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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Ehm, another question: Can you make it possible to make the target tracking of guns toggleable by a tweakable? That yould be cool and would help me a lot, because I am creating a target tracking camera.(for RPM) I'm building it up on the turret template.

Edited by Themorris
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I like the trailer very much :B Would you mind sharing some of your crafts, namely the A10-ish and the F18-ish planes?

I also made a new test with the missiles, note the freakout the AIM120 endures ... I think they start to rotate extremely fast around all axis.

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Where i can find theses tracks ?

They're in Kerbal Foundries.

would it be possible to make a missle/bomb grabber depending on what you want it to grab and be able to use them again?

Search the thread for KAS configs. You might find what you want. If I can think of a good way to reattach missiles to rails without KAS, I'll do it.

I like the trailer very much :B Would you mind sharing some of your crafts, namely the A10-ish and the F18-ish planes?

I also made a new test with the missiles, note the freakout the AIM120 endures ... I think they start to rotate extremely fast around all axis.

Thanks! I might put them up on KerbalX later.

Were you using the fixed plugin I posted a few pages back in that video? The crazy spinning could also be caused by something else that isn't far. I'll look into it.

How would you go about changing the tracking configuration of a missile/bomb? I love me some JDAM's, but the ones on the first page are treated like anti air missiles, in that they can't seem to hit, well, anything on the ground

Try adding

homingType = AGM

to the bomb's MissileLauncher module.

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Hey guys, sorry this is way past due (wanted to upload friday after thanksgiving), but i kinda lost internet for 2 weeks after the bloody power outage, and ofc comcast took ages to fix a simple downed wire:

I present my HEAT DAMAGE system, and well a small fix to the guided missiles when playing with stock physics ranges (for anyone that actually does that :D).

Here is the link:

The edited code is all commented in the source, the 2 files i did changes to are BahaTurretBullet.cs and MissileLauncher.cs. All other files are left stock from v7.0. The heat damage system is in BahaTurretBullet, and the missile guidance fix is in MissileLauncher.cs. If this is deemed a good mod (i primarily intended it for MP implementation and PvP once this mod gets into MP in the 1st place), feel free to add this to the official BDArmory. I tried to make guns do a similar amount of damage to the previous mod (at a given damage-multiplier setting), although be aware that glancing blows are much less effective, and concentrated bursts are slightly more effective with the new damage system.

Now, legit armor is actually viable, and it is possible to get good results with just a few structural panels or the like in front of your vehicle. Range affects the guns more so now, with close range being a bit more lethal, and long range spam being much less useful. Cannons and rockets/bombs play a little more or a role, as the autocannons/miniguns are overall nerfed when firing from long range (due to the way the heat model dissipates heat from single weak bursts). Tanks are capable of eating quite alot of .50cal/20mm, so dont expect a single 20 to instantly wipe out a heavy tank, if it does anything at all to it (as it should be irl), while it is easily capable of eating lightly armored planes alive. As is, .50s are a little crappy at everything, but i may eventually implement non linear damage scaling to help them a little bit.

here is the mod link for those who are interested:


i would love feedback of how much damage (play with the damage multiplier in the settings file) would be best. I feel 2000-4000 is the good range, with 4000 making the 30 a little over the top, with 2000 making the .50cal a little crappy. Also, for anyone who want to, read the readme which contains details on my mod ect, or if you want look at the source code as well, see what you think i could improve.

Finally Bahamuto, could you increase the impact tolerance of the M1A1 turret to be within a range of 100-200, if thge descriptions says its "armored", then at least make it slightly hard to kill with autoguns (personally id make it have a impact tolerance of like 125, makes it very tough to kill with most guns).

Edited by panzer1b
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Thanks Panzer1b! Definitely playing with this! Will drop the part counts on my ground vehicles by a ton :D(Since I was using IDskills small Armour plates).

Also BahamutoD my missiles are now fixed. The defaults work perfectly, the problem was that I must've used another guys thrust configs because I thought they fixed the prob to begin with. So in other words I overreacted to the missile problem to begin with. So thanks again for the hotfix.

Edited by Dattmuffinman
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So any feedback on the heat damage model?

I feel its alot better, more reliable damage, less RNG screwing you (or instawiping a target)

It looks good. Also good idea on the missile range fix. I keep forgetting that phys_range can be 0 in my settings.. heh.

