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[MWI] Metal Wasp Industries Solar Panel and Parts Pack


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I just had a chance to look been a busy day, built a couple antenna babysat took my son to his mom's... Watched some movies with my wife... full day. Anyway, MeCripp no, I didn't receive a pm from you. I will pm you with alternate ways to get a hold of me. I was trying to open the RCS conversation up here so we could talk about it though here

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Been playing around with the RCS and looks like you can use ElectricCharge as a PROPELLANT but it will zap a battey in a sec. and try'ed EnrichedUranium from NearFuture mod not to bad but needs there plugin also try'ed Hydrogen from Universal Storage mod and ArgonGas also from NearFuture mod and XenonGas from stock not bad the problem is some how the density is used in the ratio to how much is used per sec, So if any of those mods are installed will adjust the ratio used per sec that you see in vab when you click on a part which bites so with out making your owne RESOURCE, so you can set the density so the used per sec, looks good and don't zap a tank in a sec, So now not sure what to do ?

EDIT- And do you think a aircompressor would work in space ?

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RE. RCS I think the simplest way to view this is to make some assumptions, standard RCS ala' Squad uses monopropellant and a small charge, from this we can possibly conclude that the standard RCS is basically just a self contained pump and nozzle unit and just like a garden hose, you force water through at high pressure you get a nice example of Newtonian physics, in that equal and opposite reaction of the water being ejected and the nozzle being pushed away from the reaction. That being said why not apply the same assumption with the RCS here, and use any liquid you want, that in turn is pumped through the nozzles at great speed creating the required reaction. In fact piezoelectric pumps are fairly common, ideal for the purpose and I see no reason why they could not be used. This avoids the issues presented by exotic fuels, keeps well away from any issues of stretching physics( and harassment from those rocket scientists in the forum) and the bounds of believability.

It's no issue to combine several fuel types into one cfg, and have an RCS for any vessel using any fuel.

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This pack as mentioned will be (as long as I'm involved at least) be subject to continued development.

In testing now is the 2.5mtr stack shielded double rotation panel. This means you can have decent sized panels without them being stuck to the hull. and you can build them into your craft or station as with any other stackable module. Also no matter the orientation of your craft the panels, rotating around a central axis as well as along their length will always provide the maximum exposure and generation potential. Testing expected to be completed soon.

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I'm assuming you use two tracking modules? Try to ensure the order of the modules does not mess with calculations made by other mods. Stock doesn't really care.

Not totally familiar with building this type of panel, plus never used them from any mod, so unaware at this point of any unwanted interactions with other mods. As with most mods I'll try to ensure there are no easily avoidable conflicts, but making sure it's 100% random mod and fwd compatible is nigh on impossible. If however such troubles are reported concerning familiar and popular mods, I'll either fix or withdraw the part until a suitable fix is found, I will not be happy leaving broken stuff in the pack.

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I'm assuming you use two tracking modules? Try to ensure the order of the modules does not mess with calculations made by other mods. Stock doesn't really care.

You talking about how RSS or the Stock Rebalance changes stuff ? Don't know why it would really matter if it used 1 or 2 Modules.

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This pack as mentioned will be (as long as I'm involved at least) be subject to continued development.

In testing now is the 2.5mtr stack shielded double rotation panel. This means you can have decent sized panels without them being stuck to the hull. and you can build them into your craft or station as with any other stackable module. Also no matter the orientation of your craft the panels, rotating around a central axis as well as along their length will always provide the maximum exposure and generation potential. Testing expected to be completed soon.


i have been wanting something like this for such a long time but do you plan for a smaller size?

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You talking about how RSS or the Stock Rebalance changes stuff ? Don't know why it would really matter if it used 1 or 2 Modules.

Interstellar looks at sun tracking modules in the order they exist in the cfg, from what I've observed. If you're getting 0 charge from a sun tracking rotator hub and it's the first module in the cfg then Interstellar pulls that number and actually uses it for it's calculations for beamed power. It doesn't ignore the second module that actually has the solar panel charging number, but you do end up with tiny numbers for beamed power. Old KSP code used to require multiple sun tracking modules be in a particular order. That does not seem to be the case now. Mods still seem to care. This is mostly from my experience with KOSMOS Balka's.

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I use KSPI so when I go through the parts to alpha test they are being tested with kspi installed. Just fyi, so I will noticed them when I test. We will defenantly fix any broken mod, we will not be leaving them broken, as long as Either of us are envolved, so.. I have been working on real world antannae for RT2 and a deployable arm, that will be added into the release eventually after they are properly tested, here is an example.

I hope to make the arm an individual and scaleable part that can be activated like a sat, but has no sat code, just deploys like one. I am unsure if this is possible, but IF not I will add a very low grade omni antenna inside of it if its the only way to make it function.


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I use KSPI so when I go through the parts to alpha test they are being tested with kspi installed. Just fyi, so I will noticed them when I test. We will defenantly fix any broken mod, we will not be leaving them broken, as long as Either of us are envolved, so.. I have been working on real world antannae for RT2 and a deployable arm, that will be added into the release eventually after they are properly tested, here is an example.

I hope to make the arm an individual and scaleable part that can be activated like a sat, but has no sat code, just deploys like one. I am unsure if this is possible, but IF not I will add a very low grade omni antenna inside of it if its the only way to make it function.



So the waste heat is also accounted for KSPI?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please do not take this negatively, I was just wondering if/when the scoop-o-matic will be updated to 0.24.

I have only just come across the mod and was really excited to use it. I won't die without it I just wanted to mess about with unmanned probes/rovers more :)

I will say it again I am not saying update it now! It was just my curious so I thought I may as well ask.



Edit: damn those autocorrects.

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Scoop o matic?? just checked through the original files I have and I don't see a scoop o matic, was it something else made by tetris wizard? is it an obsolete mod? did it die with spaceport?.If the answer to any of the questions is yes , I may be able to do something about it, I'll need a link of course and if it is obsolete I'll need to contact the author for permission to restore and re release, as rovers and wheels are my thing at the moment I don't see why it's not possible.

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Scoop o matic?? just checked through the original files I have and I don't see a scoop o matic, was it something else made by tetris wizard? is it an obsolete mod? did it die with spaceport?.If the answer to any of the questions is yes , I may be able to do something about it, I'll need a link of course and if it is obsolete I'll need to contact the author for permission to restore and re release, as rovers and wheels are my thing at the moment I don't see why it's not possible.


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Yeah I believe it died with 0.23. It was taken over by mr wizard not too long back. If it's rover wheels you like I don't expect you to update it I'm sorry if I caused any confusion :) The link to this thread was given for any updates on it and I quickly scrolled through the pages hoping to see an update.

But hey ignore me since I like new wheels too, I can still pimp my rover with those :)

Btw nice part packs and now that I am reading through all this I will be downloading!


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Yeah spanner monkey, sorry this is kinda my fault I have been messing with the camera, I got it out putting out images to the raster prop monitor I think, I have to double check. I will add the old files from beastly into the zip in a few minutes again sorry, real life has been kicking my ear a little

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OP updated with new version to include Beastly Science parts they are not 100% tested in .24.2 and I think I have added raster prop monitor functionality through another mod, but I have to check. I am doing all this from my bed on my cell phone, and won't be at an computer got at least eight hours.But I will post all reliant information asap.

EDIT: I updated the OP again, I have everything working in .24.2 aside from a small graphical glitch, that I hope to solve soon.

Glitch fixed!

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