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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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I dont know how to add the code to my game!

Why would you want to add code? Just install the mod the normal way and you should get the parts you see in the opening post. If you want to add explosions or other effects to home made or existing parts you will need to open up some config files and figure out what does what.

You really need to be a lot more specific than you are being, because it's almost impossible to help you based on some generic exclamation.

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seems a bit odd that someone wouldn't like community made things.

like i wouldn't hold off downloading this just for a box of ammo...

Well honestly I could see why. BDarmory is a 3rd party mod already. And having to download 4th party content just to complete a 3rd party mod it a bit weird. (4th party being like a 3rd party to the mod) although I wouldn't hold off on getting it either. I just wouldn't like all the downloading.

You are correct.

Observation. Something most of the internet lacks. Glad I could help a little in explaining it.

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Well honestly I could see why. BDarmory is a 3rd party mod already. And having to download 4th party content just to complete a 3rd party mod it a bit weird. (4th party being like a 3rd party to the mod) although I wouldn't hold off on getting it either. I just wouldn't like all the downloading.

'All' that downloading is little effort, no package will give you what you want in just one download en the workload increases for modders too. Please, think of the modders.

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'All' that downloading is little effort, no package will give you what you want in just one download en the workload increases for modders too. Please, think of the modders.

Ksp is the original package. We are downloading BDArmory to add weapons. Having to download another mod for the mod just to add an ammo box that should be in the mod itself is a bit annoying. How long would it take for BD to make a 20mm ammo box? I'm assuming not very. And I don't see how I'm not thinking of the modders here. Sure, if it's some big feature then yeah it makes a lot more work for him and somebody else could try it instead. But we are talking about one part. A rename of an existing part. Seriously wouldn't you just copy one of the other boxes and change a few values? Isn't that all that needs to be done? That could take less than 10 minutes. And since someone's already done it why can't he just add the part to his pack? That takes even less time. Mekan isn't asking for something to be built from the group up to suit him. He's just asking to be able to fire more than 20 shells.

I really don't want to argue. It's kinda petty. Yes all that downloading is one download right now but it feels unnecessary.

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How about cooperating with NathanKell to get ammunition of various guns to MFT/RF? That would allow customizable ammunition stores inside aircraft fuselages and fuel tanks.

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how long ago? I missed it. Sorry.

Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-6-1-Dev-Thread-%28Toolbar-UI-more-weaps%29-Oct-11?p=1462634&viewfull=1#post1462634

Also, read the discussion on the following page. I haven't made progress on this yet though. I don't know how long it will take, so until then, just bite the bullet and download a couple extra parts :P

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Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-6-1-Dev-Thread-%28Toolbar-UI-more-weaps%29-Oct-11?p=1462634&viewfull=1#post1462634

Also, read the discussion on the following page. I haven't made progress on this yet though. I don't know how long it will take, so until then, just bite the bullet and download a couple extra parts :P

Oh yeah I remember that now. But I wasn't really talking about a ammo "box" just. Ammo. I was saying 20mm Ammo should be in the mod. You said you are planning on adding 20mm ammo when you get the new ammo system (whatever it is you're doing) right?

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I have two question

1) what is the new part added in 0.6.1 and how i use it ?

2) when you will make the shell more realistic (right now it explode like a rocket, even, explosives bullet should damage more parts, but do less damage on it, and normal bullet (if you add them) should pass trough 5 structural panel before stopping)

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A heads up:

While playing career last night, I found that there is still an issue when rendezvousing with vessels. When they load, their velocity suddenly jumps to whatever velocity your vessel is. For example, I was in a suborbital trajectory on an intersect course with a stranded kerbal in orbit, and when we came within loading distance, the kerbal was suddenly in a suborbital trajectory as well. This most likely has to do with the physics range extension feature of BDArmory. You may want to remove BDArmory if you are playing KSP for real.

Any update on resolving that issue with rendez-vous ?

I'm playing in sandbox mode and encountered the same issue at each rendez-vous attempt.

Keep up the good work !

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This mod is awesome!!! But I do have a problem. I currently use a joystick to fly planes in kerbal space program and it is very hard to lean over (fly the plane with my left hand) and fire with right hand. Is there a way to set the fire button to one of the buttons on my joystick?

I have been to the settings but I don't know what my joystick's button is called.

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Anyone noticed how supposedly radar-guided missiles target the flares? I was thinking we could get chaff bombs in the next update...maybe? :wink:

Most real life counter measure systems actually deploy flares and chaff at the same time. Or at least are capable of doing that.

Like the F-16C can deploy flares and chaff in a set interval set by the pilot during or before the flight, and there are several pre-set settings in the counter measure computer. Some of the settings, like a "dogfight" counter measure setting is set to deploy 1 flare every .1 seconds for 2 seconds and 1 chaff every .5 seconds for 1.5 seconds.

The flight computer on most modern fighters can even deploy counter measures for you if they detect a hostile radar lock.

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Could you give each weapon something like a limited KAS storage module to their part file?

Basically you are storing ammo boxes in the weapon. You just right click on the weapon and the Kerbal carrying the ammo box places it in the weapon's virtual storage area.

For example the 20mm cannon can store only 20mm ammo boxes and you don't see any boxes stuck to the side of the vehicle.

Last version did not have a cannon-shell box.
Ksp is the original package. We are downloading BDArmory to add weapons. Having to download another mod for the mod just to add an ammo box that should be in the mod itself is a bit annoying. How long would it take for BD to make a 20mm ammo box? I'm assuming not very. And I don't see how I'm not thinking of the modders here. Sure, if it's some big feature then yeah it makes a lot more work for him and somebody else could try it instead. But we are talking about one part. A rename of an existing part. Seriously wouldn't you just copy one of the other boxes and change a few values? Isn't that all that needs to be done? That could take less than 10 minutes. And since someone's already done it why can't he just add the part to his pack? That takes even less time. Mekan isn't asking for something to be built from the group up to suit him. He's just asking to be able to fire more than 20 shells.

