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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Gha my edit got ninja'ed, Welp that just confirms my findings then thanks BahamutoD. How hard would it be to convert over a hellfire missile model to carry submissions?

EDIT: Also Since you made a new air to ground flight path is there any way you can make a new ground to ground that will come down at the target at a greater than 45 degree angle to help with the submissions hit the target? I've had some sucess with shooting the cluster bomb as a missile but it drops them too soon and the clusters land way too soon and misses the target over 3km away.

Edit 2: Also I've been having troubles with the cluster bomb/missile only breaking apart around 700 dispute changing it in the part file to another number like 500 or 200.

Edited by Damaske
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-post removed-

Since the missiles are not craft but just parts they would unload after leaving the physics range so that's not possible. However if your able to do some simple config edits you can make a missile warhead like I did and just put it on your own ICBM rocket booster. Just grab any old nose cone change the names (in game and coded plus file name) to whatever you want move it to the BW weapons folder (not sure if necessary but just to be safe) and in the config file under modules just copy in the bomb module from the 500lb bomb and increase the explosion parameters also make sure it will decouple. I used a KW 1.25m nose cone but you can use any nose one stock or modded if you need more instruction I can post pictures later I'm on an IPad at school lunch right now lol

Edited by tetryds
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only the 20 mm shell ricochet, why not the 30 mm and the shells, my T-34 can't ricochet shells :(

All of the bullets should ricochet, but no the tank shells don't ricochet.

I've been experiencing some issues with the missiles and FAR. Since the missiles now turn with some angle of attack toward their target, FAR applies some forces to them which may interfere. Let me know if you're having these issues too.

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I've been experiencing some issues with the missiles and FAR. Since the missiles now turn with some angle of attack toward their target, FAR applies some forces to them which may interfere. Let me know if you're having these issues too.

That would certainly explain why I've been finding it so easy to avoid my SAM sites, and also why its been hard to hit them. I'll go try without FAR and see what differences I get.

EDIT: Yep - Same SAM sites, same missiles, same fighter plane only this time I get shot down in seconds. The new missile flight path seems to of totally borked FAR support

Edited by a__gun
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I had no problems with this. I did some head on interceptions with 3 drone targets flying at ~20km ~40km and ~50+km with modded (reallife specs for thrust) AIM120 and custom AIM54 Phoenix, specs:

thrust = 120

cruiseThrust = 5

dropTime = 1

boostTime = 6

cruiseTime = 12

guidanceActive = true

blastRadius = 40

blastPower = 15

maxTurnRateDPS = 35

decoupleSpeed = 5

optimumAirspeed = 900

The AMRAAM has issues with long range targets, instead of going high, it goes low .. robbing itself of energy for terminal stage and taking its sweet time to get there eventhough it should be going Mach3-4, yet it can still hit. The Phoenix has hit everytime I think, though its hard to keep of everything.

Sidewinders are also effective at ~20km head on and extreme off bore sight.

Btw I dont know if you are already working on something like this: I have Lazor System in my KSP too, I like the TargetCam but I do not like the UI at all. Something like this, a laser target painter pod, LANTIRN pod, would be awesome with a camera that could show the target in a stabilized picture on a rasterprop MFD. Basically, you could move the cam like any other external or internal camera with the MFD, but when you click on one of the buttons it stays on that spot, no matter what its looking at (Lazor just lets you target vessels and structures). It would also guide a GBU-12 or JDAM, or whatever else potentially guided bomb you will put in this mod eventually, once in range and released to the spot youre looking at with the LANTIRN pod.

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Guys I've been working on making Skillful's damage mod, and BD armory to work together. Its been really successful. Thing is they both work together already. You just have to tweak the damage scaling. I think its even possible to make the gun projectiles compatible, just need to add cannon power/blast radius to them. As of now they work too, after 700 meter the bullets don't even scratch armor(since they have a crash tolerance of 300, my modded vers gives a crash tolerance of 200 to ceramics 300-400 to metal plates).

I've tweaked it so it takes 2-4 hellfires to break through a layer of Ceramics+Metal, and 2 cannon shots to punch through it. The damage model works just fine guns, ammo boxes, and just about everything from the BDarmory warps and acts accordingly. I'll post a tutorial after I've taken out the kinks with new update. I might even try to make guns have an account for the damage model(they are outside of it, since they are purely kinetic). I'll also post some pictures of the effects :D.

PS: @VentZer0 I think it keeps flying low, because the cruise time is more than halfed. Tune it up between 20-30 time units, and see what happens.

Edited by Dattmuffinman
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PS: @VentZer0 I think it keeps flying low, because the cruise time is more than halfed. Tune it up between 20-30 time units, and see what happens.

Those are the specs of the phoenix missile which is much faster than the AIM120 and goes into high altitude approach, but I will test it there too, the cruise time for the aim120 is at 24seconds. I will play around a bit with that and the optimal velocity variable.