I'll merge them in and credit you. I guess we should consider applying heat damage to explosions too, right?

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Yea it works great. I miss the warping that comes from the SkillFul mod(for some reason the Explosive power from cannons/missiles were compatible with its damage model). But this is alot more smooth and sleek. I hate the fact that Cannons and Bombs are still OP though. Going to tune them back down for more fun :P.

PS: BahamutoD do you plan on making armor parts anytime soon? If not I'll just go ahead and make 3 tiers of armor that are stack-able on structural panels for more FUN!.

Edited by Dattmuffinman
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It's a great mod, I love it very much!

If I may, several suggestions.

There are already implemented:

1) retarded-fall bomb

2) bullet ricochet

3) cluster bomb

1. Normal bomb + enlarge = Heavy bomb.

Of cause there are no dams or jungles, but their dropping itself (as in Dr. Strangelove) is looking cool.

2. Normal bomb + clustering = a "bomb bunch"

Sorry, don't know how it's in English. Like a cluster, but not peas-in-a-pod. Just several normal-size bombs bunched side-by-side together. Dropped at once, flying, then released and fall apart.



3. Normal bomb + Ricochet = skip bombing


Looks nice together with BoartParts or so.

4. Heavy bomb + Ricochet = Dam Busters' ammo.



5. Heavy bomb + a node for stock or RealChute chute attach = nice-looking parachute descent of a heavy bomb.

I.e. not a "dandelion seeds" as usual retarded-fall bombs, but a "big cow under chute" - as BLU-82.

6. Heavy bomb + chute + some droppable wheeled carriage = BLU-82


Nice roll-and-drop from a B9 rear ramp, not from a bomb bay.

7. Some droppable wheeled carriage + attach node(s) for chute(s) = Unified descent pod.


8. Normal bomb + retarded-fall device + solid booster = Penetration bomb

9. Torpedoes.

Edited by kerbiloid
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How would you go about changing the tracking configuration of a missile/bomb? I love me some JDAM's, but the ones on the first page are treated like anti air missiles, in that they can't seem to hit, well, anything on the ground

I used bahamutos mk82 model, changed the texture(well, not really, just replaced the mk82 with gbu28 and scratched the unguided from the description) and added the agm homing mode. Seems to work pretty well, doesn't seem to be overpowered. Maybe you wanna try it:

just place the content of the archive in the bdarmory/parts folder.




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is the hidden cannons part of this mod or a submod? cuz it wont shoot and i have no idea how to use it

You mean the Hidden Vulcan?

It's part of BD Armory.

You'll either need to add it to an action group and use that button (unless that has changed...) or...

Use the Weapons Manager part. Add that to your craft, switch to the Hidden Vulcan, and press the Left Mousebutton. Don't forget to add ammo cases!

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It looks good. Also good idea on the missile range fix. I keep forgetting that phys_range can be 0 in my settings.. heh.

I'll merge them in and credit you. I guess we should consider applying heat damage to explosions too, right?

I do not feel bombs/explosive stuff should use heat.

reason is as follows:

Right now, cannons, even the 30mm goalkeeper can be hard countered with specialized armor techniques (unless you up the damage to make them extremely lethal that is)

Having teh kill chance on explosions gives a way to hard counter super heavy tanks (albeit it will still take multiple hits).

I feel balance should be as follows:

