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[0.24.2] Kerbal Universe 2 [V 2.5]


What Would You Like The Next Addition To Be?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. What Would You Like The Next Addition To Be?

    • Additions to existing systems (specify in reply)
    • New star with planets (specify in reply)
    • New gas giant orbiting Kerbol (Specify in reply)
    • More moons for current Kerbol planets (Specify in reply)
    • Science Messages and aesthetic changes

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SO! In responce to my "does it work with .25" question... either NO, it does not... or I installed it wrong... because when I had your addon installed and was waiting for the game to start, It went capoot... deded.... So, I removed your plugin and tried to use just PFCE, pffffft... got to the loading screan, ded... SO, either it was PFCE, or it was your mod... Honestly, it doesn't matter, either I can wait till they get updated, or find some magical way of downgrading

I can confirm that the Menai Expansion works. (I can also pair the normal Sentar Expansion with it as well) However, I am using the Active Texture management Ultra x64 version. So It just seems to oddly be a ram problem..? I can't figure it out. I haven't gotten any of the other expansion packs to work. And also Pershimu's Textures are all screwed up in the map mode (the they look fine when orbiting)

If you want to get them to work I would suggest getting the texture management mod which will allow you to at least get Sentar back up and running. However if you want Manai to work you need to delete the planet "Inaccessable" (for some reason this will always crash my game if I have it installed) IF you delete it it will place a second minmus where it used to be so you could just hyperedit it a couple lightyears away and you should be good.

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Okay, guys, I am back!!! I've just got a new computer on black friday, so now I can run KSP with KU2, NEAR, B9 and KW with no lags. Sadly, it's still 0.24.2, cos 0.25 is yet to be supported by PF:CE. Good news - I am launching a new mission! Jebediah is driving a brand new vessel. The drive section is already in orbit, i've used a name "Grasshopper" for it. So, Grasshopper-1 with Jebediah Kerman at helm is ready to leave, but I still think, where is this mission going.

1) I can design a light spaceplane and deal another return mission to Verviedi. With NEAR installed it will be a great deal of fun.

2) I can use just a drive section to deal a fly-by mission of... anywhere! The Grasshopper is self-sufficient and has enough Delta-V to carry one kerbal in the cupola module to any system and back. Every star, every planet!

3) I can stick a lander to the Grasshopper and land on one of Verviedi's moons or on Fierbinte. (The moons of Gas giant are still too glitchy). This will be a challenging mission, especially with Fierbinte, because orbits of something sized 600km are very fast, a lot of dV to land. Even with 0,26 g.

So, you choose, guys!:rolleyes:

P.S. Here are screenshots:

I've used a monster rocket for Grasshopper to enter orbit!


Beautiful ship in orbit! Jeb's at the helm!


Waiting for your answers!

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Hello, guys! I've decieded to make a spaceplane and stick it at the bottom of the Grasshopper. The Idea was successful, and by now the first part of the Grasshopper-1 return mission to Verviedi is done - Bill and Jebediah are down at the surface with their spaceplane.

You know, guys, I am not a YouTuber, but I've decieded to make a video report specially for Porry, the developer. The screenshots are here, too:

The Grasshopper is escaping. The Abaddon is clearly visible near Kerbol.


Entering Abaddon system


I've entered Verviedi's SOI on highly inclined trajectory. Used gravity of Phobius to fix inclanation.


Jeb and his ship


Undocked and leaving


Safe landed




If you like it, I'll record another videos. The second part is coming soon, when I return guys home.

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Hey guys, I am making videos and nobody replys! Where is Porry, anyway? I know he is AFK, but for how long? It was a week since he left. I am finishing a mission to Verviedi and going to start a new one soon. I think I have to discuss the ideas of new missions. I have a nice drive section, a cool spaceplane and lots of bright ideas. But I am ready to hear yous thoughts about locations to visit. I really like this mod, places, hardcore spacecraft designing...

But as for now, I have Part 2 of my adventures here. I've decieded to write dialoges for guys, and this was cool to work on. (For Porry) If you want me to start a full-scale subtitle series about Verviedi colonization, my YouTube channel is all yours...

P.S. This part is not final. In Part 3 I am planning to do a Cyssor gravity assisting flyby (Real purpose is to show the planet) and return the spaceplane home. The video will be here during this week. Waiting for any suggestions about further storyline, because making videos 2/3 abuot takeoffs and landings is good for a first try, but I want them to be more interesting not just in terms of KU2. I think I am going to become a real YouTuber if it all goes this way...:confused:

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Hey guys, I am making videos and nobody replys! Where is Porry, anyway? I know he is AFK, but for how long? It was a week since he left. I am finishing a mission to Verviedi and going to start a new one soon. I think I have to discuss the ideas of new missions. I have a nice drive section, a cool spaceplane and lots of bright ideas. But I am ready to hear yous thoughts about locations to visit. I really like this mod, places, hardcore spacecraft designing...

