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After 1000+ hours of game time, I finally tried MechJeb.


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Oafman, there actually is a setting to change the number of orbits your willing to wait, under the rendevous autopilot you just change the number of orbits, the autopilot only kicks you into a phasing orbit if its beyond that number.

This option is only available in recent dev builds btw. I was missing it too.

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Keep in mind that some of the best stuff in MechJeb can only bee seen by making custom windows. They're real easy to make and can help clear up some of the clutter on your screen since you can have windows specialized for each phase of the flight.

As for the idea that MJ is cheating or cheapens the experience, even airline pilots rely on a meat droid in the right seat. Do you feel cheated that they didn't do everything when you travel?

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I've always said this, I learned to play before Mechjeb (Thank god) And when I tried it it was horrible, That's one mod I believe shouldn't even exist.

EDIT: There are a few good things in it, Remove the Autopilot and burn it.

Edited by The Fleet Master
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I've always said this, I learned to play before Mechjeb (Thank god) And when I tried it it was horrible, That's one mod I believe shouldn't even exist.

EDIT: There are a few good things in it, Remove the Autopilot and burn it.

If you love explosions or inefficient maneuvers then MJ is indeed horrible at those.

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Wow, I'm surprised this thread garnered so much attention! After a thousand hours of manual piloting, and countless flights, the launch portion, unless it's in a plane, no longer holds the same thrill and wonder. In trying to keep the game fun, I'm thinking of ways to make a "space program" come to life, so the goal is on the bigger picture, and not the minutiae. To that end, letting MechJeb get my ship into an 80km orbit, while I admire my creation and pore over all the gauges and screens inside the pod takes away what had become quite tedious.

To guard my KSP Kred, I must add that I still do my own docking and spaceplane landing. Those are still fun. :)

Edited by Voculus
Just a bit of wordsmithing
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Oafman, there actually is a setting to change the number of orbits your willing to wait, under the rendevous autopilot you just change the number of orbits, the autopilot only kicks you into a phasing orbit if its beyond that number.

Tremendous news, thanks. It's not on my version yet; I'll look for an update

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I never tried MechJeb, i think its an awesome mod, but its not very great that some NEW (Not talking about experienced players that are bored of doing the same thing) players find the mod before even achieving orbit and then reuse to play on their own, and even if it is removed from their computer they won't know how to play, and that's quite sad actually.

Its ok to use MechJeb, im not against it, its your opinion anyways.

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What happened? AGAIN a anti-mj thread to boost some mystical "ksp cred"? Not using MJ doesnt make you a good (or god forbid "pro") player. Thats no achievement to brag with. Respecting other peoples playstyles, and refrain from trying to proof to be something better than others... that indeed makes you a better ksp player.

So please, please stop this.

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Right now I'm like a robot. I have never stuied astrophysics but I just came back from Bop without calculating anything and planning any launch windows. Just slap some orange tanks, use a good engine and you're good to go. I like fiddling around and guessing where I have to point in order to get an inercept and I feel like Mechjeb would kill that for me. But for a 1 hour ION burn I guess it will be useful.

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Right now I'm like a robot. I have never stuied astrophysics but I just came back from Bop without calculating anything and planning any launch windows. Just slap some orange tanks, use a good engine and you're good to go. I like fiddling around and guessing where I have to point in order to get an inercept and I feel like Mechjeb would kill that for me. But for a 1 hour ION burn I guess it will be useful.

If you don't have at least a masters degree in astrophysics, then I would question whether you should really be playing this game.

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After well over 1500h I also decided to give MJ (another) go. I wanted to use it to make a standard launch profile for each of my rockets, but it couldn't handle my rockets and it just seemed to not really co-operate with RSS. I would really like to have something that makes a rocket launch exactly the same way every time, but neither MJ or kOS seem to work for me. Or I just don't know how to use them. When I wanted to do an automated docking with MJ, it just decided to go in a random direction even though I lined it all up by myself and it was mere meters from docking. The only things I ever used were the g-force limiter (I never let my kerbals experience more than 4g unless it's a re-entry or an emergency) and Smart A.S.S. Since it also seemed to cause a slightly lower performance, I uninstalled it and I'm not looking back.

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What happened? AGAIN a anti-mj thread to boost some mystical "ksp cred"? Not using MJ doesnt make you a good (or god forbid "pro") player. Thats no achievement to brag with. Respecting other peoples playstyles, and refrain from trying to proof to be something better than others... that indeed makes you a better ksp player.

So please, please stop this.

There's hardly any anti-MechJeb sentiment in this thread, it seems to me like a relatively civil discussion of how people use it. Certainly less vitriolic than some other MJ discussions I've seen here.

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Alrighty then. This spiraled downward exactly like I thought it would, and I warned I would close it when it went down the path of previous ones.

KSP is a single player game and nobody has the right to tell others how to play, nor what mods to use. KSP is what you make it.

Edit: thank you to those in the thread who avoided the usual issues so prevalent in mechjeb threads.

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