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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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no, heat per shot doesn't affect bullet damage. as far as i know, it's solely used for calculating how long a gun takes to overheat. As far as i know, bullet damage is calculated in some way with a combination of mass and velocity of the bullet itself.

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So im trying to make WW2 style weapons, and i try to make the ai not just spray and pray by reducing the max targeting range and effective range to about 1-1.5km. Meanwhile the ai is still blazing away from 5+km. Help!

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no, heat per shot doesn't affect bullet damage. as far as i know, it's solely used for calculating how long a gun takes to overheat. As far as i know, bullet damage is calculated in some way with a combination of mass and velocity of the bullet itself.

Exactly, like i said. :)

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Where exactly in the .cfg does the mod define damage done by a bullet?

I believe bullet damage is affected by bulletMass and bulletVelocity in the part's .cfg file.

Alternatively, you can adjust the damage multiplier in the settings file in the BDArmory folder.

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Yeah, but be careful messing around with these values. They also determine the recoil of your weapons, if you alter them you will have unpleasant things happen to your craft maybe.^^

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Hi Baha !

I'm following your mod since a long time now, and i think it lacks some WWII Style Bombs like this :


A 250lb WWII-Style Bomb (This is the first thing I see when I hear "Bomb")

Or this :


M41 20-lb fragmentation bombs

When i was playing CFS3 I loved to take the P47 (or P51 ... I don't remember ...) And use those small bombs

In CFS3 you drop bombs one by one

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So one of the things Ive wanted to be able to do is have two ships constantly shoot each other but they get destroyed before that can happen. I've tried turning the damage of the Millenium cannons down to 0 in the part config but it still does damage. Is there a way to set damage to 0?

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So one of the things Ive wanted to be able to do is have two ships constantly shoot each other but they get destroyed before that can happen. I've tried turning the damage of the Millenium cannons down to 0 in the part config but it still does damage. Is there a way to set damage to 0?

Lower the bullet mass.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys i saw a lot of youtubers play Multiplayer (Dark Multiplayer Mod) with BD Armory and they get vessel damage and Active PVP Battles How can they play with BD Armory and DMP ?

Someone ( I can't remember who) is making a mod that makes it work in a buggy glitchy fashion.

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So one of the things Ive wanted to be able to do is have two ships constantly shoot each other but they get destroyed before that can happen. I've tried turning the damage of the Millenium cannons down to 0 in the part config but it still does damage. Is there a way to set damage to 0?

What you did is make the explosions do no damage. If you want the weapons to do literally no damage then make the bullet mass zero (don't know what'll happen in this case), or set the damage multiplier in the settings cfg to zero.

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Hey, any chance one of you pro 3d modelers could (or would be interested in) whipping up some alternative rocket pods, ie not the 19 or 23 shot ones that are in the pack at the moment. I was thinking of trying to make smaller scout style helos and the Hydra 70 pods are just too damn big

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Are the caterpillar tracks in the utility section? Because if so, I have been having issues getting them to show.

Tracks are not part of the mod. You'll want Kerbal Foundries for that.

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Are the caterpillar tracks in the utility section? Because if so, I have been having issues getting them to show.

Welcome to the KSP community!!! And here's the mod you want: -->HERE<---

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Hey, any chance one of you pro 3d modelers could (or would be interested in) whipping up some alternative rocket pods, ie not the 19 or 23 shot ones that are in the pack at the moment. I was thinking of trying to make smaller scout style helos and the Hydra 70 pods are just too damn big

In the part's config file you could change the rescale factor to be smaller.

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Hi !

First , thx for your Mod , it's probably one of the funnest Mod around .

I have request for you . I build various craft & some designed for BD-Armory but i encounter one issue . & i think it's easy to fix .

I'm not coder or modder so i don't really know how hard it is to fix .

- When i build Orbital ship , AI & Guard mode work fine .

- When i build Jet-Fighters , same , all work fine .

- When i build Copter , It's quite different but with some craft tweak it's finally fine .

- When i build Assault Tank , erf , Nothing work , AI try to reach default altitude & it's just useless on a tank ( or any rover )

So , my request is ; Can you add a button able to set "No Altitude" or "tank Mode" or "Rover Mode" into the AI Pilot Flight Computer Part ?

