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Where (other than a kerbin-based launch) have you used solid boosters?


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My Design for Duna Landers always use two of the short solid boosters to kick myself out of the thin atmosphere and into partial orbit. Ive also been contemplating using that method for slowing down on a tylo decent. So i was hoping to see others UNIQUE uses for solid fuel boosters.

EDIT: if i get time tonight ill load up a screenshot of mine.

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If you count separatrons, then I use sepratrons as soft landing jets when I'd dropping a heavy lander back on kerbin by parachute, I set them off about 7 seconds before they hit to ground and they slow it down to about 2m/s for a super soft landing.

I also use separatrons to de-orbit satellite launchers nice and easy. Just put a bunch on the final stage facing backwards to set off when you separate, then when you reach the orbit, separate the payload and the launcher zooms off backwards and deorbits with no messing about.

In the past i've used solid booster to give nuclear craft with poor TWR an extra kick to escape kerbin orbit, but I make liquid fuel boosters now cos of the poor ISP from the solid fuel ones.

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I haven't as of yet, but bringing a few to Duna might actually not be that bad of an idea... I'm definitely going to use this the next time I try a Duna mission again.

Thanks for the inspiration. This is why I still check the forums from time to time: corporate espionage.

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I've used them on Duna, Vall, and Laythe, but not anymore. I've come to realize they're not as efficient even though they can seem more powerful.

They do make excellent weapons on hotkey though.

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I always use separatrons on every stage of my rockets to move the jettisoned stage out of proximity immediately.

That counts for ejectable cockpits as well. And i used separatrons as powered brakes for a skycrane on final descent on Duna and Laythe.

But as they are very inefficient regarding the ISP in atmosphere, i never thought about using them on other worlds. Better to use some light

liquid fueled rocket motors... The only reason to use solid rockets is for gaining speed during launch, as they pack some serious punch...

Probably they can be of use to gain speed when launching from Eve.

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During a massive trip to Minmus, my transfer stage ran low on dV, so I fired off the LES at PE for about 40 m/s. I ended up with about 15 m/s leftover after establishing orbit with an AP just inside Minmus's SOI.

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The only time I've ever used SRBs (aside from seperatrons) was for a submission for my own "Kerbin to Duna, from Duna to Kerbin" challenge a while back. The rocket from Kerbin launched with them so the vehicle returning to Kerbin from Duna also had to.

I'm not really sure that counts though. I could say "Kerbin made me do it" :P

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Use seperatrons but mostly to get rid of goo and material labs on top of landers, some top mounted docking tanks has had them as well.

Had an Mun lander who was returning to transfer stage and getting new modules, fuel+ material lab an goo, fuel got used during landing, did the experiments and ejected the tank, got rid of the docking port part before circulating. Had one and two landings modules.

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Bottom of my medium and small rockets. Just to get a free boost little bit up - I guess I'll have to stop doing that when economy comes in and parts won't be free any more....

Sometimes I use these larger boosters to assist with lifting cargo that barely can make it to the orbit - as usually I need additional fuel to dock with my orbital construction yard.

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I use them as structural components for stations and motherships. Being the longest part in the game, the Kerbodyne super-duper-long booster makes it easy to create a long, rigid structure with a minimal part count.

I 'borrowed' this idea from a picture of one of your stations, works really well and not too heavy (once you empty them).

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Aside from KSC launches, I only use sepratrons. They are useful for Soyuz-style retrorockets and deorbiting stuff you no longer need. I once used them on a Duna-bound sample return mission for deorbiting, because the lower stage of the probe didn't have any other propulsion.

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Not hardly at all other than for separations. I think after the "economy" is introduced in .24, we will all find ourselves using some a lot more than we do currently!

Yes, the other option is a rocket SSTO.


Yes I know this require pretty much all the science unlocked. However SRB has bad ISP so you have to lift more into orbit to use them to get to Mun, the other option is tanks and decoplers, once you are in orbit TWR is of less importance, I have circulated Kerbin orbit a lot of time with the landing craft engine. just hang more fuel tanks below the tank and science outriggers.

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I 'borrowed' this idea from a picture of one of your stations, works really well and not too heavy (once you empty them).

Ah yes, I should have mentioned - they make much better structural components when empty. And with the thrust limiter at 0 in case some idiot (*cough*) happens to to turn on Infinite Fuel. ;)

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