resistojets, however the model for the resistojet looks more like a normal thruster, while the arcjet models look closer to the resistojet, so there will be no arcjet engines, but the arcjet model will be used for some resistojets.

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i'm having huge balancing issues; the new skipper engine(now called the pratt and whitney) has only 65 thrust, while the new LV-T45(now called the LR-890) has 780 thrust, yet the pratt is twice as large as the LR.

Bigger nozzle size means a *more efficient* engine. i.e. -- bigger engine does not equal more thrust. The AJ10-137 on the Apollo service module is really big but doesn't have a whole lot of thrust. :)


The Spinnaker might make a good CZ-5-500 (the Chinese rocket engine). It would also work well for a RD-253 but that already has an RO engine part.

LVT-5 would also make a good RS-88 engine.

Edited by Woopert
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Alright, I'm having a crazy bug and everything I've tried hasn't fixed it. Yes, I followed all the instructions in the OP. I'm starting from a fresh, steam verified, unmodded, and seemingly fine install of KSP, installing the required mods and only the required mods, and when I go to the VAB almost all the parts are missing. (I'm starting a brand new sandbox game every time I test.) The only things there are DR heatshields, the squad LES and asteroid grabber, and one of the new SRBs from the ARM pack.

My output log is here. I have no idea how to read the thing, but every other line is:

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Is it a unity problem? Is there something else I can reinstall?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Hi. I can't generate data with any of my probes.

Using 0.24, tried reinstalling over and over again, nothing worked.

This might be useful:

(Filename: Line: -1)

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Part.GetConnectedResources'.

at DataGeneratorModule.CheckElectricCharge () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DataGeneratorModule.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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I would recommend adding the Davon Throttle Control systems mod to the list of recommended or supported mods, or even better, building some of the functionality into RealEngines. Due to the design of the Common Booster Core, a Delta IV Heavy can't be flown properly without being able to throttle the core down to 58% while keeping the boosters at 102%. Additionally, the ability for engines to compensate for offset thrust or CoM is sensible and realistic, and would probably help sort out some of the complaints about the offset CoM in certain Command Pods...

I've used it a bit and it doesn't seem to break anything in RealEngines. Throttling an engine to 0 in the Davon Control Panel sets it to the RealEngines minimum throttle value.

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@Hodo: - Yes the linear spike... I asked for suggestions....though as @R0cketC0der mentioned the RS-2200 and/or the XRS-2200 is really the only viable engine. So that's settled...unless you have an idea of something else?

@Woopert: I'll look into both the CZ-5-500 and RS-88. While both are possible, I'd like to stick to current or past engines where possible before venturing into future engines...So maybe something like the RD-253 or RD-180.

@R0cketC0der: (X)RS-2200. Copy that, that one was pretty much a given:). As I mentioned with @Woopert, I'd rather stick to past/present vehicles rather than test articles.

@Traches: Um...well you are half there...First, humor me, and get your KSP install out of (X):/Program Files (x86)...Bigger problem...You've also buggered up the install of RealFuels, TAC LifeSupport and a few others. IE, you didn't follow those instructions properly.


@griffin247: So do you have a problem? Oh wait, you didn't read the FAQ on the OP...why don't you do that first, then come back if you want to knock on the mod and those who are playing with it.

@mecki: Same to you, read the OP before you start rambling.

@O Nerd: No log, no support. Read the OP.

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Alright RO users...now is your chance to directly affect what engines will be featured with the RLA stockalike engine set...

RO still needs a Viking :) Maybe stretched Spinnaker?

Edited by Ophiuchus
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Random thought about the SLS 5 to 8.4 meter adapter: would it be possible to use ModuleManager to take a Procedural Fairings interstage, and make a part out of it?

Also, about Space Shuttle engines -- is it still necessary to have it installed? It's not listed anymore in the OP so I'm assuming that means it's not needed anymore? The SSME from the mod is really nice, so I hope that's not the case. :wink:

Edited by Woopert
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I have some question concerning this mod and the rescaling of parts.

Is it correct that teh Mk1 Pod is bigger than the first tanks and engines that become available in career mode?

Is it correct that the Mk1-2 Pod is 4m, while there are no 4m tanks or adapters in the stock or KW parts? And the Mk3-9 (Near Future Spacecraft) is in between (2.5m).

Shouldn't the RemoteTech Reflectron DP-10 be available from the beginning in career mode? With RealismOverhaul it is not.

And: When I spawn on the runway, my Pod sank in. So did my Kerbalnaut on EVA, too. Also in SpaceCenter view the buildings are sometimes hard to click, their clickable area seems to be off (only sometimes).

I read the FAQ and just wanted to clarify these things to confirm that I installed correctly.

Thank you!

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Random thought about the SLS 5 to 8.4 meter adapter: would it be possible to use ModuleManager to take a Procedural Fairings interstage, and make a part out of it?

Also, about Space Shuttle engines -- is it still necessary to have it installed? It's not listed anymore in the OP so I'm assuming that means it's not needed anymore? The SSME from the mod is really nice, so I hope that's not the case. :wink:

Yeah, could probably make an adapter...haven't tried myself, go for it. SpaceShuttle engine mod, you are right, it's not required, but there will be some benefit to doing so for a few select engines. It still is supported though for mainly that reason of getting the great RS-25's.

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