But as for now, I have Part 2 of my adventures here. I've decieded to write dialoges for guys, and this was cool to work on. (For Porry) If you want me to start a full-scale subtitle series about Verviedi colonization, my YouTube channel is all yours...

P.S. This part is not final. In Part 3 I am planning to do a Cyssor gravity assisting flyby (Real purpose is to show the planet) and return the spaceplane home. The video will be here during this week. Waiting for any suggestions about further storyline, because making videos 2/3 abuot takeoffs and landings is good for a first try, but I want them to be more interesting not just in terms of KU2. I think I am going to become a real YouTuber if it all goes this way...:confused:

Iiii'mmmm baaaack! This is incredibly cool. Go for it! Recolonize the cradle of their magnificent civilization, and light up the surface with your glorious program! I'll link to your stuff in the OP!

I suggest flying by Evon, and setting up another small colony on Phobius and maybe a tiny base on Diamas, to reflect the lore I have for the planets.

Sorry to be "That Guy", but it is spelled Poryy, not Porry. I get this a lot, it's no problem. :)

Edited by Poryy
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Hello,guys. This is the final part of the Grasshopper-1 mission and an oficial start of the project Kerbal Space-17, the Verviedi colonization program. The second part of the video is sort of teaser for new series. I am planning to make a video once a week (I am not a professional YouTuber, no promises). Now I am using Kethane (watch video to find out why) and MechJeb (It's all about storyline, not game process). But no cheating. The first video will be this weekend or, more likely, next week. For Poryy: I need more lore about your planets! The storyline is a thing I need a help with. I've send you my e-mail in the private message, write me, if necessary. The Verviedians - what were they? If the planet is destroyed by nuclear war, I think it should be flat. Why is it rotating so fast? Do not, at any reason, decrease the rotation speed. It helps my space program!
P.S. Please, guys, watch my videos, leave your comments. I am making it not just for fun, but to show KU2 in work.
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I have a few troubles with Verion, I managed to load it only in 64 bit version. Not sure why, I tried multiple combination (notably disabling everything except verion, keeping kerbol expansion and verion).

Aside from that, I love this.

Any mod suggestion to make planets look even more cool? This thing adds an insane amount of gameplay to this game... I'm so happy

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Buuump! I have finally released the first episode of my new series, Kerbal Space-17 colonization program!

Here's the video:

I've installed the cloudy mod, so now Verviedi is much more beautiful. I've made clouds look like Jool's, because the planet rotates fast (It's the most logical way for clouds to be.):confused:

I think it will be very hard to keep this up while using Grasshoppers. They are certainly cool and (I believe) the most Delta-V rich spaceships I've ever built. But they are hard to fly, and you can't bring a lot of weight with them.

So, I've found a mod, which is overpowered a bit, but it will do for this kerbal tech level. The jump drive. I think it is the thing, which should be used for such a colonization base. I just want you to say it's OK for me to use it in my series. Plz tell me if it is not. I don't want anyone to call me cheater.

I want everyone here to watch my videos, comment under it (Like, subscribe, etc.):) I am a beginning youtuber, so I just want to know somebody needs theese videos. I like the mod, I want it to become better, I want to advertise it.

P.S. The next week video will be last for this year, I am leaving for Christmass. But I will not be AFK, I will just not have the game with me. (I'll return to the series in January).

---Bon voyage, grasshopper!---

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Does this mod work with Kopernicus? I have a save with the porp system and terrestrial planets, and I want to add this one alongside it.

Does it look like it does?

The answer is no, obviously.

Poryy made a post above you saying that he needs to port it still.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Convert this to KopernicusTech. Please.

I have just put Dwarf Fortress in my Dropbox. I will not play it again until my crap is converted.


Update 1

Installed KopernicusTech and set up my modding suite (fine. Folder containing all the things I need) again.

Managed to get Abaddon, Fierbinte, and Verviedi set up in the KopernicusTech format, but they aren't showing up. I'll check my config in the morning. I probably forgot a bracket.

I am using the Trans-Keptunian pack as an example of how to make planets. I have no idea how to Atmosphere or water using KopernicusTech (The wonder of inexperience. Blarhg.), so all of my ocean planets or atmospheric planets will be rocky balls until further notice.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, saturnsrings said:
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Can you add rings to Verion and Folion please, there real life analogs Saturn and Uranus have them.

This mod has not been touched since 0.24.2. It's dependency, Planet Factory, is defunct and has been replaced by Kopernicus. The mod author has not been on in years.

Do not ask for updates. It is against the rules now, and it's obvious the mod has been abandoned.

Can a moderator lock this thread, please?

Edited by _Augustus_
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