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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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What are the permissions like for modifying the code? If it's allowed I would like to request a Skillfull compatibility fork for this mod. Just a damage system swap to let these beautiful parts be used alongside Skillful's armor

BahamutoD already said he wasn't going to add skillful integration.

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Any plans for a 380mm Howitzer? Either have it a cannon or a rocket-launcher (launching at low speed and after maytbe about 0.5s or something a rocket activates propelling it to a faster speed, but still very slow compared to other cannons.)

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Absolutely great mod, personally I think it's better than skillful, but one thing, I love all the new plans you have for weapons, but is it possible for you to make an aircraft carrier that looks like the USS Nimitz? Infini Tedice has a boat mod but it does not look like a real aircraft carrier.is it possible to do something like this?

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THat seems just a bit over the top. Maybe someone else or some time in the future, but I persoanally would love to see BD continue as he is now, making awesome splodey-death-boom things :D

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Sorry to digress from the chat but here are a few parts to try out maybe (A mod to a mod). I created them as a concept and they are either horribly under or overpowered.

-Guided Bomb

This bomb has missile thrust enabled, without smoke though. I think I might have put too much thrust on. I also tweaked the explosion size and force.


This is a modified stock nosecone with the bomb module added to it. I made it really powerful. Don' use within 200 meters of anything valuable.


I just renamed the part, made it shoot 15000 bullets a minute and made it tolerate less heat, do less damage, made it less accurate and made the bullets slower.

DL link below. Read the README.:)


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Sorry to digress from the chat but here are a few parts to try out maybe (A mod to a mod). I created them as a concept and they are either horribly under or overpowered.

-Guided Bomb

This bomb has missile thrust enabled, without smoke though. I think I might have put too much thrust on. I also tweaked the explosion size and force.


This is a modified stock nosecone with the bomb module added to it. I made it really powerful. Don' use within 200 meters of anything valuable.


I just renamed the part, made it shoot 15000 bullets a minute and made it tolerate less heat, do less damage, made it less accurate and made the bullets slower.

DL link below. Read the README.:)


Are these parts tested? Do they have any errors? Will they bug my game?

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Finally, after a month long holiday from trying to make a ME Mako (.50 cal turret not going on the Abrams turret), Jeb is back!

And with him, he has brought the Blueprints for the



Jup thats right, he has made an Airplane armed with Bombs, that can eject said wings and continue as a Tank! (Jeb may have not recovered fully...)

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(The body and the cocpit are from LLL)

About the Design: I started with the Idea of a Tank that flies in somewhere and the becomes a Tank, as both other options (Rocket and Driving) are either too slow, unprecise or too much work.

As you can see (if i've got the image thing right, first time), as a plane it needs decent speeds to lift off, so the "normal" wheels were neccessairy, leaving with the problem of how to move once landed. This leaved me with the option of either having slightly retracted Rover wheels or using the low altitude jetfuel engines. However, since landings can be rough, i needed the sturdy wheels till touchdown, meaning more Debris and a slight drop if cut off then (possible wheel explosion).

Using the fast Jet engines AND having to land upright meaned I needed a wider base, wich lead to the structural beams.

The wings themselves are fairly simple: every wing is connected to the decoupler, and upon firing the stage seperatrons eject the wing upwards and outwards, while parachutes on the top side of the craft (landing upright) deploy. (Btw, you might wanna cut off the engine a bit earlier , or it will make a looping).

The Weaponry ist just a Abrams turret slapped ontop of the thing, and the Bombs are somewhat counterweight, and allow for a fly-by-bombing before you land.

Thats it, tell me what you think about it, I might upload the craft file if there are multiple requests.

EDIT: forgot to mention that you need to take off by going full speeds to the end of the runway, and lift the nose CAREFULLY, otherwise the flappy wings become unstable. Also it is not very manouverable (It's a tank, duhh). Weaponry can be exchanged freely, just make sure you balance it out.

EDIT: Thanks to JewelShisen for helping to get the Images right. Should be working now

Edited by Dawa1147
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I have a few edits of my own and If BahamutoD does not mind, I can post the config files here for others to try out and test. So far I have a larger hellfire as a guided missile, I have edited the dummy warhead from FASA to use DBArmorys module, I plan to edit the 102 howitzer into a smaller cannon, and then one more larger one. And may edit the internal Vulcan into a single shot Or much slower rof cannon for use as maybe "spitfire" like aircraft, or both.

ALL theses edits will contain there own seperated config file, with edited in them and only adding my name to the current authors name so that BahamutoD is credited for his work.

ALL config files are going to be held privately unless allowed by BahamutoD to be opened up, I'll contact for permission.

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I have a few edits of my own and If BahamutoD does not mind, I can post the config files here for others to try out and test. So far I have a larger hellfire as a guided missile, I have edited the dummy warhead from FASA to use DBArmorys module, I plan to edit the 102 howitzer into a smaller cannon, and then one more larger one. And may edit the internal Vulcan into a single shot Or much slower rof cannon for use as maybe "spitfire" like aircraft, or both.

ALL theses edits will contain there own seperated config file, with edited in them and only adding my name to the current authors name so that BahamutoD is credited for his work.

ALL config files are going to be held privately unless allowed by BahamutoD to be opened up, I'll contact for permission.

How do you actually change the size of the model? I would like to know.

Edited by Derpotron
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This is absolutely awesome. The weapon mod we've been waiting for since C7's planes first flew. I have one question. How do I turn down the volume of the damned guns? My heart can't take another jump scare from my Vulcans.

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Here is a quick pic of the changes I have done so far.

  • Mark 91 250 pound General purpose unguided bomb:
    • Half as powerful as the normal stats 3/4 the size of normal.

    [*]Mark 92 500 pound General purpose unguided bomb:

    • 100% normal weapon

  • Mark 93 1000 pound General purpose unguided bomb:
    • Twice as powerful as the normal stats all around one and half larger than the normal.

    [*]75mm Howitzer:

    • Half as powerful as the normal stats 3/4 the size of normal.
    • 18 rounds per minute.
    • 28 ammo
    • 6 power
    • 28 radius

    [*]105mm Howitzer:

    • 100% normal stats

  • 155mm Howitzer:
    • Twice as powerful as the normal stats all around one and half larger than the normal.
    • 7.5 rounds per minute.
    • 16 ammo
    • 14 power
    • 60 radius

    [*]AGM-114 Hellfire Missile:

    • 100% normal stats

  • M31 Guided Unitary MLRS:
    • Twice as powerful and one and three quarters the normal size.
    • High thrust for boost phase but short duration, low thrust long duration cruise phase.

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How do you set up the fire key to be a Joystick Trigger? I want it to be the main trigger on my joystick but nothing I try has worked.
"joystick button 0" worked for me, assign your trigger to an action group and you'll be able to see what it's called.
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Is it possible to have the chance of destruction of a part depend not only on its impact tolerance but also on its empty mass?

Something like chance=chance/(1 + empty_mass*gun_caliber_constant) the 1 is to avoid potential division by zero for massless parts.

It's a bit weird when a little vulcan gun tears trough those massive B9 parts like a knife trough butter. XD

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Still kinda wanna see a Jdam Guided bomb.

All you would do is add thrust to the regular bomb and have it lock on a target to hit it. A JDAM doesn't do anything but go to a GPS location, otherwise it is just a bomb.

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