I noticed that IDSkillful causes my HUD and MFD indicators to just show 'NaN' for every flight variable, speed pitch altitude ... you name it. Did you fix that aswell or do you maybe know the cause of this?

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The Shells should ricochet at a certain angle . The t-34 had a thin armor but could deflect shells btw you should add more type of shells ,and the basic shell should create shnarpels when the Shell hit the armor

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Those are the specs of the phoenix missile which is much faster than the AIM120 and goes into high altitude approach, but I will test it there too, the cruise time for the aim120 is at 24seconds. I will play around a bit with that and the optimal velocity variable.

I noticed that IDSkillful causes my HUD and MFD indicators to just show 'NaN' for every flight variable, speed pitch altitude ... you name it. Did you fix that aswell or do you maybe know the cause of this?

Well I don't encounter any spoofing/glitching of my HUD/MFD indicators as far as I have Encountered. This maybe because I have deleted all the guns/ammo .cfgs for IDSkillful. So if it still occurs after doing this simple step, it might be something to do with your OS.

Anyways I've spent the entire morning modifying the missiles to work. Everything works except the Aim-120 long range. When I get to a 1000 meters from target it hits alot more, ussually directly on the nose if I don't maneuver. Other than that, I had to tweak the Aim-9 a bit then it worked like a charm. I'm sad the JDAM's aren't working any more. They were tons of OP fun. Also made nice light shows when the CIWS fired on them. :(

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Well I don't encounter any spoofing/glitching of my HUD/MFD indicators as far as I have Encountered. This maybe because I have deleted all the guns/ammo .cfgs for IDSkillful. So if it still occurs after doing this simple step, it might be something to do with your OS.

When I remove IDskillful everything is fine again with KSP and RPM

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Since the missiles are not craft but just parts they would unload after leaving the physics range so that's not possible. However if your able to do some simple config edits you can make a missile warhead like I did and just put it on your own ICBM rocket booster. Just grab any old nose cone change the names (in game and coded plus file name) to whatever you want move it to the BW weapons folder (not sure if necessary but just to be safe) and in the config file under modules just copy in the bomb module from the 500lb bomb and increase the explosion parameters also make sure it will decouple. I used a KW 1.25m nose cone but you can use any nose one stock or modded if you need more instruction I can post pictures later I'm on an IPad at school lunch right now lol

You can also make a stock nosecone and spam bombs all over it. Possibly a cargo bay with moar bombs inside it. :D

Another good idea is spamming missiles on the top, then firing them.

So yeah, guess how my Hellstorm ICBMS work now :D

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All of the bullets should ricochet, but no the tank shells don't ricochet.

I've been experiencing some issues with the missiles and FAR. Since the missiles now turn with some angle of attack toward their target, FAR applies some forces to them which may interfere. Let me know if you're having these issues too.

Well, in World of tanks a big part of the armor system is penetration and ricochet. As far as i've heard that system is pretty accurate to reality.

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Well, in World of tanks a big part of the armor system is penetration and ricochet. As far as i've heard that system is pretty accurate to reality.

War thunder to that pretty well too.


Btw, you should add a "heath system" for shell, for example, if the shell have 300 health, and it collide with a part, it's health is substracted by the crash tolerance of the part.

So if a 200 health shell hit a structural panel, it destroy the part, substrating 80, so, 200, 120, 40, and when the shell have 40 health and hit a strucural panel, it despawn and don't damage the panel, and explosive shell should have like 100 health, and when it despawn, it create shnarpels

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Projectiles ricochet only when they impact in specific ways and to certain things. Steel core rounds are much more likely to ricochet off of hard surfaces and will do so at anything below around 80 in relation to the path of the projectile. Tanks fire two main types with specialty rounds for certain occasions. AP rounds are kinetic penetrators designed for taking out other tanks and armor and consist of a sabot surrounding a tungsten or depleted uranium penetrator these will not ricochet since they are harder than just about anything and have enough momentum to punch through atleast some of anything. The other rounds are HE (us army uses a hybrid HEAT High explosive Anti-tank) or high explosive which won't rich ocher since it wille xplode

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Actually WW2 Rolled Homogeneous Armor may be literally tear apart from big caliber HE shells and bombs but modern composite armor like Chobam or AMAS is quiet resilient to explosions due to how well it can recieve and spread kinetic force and stress . Back IT : something i would like to see if you implement armor is different shells for cannons , at least an AP and HE differentation to deal with tanks and lightly armored vehicles or imfantry with the right type of shell . Then if you want you could even add APCR , APFSDS , HEAT and various types of bullets for gatlings and .50 like incendiary , fragmentation , tracer and so on .
Maybe a smoke too?

- - - Updated - - -

Depleted uranium shell,API,fragmentation Incendiary

Edited by boontze
i had a new idea for it
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That is because skillful and BDarmory are NOT compatible.

Well they may not be compatiable to you. Either 1. I don't understand the problem/haven't encountered it, or 2. I'm a freak of nature able to enjoy both mods.

Could one of you post a picture or further explain the problem being encountered?

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