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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Is there a mod that allows you to launch other vessel while in-flight? It is really irritating to have to spend 20 minutes setting up a gunfight only to have it last 30 seconds maximum.

If not, would it be difficult to add something like that to BD Armory? Just something where you can open a GUI, set a place to launch at, then spawn some craft?

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  ryanedward said:
Is there a mod that allows you to launch other vessel while in-flight? It is really irritating to have to spend 20 minutes setting up a gunfight only to have it last 30 seconds maximum.

If not, would it be difficult to add something like that to BD Armory? Just something where you can open a GUI, set a place to launch at, then spawn some craft?

BahamutoD also wrote the Burn Together add-on, which allows you to fly multiple vessels simultaneously in formation.

When used with BD Armory's AI system, you can easy set up interesting dogfight scenarios between entire squadrons of aircraft, as EnterElysium demonstrates:

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It isn't the universal throttling up and things, although Burn Together is useful for that - it is the constant process:

1. Go to SPH

2. Load craft

3. Click launch

4. Maneuver it into position

5. Repeat

For every, single, craft. If I want to launch six tanks, maneuver them to the edge of KSC, and then launch two artillery to blow them up, Burn Together helps once I have them launched, but what I was asking for was a GUI-based device to do the LAUNCHING for me, and the POSITIONING for me - if I want something to move, Burn Together does it masterfully, but LAUNCHING is the time-consuming problem, not the moving every craft all at once, AFTER THEY ARE POSITIONED.

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BahamutoD i find this mod extremely Exciting, and i finally figured out how to get the AI jets into the air, but im curious, what are your thoughts on Improving stuff, like weapons damage, and Damage effects? like what happen in Skillful weapons, where if a part gets hit, say, an engine, smoke comes from it for a short time, and are you planning on adding any new weapons? such as machine guns used on aircraft in ww2, everything from the .50, 7.72mm, 12mm and onward? you could do a lot with this mod. I mean, you've already done amazing things. don't get me wrong. I mean there is a trillion different things you could do
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  Halo305sparts said:
heat protection modules can be used for reactive armour?

Absolutely. I copied the resource code for the ablator and tacked it onto a 1x1 structural piece, leaving the amount of ablator unchanged. Takes everything until 30mm with ease. Will take one tank shell hit then be gone--like the real thing. Truly handy

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  Cobaltsky95 said:
BahamutoD i find this mod extremely Exciting, and i finally figured out how to get the AI jets into the air, but im curious, what are your thoughts on Improving stuff, like weapons damage, and Damage effects? like what happen in Skillful weapons, where if a part gets hit, say, an engine, smoke comes from it for a short time, and are you planning on adding any new weapons? such as machine guns used on aircraft in ww2, everything from the .50, 7.72mm, 12mm and onward? you could do a lot with this mod. I mean, you've already done amazing things. don't get me wrong. I mean there is a trillion different things you could do

I second that. WWII airplane weaponry is pretty funny, 7.7mm, 7.92mm, 37mm and even 45mm anti tank guns. :)

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  ryanedward said:
It isn't the universal throttling up and things, although Burn Together is useful for that - it is the constant process:

1. Go to SPH

2. Load craft

3. Click launch

4. Maneuver it into position

5. Repeat

For every, single, craft. If I want to launch six tanks, maneuver them to the edge of KSC, and then launch two artillery to blow them up, Burn Together helps once I have them launched, but what I was asking for was a GUI-based device to do the LAUNCHING for me, and the POSITIONING for me - if I want something to move, Burn Together does it masterfully, but LAUNCHING is the time-consuming problem, not the moving every craft all at once, AFTER THEY ARE POSITIONED.

Hyperedit. Use the merge thing in the editor when loading craft and you can attach an array or tanks to a big plate or something and use hyperedit to send them in bulk to the destination. You can use kerbalmaps.com to determine the coordinates or fly there yourself and have Hyperedit take the typing out with the click of a button.

