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The 2014 Officially Unofficial Apollo 11 Recreation Thread

The Jedi Master

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Got my 0.23.5 save back up, as that's where I'd done all my preparation.


My Apollo-Like 2014 rocket on the launchpad before ignition. Harbus, Dozer and Patny Kerman in the capsule. The flag for this mission is the one suggested and provided earlier in this thread.



Cleared the launch supports. The first five-engine cluster of the FiveByFive lifter is a KR-2L and four KR-1s, in the form of two clipped KR-1x2 LFBs.



I referred to instructions I had written for myself for FiveByFive launches. Everything went as anticipated - there was no need to use the (tested and operational) Launch Escape System.




The second cluster is a Poodle and four Aerospikes. Clipped tanks for the aerospikes and careful fuel-line placement make the short final lift stage rather dense.



Started the transfer to Mun with the last of the fuel in that stage. Unfortunately ran dry before encounter, so I performed the twist-dock and finished with the CSM.





Burned at Mun periapse into orbit, then began to fine-tune. The memorial was on the night side of Mun, so I debated whether or not to wait until it turned to day.


Released the subsatellites. They're in a similar orbit at this time, but can move themselves with their monopropellant.



Harbus and Dozer transferred to the lander, leaving Patny in the CSM. Then, they deorbited.




Landed on the dark side by the memorial. The probe was marked to make it easy to locate. After landing, they waited out the night.


The outer panels were fired off, and the rovers revealed. They were then taken out and parked nearby.



Dozer planted a flag under the Memorial flag. He attempted to think of something profound-sounding to say, but decided instead to plant it in silence.



A quick drive on one of the rovers to examine the shed panel and come back.


Harbus' flag was by the lander instead. He got Dozer to stand near him for the photo. Then, it was time to lift off again.



The ascent stage had more fuel than it needed, in the end, but the safety margin was good for Dozer's peace of mind.



It wasn't difficult to get a rendezvous with the CSM. Fine-tuning it to perform the docking on the day side was a little more troublesome, but nothing outside of the kerbonauts' abilities.




Docked, transferred back over, and then flung the ascent stage away. It was immediately time to burn the escape.



There was quite a bit of fuel left over, to the point that I think I could have replaced the CSM's X200-32 with an X200-16.



Decoupled the capsule while aerobraking. The rest would be destroyed in atmosphere.



And a safe return. It was over land, unfortunately, but it's not like I landed on the day side, either. This was an Apollo-like, not a perfect recreation (nor was it intended to be).

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Here's mine.

I flew it on the anniversary of the launch, and I post it on the anniversary of the landing.

It's my first time doing anything like this, so I hope you like it!

I sadly don't have pictures of the return to Kerbin and splashdown due to .24 dropping. I removed all of my mods in preparation and this craft uses several mods parts, so I flew the return, in a rush, right before updating.

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  Majorjim said:
This is my current Apollo craft, Selene.

Her features are:

-Proper Apollo staging

-ullage motors

-tiny hidden rover

-separating fairings

-inter-stage ring



Curiously enough, Selene was the name of my Mun program, investigating, orbiting and flying by the Mun via both unmanned and manned spacecraft.

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Here's my own attempt at an Apollo 11 flight on the anniversary of the landing. This year I made the entire rocket and flew the entire mission from launch to splashdown.

May humans again walk amongst the regolith covered Mare and Highlands in the not-to-distant future.

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This game is just too beautiful.. Also discovered that one Apollo mission costs me 580.000. Time to mess around in the sfs :D Btw if anyone's interested you only have to change the persistent. The quicksafe.sfs has no information on funds.

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I did my recreation mission yesterday as well... but the upload was so slow :,(

Anyway, here's a video. The audio is in German, but it's just anecdotes, so you're not missing out if you turn it off. I meant to upload a gamesound-only version, but it just took me for-ev-arrr to upload the first one, so...

The rules of this endeavor:

- only stock parts (using 0.24)

- no clipping, except when the parts allow it (thorroidal tanks for example)

- go for correct staging

- try for visual approximation

- use original mission profile (including free return trajectory)

- mess up horribly later on while navigating because of overconfidence regarding fuel levels, and having to include RCS fuel in my trans-kerbin-injection burn :,-(

Oh, and I uploaded the ship file as well: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2180…_11_KSP_024.zip


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  • 2 years later...

I'm curious why the Apollo 11 missions require an orbital inclination of 91°? I asked the volunteer NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador group on Facebook, and someone responded with the following:

Lunar orbital inclination:
Apollo 11 1.3
Apollo 12 14.4

Apollo 14 14
Apollo 15 28.72
Apollo 16 10.7
Apollo 17 20.1

Edited by Balrog
Found actual inclinations
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