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Psychedelic colours in the VAB

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While in space I can usually switch between ships with very little problem but going in and out of the VAB more than once always results in the game going to sleep and I have to force quit. This is often preceded by parts developing psychedelic colours in the VAB parts list.

The behaviour is one I would expect if the game is not releasing memory correctly. This behaviour only started when I upgraded to the latest version and seems to be worse when I am using the new bigger rockets.

Any suggestions? I am running it on a MacPro with more memory than you can shake stick at.

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I've gotten that before; I think it was version 0.23. I just ditched some mods and it's been fine every since (though I do still get crashes from time to time).

If you're sure your RAM isn't the problem, I'm not sure what is.

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I have a Macbook Pro and have seen the same issue (stock and with mods, It's preceded by a Null Reference Exception. I'll see if I can grab a screenshot and logs the next it happens. If you see it before me, just know that you'll have to switch out and use Grab on a timer because the in-game function stops working.

I suspect it's not related to RAM, but video RAM partly because it's a graphical corruption. Also, although it does happen more frequently with mods installed, it happens very rarely if I keep my Active Texture Management settings aggressive enough to keep KSP's RAM usage down to 1 GB. That's well below the 32-bit process limit, but exactly how much video RAM I have.

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Not a load of mods. Many fewer than Scott Manley in fact. What I have is:









TAC Fuel Balancer

Alarm Clock

And to be honest I would find it unplayable without most of these.

Active Texture Management?

Edited by THobson
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i run a 2011 iMac quad i5 (or maybe i7 can't remember at the moment) with 16GB ram and the stock graphics processor. I run full stock KSP and find the Psycho colour feature quite often in fact. However, on my 2015 macbook pro it never happens at all. So... I would assume a small graphics driver issue. However... all my techie braincells died long ago, so take it for what it's worth. that said, my drivers are all up to date and it still happens at strange intervals - especially when I've left the game running continuously for days. Memory leak?

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Corrupted graphics and freezing may indicate to a problem with your video card. Particularly, cooling. Check the temperatures during playing.

Seems unlikely given that 5 of us are reporting the same issue with at least 3 different models of video cards. I'll check, but I get the psychedelic colors in KSP, but not in other applications or even on my other screen at the same time.

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It really only started with the ARM release and is particularly acute when I am using the new rockets that came with it. Also I find that for some rockets the new large decoupler causes the game to freeze when it is activated, but for other similar rockets it doesn't and I have not yet seen a pattern. I have updated my add ons (this new Curse place has terrible search capability). As for trying Windows, I do have a full Windows capability and have used it for decades, but for reasons of maintaining my sanity I now keep my use of that system to an absolute minimum.

I will now have a go at changing my game video settings.

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Also I find that for some rockets the new large decoupler causes the game to freeze when it is activated, but for other similar rockets it doesn't and I have not yet seen a pattern.

Give this a try:

New Decoupler (TR-38-D) causes crash when staging (linux/mac) or parts of the ship to follow around (windows) – [FIX]

When staging, the new decoupler (TR-38-D) causes a variety of problems depending on your operating system. This problem seems to be worse if struts are involved. Thanks to Kasuha, the problem was narrowed down to the physics of the decoupler and is easily fixed.

1) With a text editor (such as notepad) open up the part.cfg file for the TR-38-D. It should be located in KSP\GameData\NASAmission\Parts\Size3Decoupler\part .cfg

2) Find the line that says “PhysicsSignificance = 1†and change it to “PhysicsSignificance = 0â€Â

3) Save the file and restart KSP.

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I've been following my graphics core temperature while playing KSP using Temperature Monitor. During gameplay, it tops out around 95 C. While that sounds awfully hot, the rated maximum is 105 C. This report (also not yet resolved) shows similar issues on Windows to what I've seen, but mine persisted to the main menu and seemed to affect different parts. I haven't seen the glitch in at least a month, though.

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I haven't seen the glitch in at least a month, though.

What did you do to get it to stop??

Ive been messing around with my modlist....i can have every one of my mods installed except Kethane and i don't get this glitch, yet i don't think it would be a Kethane problem

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What did you do to get it to stop??

Ive been messing around with my modlist....i can have every one of my mods installed except Kethane and i don't get this glitch, yet i don't think it would be a Kethane problem

If I knew, I would tell you. I first saw it in stock, and in that time I've installed and uninstalled a few dozen mods and change a quite a few graphics settings. Graphics settings you might try:

  • Disable SM3 Terrain Shaders – these are poorly supported by Intel integrated graphics found in almost all recent Macs
  • Reduce texture size – I typically run at half size (either through the stock setting or Active Texture Management) – this would support my thought that it's video RAM
  • Reduce render quality
  • Turn off Anti-Aliasing

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