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What do you want to see in 0.25?

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here is my list.

- more graphic options. (I think that .cfg tweaking is OK but still)

- Improved UI (clean it up, it could probbably take a lot less space doing a lot more. Add an altimeter [could be activated by a part], improve the map view with more info]

- be consequent with the already added parts. For instance: if added a new 3.75m set of parts then add all the set. there are a few missing 3.75 parts.

*(bonus wish)- I would love to see faiings (i know itl be after the improved aerodynamics but we need them! AND when aerodynamics and farings would be implemented then maybe we could have deployable structural parts [sTOCK]???)

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  Zatie12 said:
I would like to see multi-threaded physics and PhysX support.

As would I, but I seriously doubt that that will happen in 0.25. They'll start working on 0.25 as soon as 0.24 ships, and they'll probably lock in the version of Unity for 0.25 at that time, and since Unity 5 isn't out yet, they can't play with it yet.

Unity 5 won't be a drop-in replacement for Unity 4, the Unity devs have said that the PhysX physics (which KSP already uses, but Unity 4 has an older version of PhysX that doesn't implement a lot of the latest stuff, including multi-threaded physics support) will require some tweaking of physics setups as the API itself has changed. This doesn't bode well for a quick inclusion into KSP.

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  Zatie12 said:
I would like to see multi-threaded physics and PhysX support.

That would require updating the underlying game engine to Unity-5, which is (very unfortunately) still not out yet

Once Unity Technologies releases Unity-5, I imagine Squad will look into it

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My Funds are on multiplayer for .25. It's a new feature they've been working on, and it gets them close to or finished with Scope Complete. I don't know of any feature besides MP that has been discussed but not implemented in one form or another.

I don't know if I'd include re-entry heat or not. I'm not sure if it's just turned off atm or if it needs built.

I would consider additional planets, improved aerodynamics and such as tweaks to existing features.

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Crew management would be logical after .24 I think.

Other than that the usual suspects - although I would like to have peek at the current "scope complete" and development road map (I can be very secretive and closemouthed!) - aerodynamics, biomes everywhere, integration of some mod functions (EditorExtensions for starters).

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It depends how career mode works but I'd like to see more science on other planets, maybe even scientific clues you have to follow to make big discoveries.

Oh, and female Kerbals. It hasn't been the sixties for a long time.

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Two things that annoy me when playing the game, which as a result I wouldn't mind seeing fixed for 0.25:

1. Multi-crewed ships are useless. A one-man ship to the Mun is as useful as a three-man ship, even though it's much easier to build. Maybe contracts will offer a few missions that require you to have multiple Kerbals in Duna orbit, but in virtually all other situations a one-man crew is better than anything bigger.

2. Kerbals have no problem with spending a 7 year journey to Eeloo in nothing but a cramped Mk1 Pod. Its cute to think that Kerbals are weird like that, but it also means that stations or deep space spacecraft never ever have to be big.

How I would suggest fixing these issues:

1. Give a science multiplier for Kerbal-based science experiments (EVA/crew report and surface sample) based on the crew of the last spacecraft that the collecting Kerbal came from. IRL a 3-man crew would be able to do more science than a 1-man crew. For balance sake it would have diminishing returns, so that 100-man crews won't give you 1000 science for a crew report from the launch pad.

2. A limited life support system that revolves around living space. A 10-man crew to Duna would get you a lot of science, but if they can be transported there in nothing but a Mk2 Landercan and two Hitchhikers (crew capacity of those three is ten) it's far too easy for the science boost you get in return. My life support/living space system would work like this to rectify that: pods automatically produce life support in return for electricity (which immediately solves the issues of manned spacecraft requiring no electricity except for the reaction wheels). But this life support is not enough to infinitely support the maximum crew inside that pod. So you need to add extra pods, solar panels/RTG for electricity and some batteries for the night side of celestial bodies. But once you've got that settled, you can just leave your Kerbals forever in some orbit or landing site. This way you teach people something about life support, but don't make it complex with greenhouses or supply missions.

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If I had just one request to make it would be: ROBOTICS. I mean, manned missions are nice and everything but space exploration is all about robots. I just wish for a couple of basic moving parts in the stock game. And please don't tell be about the claw because that's an ugly kludge.

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I'd like to see the 'Revert to VAB/SPH/Launch' disabled in Career mode. Instead give the user the option to Simulate instead of launch.. This gives the player the chance to see if it works without completing any contracts. I would however make it cost some funds to simulate development costs, Perhaps a small percentage of the overall vehicle cost. 2% - 10% Or start the % high like 10% but it gets cheaper each time, unless you add or remove parts, then it resets the high %.

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I could get behind improved IVAs... perhaps incorporating things like docking cam or additional readouts, but at least having actual windows to look through... especially when the parts clearly have nice big windows!

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Simple and long overdue improvements:

1. Automatic timewarp reduction before maneuver nodes and SOI changes. Improved warp reduction before entering atmosphere.

2. A "full throttle" key on the keyboard (z?)

3. An option to display real altitude (meters above actual ground level)

4. Basic launch window calendar

(and yes, I know there are mods for that, but these things should be stock)

More time-consuming things:

1. Clouds and other visual improvements (now that KSP is finally going to be 64 bit, there is no longer any excuse not to improve available graphics)

2. New gas giant

3. More biomes

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Yep, i definitely think that 0.25 should be an optimisation update where they clear up a lot of the stuff they've implemented but haven't visited since.

basically, i think we need:

- A realistic aerodynamics system,

- A rework of the stock visuals, i.e. taking some inspirations from the environmental visual enhancements mod,

- Kerbals actually looking different.

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I don't think we're going to see realistic aerodynamics system introduced as stock, some people grew too attached to their asparagus staging ways. We do however need some sort of compromise rework of stock aerodynamics, one that at the very least causes the aerodynamic caps and fairings to improve the performance of the rocket, not decrease it as it is now.

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#1 Resources

#2 Resources

#3 Resources

#4 Aaaand, oh yeah, Resources.

Because, you know, launching massive constructs into space on huge OP NASA-themed launch systems created to pander to a broader customer base is fun and all, but HAVING SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY DO with these creations besides screenshot them and post them in a "HEY GUISE!!! LUK AT MI HUGE THING I MADEZ" thread would be kinda nice. Getting real bored of seeing 2000+ part orbital monstrosities that do absolutely...nothing.

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I hear you but I think we'll have to wait on resources. There are a few other higher-priority gameplay components they'll likely have to visit in the next few updates.

That said,... I did have an idea for two-birds'ing resources and life support.



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I was hoping for another planet (with a ring!) in 0.24, looks like I'm going to be disappointed, so got to move that hope to 0.25

Improved aerodynamics are going to need to come with fairings, kerbal personality needs to come with more kerbals skins and types.. heck everything you guys are asking for means more parts and more code, but if it all goes 64 bit the sky is the limit on that: no worries on memory overload.

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