Or maybe you or someone on this Thread got a tip especially for tank . Something to set AI to stop trying to raise the nose all the time instead of looking around ( right & left like Tank turret )

Again , i really love this mod & i still playing even if you not fix this :)

It's too fun & i'm not so stupid for stop using it for that . Sure you probably have more important thing to fix before .

Thx !

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Bahamuto hasn't posted anything for a while. Probably working on the new engine refraction mod. Good luck! Hopefully my computer won't choke while using it so that i can use it.

I also have a few more questions about turret modding.

1. Can i set individual speeds for both aimRotate and aimPitch? So if i set the speed for aimRotate to 1 and i set the speed for aimPitch to 0.5, the turret would rotate at a speed of 1 and elevate/depress the gun at the speed of 0.5.

2. How do we make the rocket pods? What is the proper GameObject structure for them? If i make the rocket GameObjects children of aimRotate and aimPitch will it act like a turret firing missiles of some sort? I looked at a source code (I barely understood it) and all i know it takes a rocket model and duplicates it and "fires" it out of the pod. I also figured that i need a gameobject called "rocketsTransform" with the models of the rockets named "rockets" as children. Is this close to what i have to do?

I also have some more questions over here. Sorry for bothering you with all my questions, i can stop if you are really bothered by it.


So , my request is ; Can you add a button able to set "No Altitude" or "tank Mode" or "Rover Mode" into the AI Pilot Flight Computer Part ?

Or maybe you or someone on this Thread got a tip especially for tank . Something to set AI to stop trying to raise the nose all the time instead of looking around ( right & left like Tank turret )


I agree with this. It's really frustrating when the only thing close to having a realistic tank battle is when tanks run in straight lines, not taking cover and stuff. When you're implementing this consider letting the AI tanks use the terrain around them, including the KSC buildings to go into hull down positions and angle their armor with their vulnerable sides against a building or a steep terrain feature. Maybe even implement some kind of AI coordination system, where tanks would pin enemy tanks and another friendly tank could go around and flank.

I also have a suggestion.

My suggestion is to be able to add a "fuse" to a shell. So that when it hits a part and or meets a certain condition, a fuse will activate. When the fuse runs out, it explodes as normal. And when a shell hits a part it has a chance to go through or penetrate the part.

I thought this would be useful because during my tank battles (In KSP), it is VERY hard to disable the internal components of a tank due to the toughness of those structural panels, making it very time consuming to kill just one tank. This suggestion would help because when the user configures a turret's ammo to activate it's fuse when it penetrates something. It makes some sort of APHE shell. Basically when a shell hits a structural panel, it's fuse would activate. While it's fuse is counting down the shell goes even deeper into the internal components of the tank, and when the fuse runs out KABOOM. The internal components of the tank would get rekt.

You may think this is quite overpowered. But there should be a few parameters that could prevent the shell from penetrating the armor and delivering the explosive content upon the insides of the tank. For example, one basic one is to increase the chance that shells could bounce off angled armor, since the shell is not exploding on contact, it has many reasons to just bounce away. One more parameter is to set a "shell strength". One problem with most WWII shells is that due to the shock of hitting the armor plate they could disintegrate before penetrating the armor, doing virtually nothing to the armor and crew inside (If you're curious to how they solved this problem, they just used caps to reduce the shock of the shells hitting the armor, thus some shells are named APBC, or armor piercing ballistic cap. Meaning that the shell has a ballistic cap, the thingy that reduces the shock from the armor). One more solution is to make the shell undergo "shock/penetration tests" each time they go through armor, so there is a chance they would disintegrate everytime a shell has to pen an armor plate. So the user could just stack a lot of armor plates on top of eachother, or create Schürzen type armor (Spaced armor).

What if the user plain does not want this feature. They could just set the fuse timer by right clicking in the turret and setting the fuse timer to "zero" (So they would explode immediately). Turrets will have their own individual fuse timers. Users could also just disable it through the Alt + B menu.

If you did not understand this wall of text, here is a proof of concept GIF i put together in GIMP.

Thanks for reading through this gigantic wall of text! What do you guys (Both Bahamuto and everybody else) think? Discuss!

Have a good one everybody!

God i write a lot. Probably the classical music.

Edited by CrayzeeMonkey
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