I really don't want to argue. It's kinda petty. Yes all that downloading is one download right now but it feels unnecessary.

I explained before why I didn't want to make another ammo box.
How about cooperating with NathanKell to get ammunition of various guns to MFT/RF? That would allow customizable ammunition stores inside aircraft fuselages and fuel tanks.
Oh yeah I remember that now. But I wasn't really talking about a ammo "box" just. Ammo. I was saying 20mm Ammo should be in the mod. You said you are planning on adding 20mm ammo when you get the new ammo system (whatever it is you're doing) right?

For those asking about additional ammo boxes, I proposed to BahamutoD a while back that the ammunition storage system should be reworked.

Reposting details below, but it essentially boils down to:

- Small turrets should have ammo boxes that attach directly to the turret via KAS, and move along with the turret using the InfernalRobotics child part rebuilding code

- Everything else like the Abrams turret should use a new ammo management system

Allowing direct / surface attachment of other parts to turrets

As described previously, this would be implemented using an adapted version of the Infernal Robotics code that detects the motion of any given turret and updates the relative position(s) of any other parts directly attached to said turret.

Example use cases:

- Attaching various machine gun turrets, headlights, antenna and other parts onto the M1 Abrams tank turret, such that when the tank turret is being aimed, all the attached parts move in unison. Note that any additional machine gun turrets / other weapons can still operate independently via guard mode etc. - it's just that their base transforms will be shifted along with the tank turret they're currently mounted on.

- Attaching ammo boxes to machine gun turrets, similar to the Crewed Remoted Operated Weapons System (CROWS); if the user (optionally) has Kerbal Attachment System installed, Kerbals on EVA can grab/remove/replace these ammo boxes:


Ammunition storage and/or management system(s)

- Some weapons like CROWS-type turrets could have small, specialty ammo boxes that attach directly to the weapon body/receiver (hence the suggestion for the IR-style child part position rebuilding)

- For the M1 Abrams tank turret or user-built craft that use multiple weapon/bullet cartridges/shell types, instead of having specialty ammo boxes, *universal* ammo storage part(s) could be configured by the user to store different ammo types at different quantities, in a manner similar to Modular Fuel Tanks. A custom part module would be needed:

name = BahaAmmoStorage
maxCapacity = 0.25 // Maximum total capacity, in KSP metric tons, of this universal container's ammo capacity. In other words, whatever mix of ammo you have in there, this is the upper limit.

- Form factors could include surface-attached boxes, stacked containers, or even built into the M1 Abrams Turret itself.

- The UI would allow users to add/edit/remove ammo types and quantities for each of these universal containers (e.g. maybe today I want 100 .50 cal. and 200 20x102mm rounds, but tomorrow I want 495 20x102mm rounds)

- Another advantage is scaleability - new ammo types and subtypes can be introduced without having to make dedicated storage containers unless necessary (e.g. CannonShells_HEAT, CannonShells_Incendiary, CannonShells_AP)

For both proposals, I can help with models and suggest pseudocode/logic for the plugin.

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I'd really like to see the feature of configurable surface attachable ammo boxes, it's always been a little niggle that I couldn't surface attach to the turrets. I can see this being especially useful for aircraft where external ammo boxes are undesirable.

I do hope Baha is able to accomplish this enhancement , but I can live without it until time allows for development.

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Here is my latest video with this mod. I modified some part cfgs. And the physics range was increased to 150km. I noticed one weird thing, the bullets only fly about 40-50km far and then disappear, so no shooting at stuff from ground to orbit.


I see welding mod was heavily used. But craft filessssss pleeeaassseeeeeeeee

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I am talking to anyone making a request. A lot of KSP modders knew nothing when they started their first mod and as BahamutoD could not possibly fill every request, I'd suggest you give it a go :) Who knows, you just might make the next B9 pack :D

You haven't seen my drawings eh. No, I'm not the next B9. :P

Oh yeah I remember that now. But I wasn't really talking about a ammo "box" just. Ammo. I was saying 20mm Ammo should be in the mod. You said you are planning on adding 20mm ammo when you get the new ammo system (whatever it is you're doing) right?

Time to be a Grammar Communist.

20 milimeter ammo is already in the pack. Has been a long while. Vulcans fire 20 mm ammo. Do you mean 200mm ammo? Or howitzer ammo? That's 105mm.

This mod is awesome!!! But I do have a problem. I currently use a joystick to fly planes in kerbal space program and it is very hard to lean over (fly the plane with my left hand) and fire with right hand. Is there a way to set the fire button to one of the buttons on my joystick?

I have been to the settings but I don't know what my joystick's button is called.

Yeah key bindings are a problem. Playing on a Mac BD Armory doesn't seem to recognize my keypad, so no fancy target cameras D:

Makes my bombing runs a bit less awesome...

No options for rebinding as far as I'm concerned.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyone noticed how supposedly radar-guided missiles target the flares? I was thinking we could get chaff bombs in the next update...maybe? :wink:

They're not flares. They're countermeasure pods.

Edited by tetryds
Fixed unnecessary triple post.
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They're flares. Those two are easy to tell apart. Countermeasure pod is a capsule loaded with flares and chaff, but they're fired independently. I think that having chaff CMs would be great.

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Time to be a Grammar Communist.

20 milimeter ammo is already in the pack. Has been a long while. Vulcans fire 20 mm ammo. Do you mean 200mm ammo? Or howitzer ammo? That's 105mm.

Sorry....I saw 20mm somewhere and just kept using it. Cannon shells ammo. There.

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