Also, when I do big battles of whatever kind, I still manually launch each craft. Despite having the option available, I've never done the big plate'o'tanks to deliver them somewhere, for reasons I like delivering everything Antonov A-40 style. Yeah it's tedious, but I deal. And you gotta keep in mind that BDA is built around KSP, KSP isn't built around BDA.

EDIT: Anyone with half-decent Blender capabilities up for making a 32lb black powder cannon? I have the sudden urge to siege a castle.

Edited by BoomShroom
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I have a question, when i try to do the AI flight, all they do after lift off is spin in a circle, and launch missiles from a distance, any way to fix this? I even have two planes, set to team A and b, set to guard, and armed, and auto flight, and all they do is what my problem is

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Anyone have an idea why my Bd Armory isn't working? I install it just fine on a fresh install of KSP 1.0.4 and the modules do not work. I can see the parts and put them on crafts but it doesn't let me right click on them to pull up the gui for them. Can someone please help cause it seems as if this is working for everyone else.

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  ryanedward said:
It isn't the universal throttling up and things, although Burn Together is useful for that - it is the constant process:

1. Go to SPH

2. Load craft

3. Click launch

4. Maneuver it into position

5. Repeat

For every, single, craft. If I want to launch six tanks, maneuver them to the edge of KSC, and then launch two artillery to blow them up, Burn Together helps once I have them launched, but what I was asking for was a GUI-based device to do the LAUNCHING for me, and the POSITIONING for me - if I want something to move, Burn Together does it masterfully, but LAUNCHING is the time-consuming problem, not the moving every craft all at once, AFTER THEY ARE POSITIONED.

For me, I just attach a decoupler , re-root, and save the whole thing as a subassembly. Then I build a truss that spaces the planes(or tanks, or artillery, or AAs, or whatever) out, add a bunch of copies from the subassembly, and decouple them all on the runway.

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  TUKE said:
Maybe increase the steer factor?

Also do they stay in each other guard range?

ill try the steer factor..but i dont know..they just keep spinning after one another..not steering to attack or anything..any suggestions what settings i should use?

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Is the old turret unity package/tutorial still relevant? I'm making a set of WWII aircraft weapons but I can't seem to figure out the unity hierarchy. Does anyone know the correct way to set up a non-turreted weapon? Thanks! :)

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  CoffeeSE said:
Is the old turret unity package/tutorial still relevant? I'm making a set of WWII aircraft weapons but I can't seem to figure out the unity hierarchy. Does anyone know the correct way to set up a non-turreted weapon? Thanks! :)

Hang on hold up a sec, your still alive!!! Hallelujah!!!

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  Tyren said:
I guess its possible to make a BDA part with attachment points and mouse tracking. Guess thats easier than try to implement a BDA feature in IR.

I think, that both things would be nice to implement, since Goalkeeper takes a lot of space and it would be nice to attach some ammo boxes to it. And it would be also nice to have few AA missiles placed on rotating platform, that could track enemy aircrafts, so the missile itself doesn't need to make 180 turn, when something comes from behind

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Hmm i didnt figure out how that plugin works, so maybe it is the best to ask Bahamuto if he can model a free rotating turret base with attachment options. :)

- - - Updated - - -

Or even take it further, a missile turret :D


borrowed from eve.^^

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i dont even know if that is determined by the cfg, afaik the plugin applies heat damage to the hit part according its mass and velocity...or somewhat along these lines.

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  Tyren said:
i dont even know if that is determined by the cfg, afaik the plugin applies heat damage to the hit part according its mass and velocity...or somewhat along these lines.

But it would have to be different for each gun? Because currently im playing with this:

maxHeat = 1025

heatPerShot = 50

heatLoss = 175

And i know that maxHeat and heatLoss apply to the gun it self for overheating, but does heatPerShot have any relevance? Being a heat based damage system?

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