Autoguns counter small fast craft with low armor (planes, buggies, small crap ect), cannons (105/120) counter tanks, bombs are the best anti-ground but can be shot down by CIWS, and missiles are the general purpose anti-everything but with teh ability to get either shot down, or deflected with flares (missiles are easiest to hard counter, but can be very useful and are long range/guided). Ofc once this gets into MP phase, we will need to take a look at every gun individually (while im a fan of realism, i would buff the fixed guns and nerf the turrtets a little bit (fixed guns are harder to use, and right now most fixed guns dont have much when it comes to benefits over say a partial swivel vulcan). The fixed guns are actually nerfed by the heat damage (as you nolonger are able to destroy stuff reliably with a stray burst), and concentrated fire with a fixed gun is difficult especially against a target thats moving. That means that eventually (once the mod makes MP), we need to think about how we can make these fixed guns competitive vs the turrets (id make them exponentially lighter weight, and very slow overheating, and possibly faster ROF then turret counterparts, or something liek higher velocity whatnot), but we will get there when we get there. I strongly reccomend toning down the shockwave from the bombs and especially the rocket pod missiles (its quite prone to flipping even somewhat heavier vehicles when hit closeby), but damage is reasonable and expected. Bombs/missiles can be shot down with the autoguns pretty reliably (unless its a 50cal, the rof is just too low for dat), but overall im pretty happy with the mod as is (provided heat damage is used for the autoguns, as a rapid fire weapon using random chance to destroy is very RNGish. all in all, the chance to break a part is good for anti-tank guns, as it makes it impossible to guarantee invulnurability, but still makes it possible to armor against it. Finally, while im not gonna focus on this myself, i strongly reccomend taking a look at the lazer gun and tweaking it to do less DPM then most autocannons, but have the perk of no spread (making it superior at long range, inferior at close ranges. If i get time (i have other stuff im working on like adding extra teams, team colored bullet tracers, ect), ill take a look at the lazer cannon, but since i dont use it myself (its way to bloody overpowered as is), i reccomend you check that thing. Another balance thing you may need to look at are the small rocket pods. With their absurd ROF capability, and seemingly superior lethality to say a hellfire, if you can get close, those things are so overpowered as well. They need to have some HE charge, but id tone down their blast radius to more or less require a very close if not direct hit for major damage.

I know balance isnt a big issue now, but for MP, we dont want any one weapon to be good or even superior in the majority of situations, so we need to have say playstyles/loadouts, and everything should have something else that fares better, and also that fares worse.

just wondering if you could make a single shot cannon like the one on an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer.


And Torpedos would be amazing!

Its possible, although thats mostly a 3d model, the code already supports single shot turreted guns, theres a m1a1 turret and a whatchamacallit it 105 anti-tank gun or whatnot, although its tool long to look right on my StuH42 replica)

One more thing, Bahamuto, could you upload the rocket mod model, id REALLY like to model one myself, but i dont have the unity setup for it. Finally, is there a way to make rocket pods WITH GUIDANCE? as in fires guided missiles?

Ohh and im making a few more guns now (still making 3d models, will do the unity stuff later). I will have a quadruple 20mm FlaK cannon (its a sci-fi variant of the Flakvierling 38, with like glowy barrels since its more of a plasma variant of the ww2 kinetic thing), a dual 88mm cannon that comes in 2 variants (one fires cannon shells, the other fires guided missiles, provided i can code that), and a tri-barreled 150mm cannon for capital ships (it will like the 88mm come in a shell and missile version).

Edited by panzer1b
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Hey BD,

Will you ever be making a tutorial on how to make missiles? Even just uploading a unity package like you did with the guns would be really helpful.

It would also be cool to see more bombs eg the GBU-12 and GBU-28. Russian weapons would be cool too.

Thanks :)

There was a person working on those things, but he hasnt been as active lately on that project and never released anything for download. He had some nice models and some good work done.


Edited by Hodo
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Bahamuto, could you make multi part turret? It would be composed of two part, the turret , with horizontal turret drive and vertical, and the cannon (who can't move like the howitzer ) I want that because we could personalize (placing the chain gun on the top of the turret and placing different cannon, from 37 mm to 152 mm , and different turret because most of my tank don't have a turret because the actual one is too big ) and we could use it to other utility, like mouse trackable crane,,but it's just an idea and I bet you will refuse

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You should add pz1b's heat damage model into the community-made addons in the thread, just saying! :D

its being integrated to official BDArmory mod, so no need for a separate mod, what i uploaded was just for testing

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its being integrated to official BDArmory mod, so no need for a separate mod, what i uploaded was just for testing

That is really good, I am glad to see this, it isn't complex doesn't require a new damage model added to every part, it is still simple yet effective.

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It's a great mod, I love it very much!

If I may, several suggestions.

There are already implemented:

1) retarded-fall bomb

2) bullet ricochet

3) cluster bomb


Both the retarded fall and cluster bombs are already included and have been for a few patches of the mod :sticktongue:. ricochets would be cool though.

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Hi everyone !

I love your mod, thank you !

This is what I was looking for.

However I do not use the function of "weapon manager".

So I deleted the part associated

The icon (which I do not use) is always displayed.

Is it possible to remove it?


I would only use weapons. No function that simulates the clashes.

Thank you in advance! :)

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