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[1.1.3] Surface Experiment Pack - EVA science for KIS/KAS (v1.4.2 6/30/2016) *Now with less explosions*


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SEP v1.4.2
CaSXf6h.png  XOJtqQR.png


A long while ago, I created a mod called Munar Surface Experiment Pack, which was a decent mod, if I do say so myself. However, it was plagued with perpetual bugs, which, eventually, caused me to lose interest.

However, several weeks ago, the awesome CobaltWolf contacted me with the proposal that we collaborate on a remake of this mod. Naturally, I jumped at the chance.

Surface Experiment Pack is a much, much different mod than the old Munar Surface Experiment Pack, and much closer to the actual ALSEP experiments.








- fixed the explosion problem. Turns out, it was me being stupid.

-added two additional power connectors.



Mod Support:

This mod has custom science definitions for CaptRobau's  wonderful Outer Planets Mod.

This mod has custom science definitions for KillAshley's New Horizons Pack.

RemoteTech compatible (requires Module Manager)

AntenaRange compatible (requires Module Manager)



KospY's wonderful Kerbal Inventory System/Kerbal Attachment System.

DMagic's excellent DMagicScienceAnimate  plugin, which is needed for all the science experiments to be run-able (included in download).


  • CobaltWolf, for pretty much entirely remaking this mod.
  • KospY, for the Kerbal Attachment System mod without which my mod could not exist.
  • Vaga, who created the RemoteTech compatibility patch.

  • Kerbas_ad_astra, who created the AntennaRange patch.

  • DMagic, for the DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric which powers this mod, and the many updates he made to it to make this mod run better.
  • Beale, whose solar panel texture we used (with permission).
  • Enceos, for his amazing help with converting the original mod to use KIS.
  • JefferyCor, for advice on repairing one of this mod's more troublesome bugs.
  • Dunrana for helping write the Science definitions, testing, and generally getting me back to work on the mod.


This work is presented under a Simplified BSD license.


Art assets used in Surface Experiment Pack were made by Matthew (CobaltWolf) Mlodzienski and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All source files for the mod, including uncompiled textures and models, are available upon request.

DMagicScienceAnimateGeneric Copyright © 2016, DMagic. All rights reserved.


This work is presented under a Simplified BSD license.

 All credit for the wonderful new textures/models/artwork goes to CobaltWolf, who retains the copyright to his work.

Edited by AlbertKermin
Title change
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Your link got messed up somehow:

"https://www.dropbox.com/s/v1vfbn66ehr5bux/MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.zip" works

the posted link is:


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To the Mun! A nice idea that adds a welcome addition to the game.

How about a seismograph to record the hypothesized mun quakes?

Perhaps even with a KSP Interstellar-like option for recording impacts. If you want to go that far. It will probably require a plugin.

I don't have any time to test this today, it is late here. But I will be following the development and should I find something I will let you know.

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To the Mun! A nice idea that adds a welcome addition to the game.

Perhaps even with a KSP Interstellar-like option for recording impacts. If you want to go that far. It will probably require a plugin.

I don't have any time to test this today, it is late here. But I will be following the development and should I find something I will let you know.

I thought about adding a seismograph, but I thought that, since Squad already has one, I would defer making one of my own, at least until I got my first few instruments perfected.

I was, however, thinking that I could make a mortar for use with KSP Interstellar that would launch an inpactor for their seismograph to detect.

texture is a bit corny but overally its great mod. im looking forward to further development.

Yea, textures definitely have room for improvement. I'm working on a better texture right now, and it should be finished within a day or two.

I'm thinking to add a normal map to indent the retroreflectors slightly, as well as some changes making them look a little more like actual retroreflectors.

Edited by AlbertKermin
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Great idea!

I build ALSEP-style experiments using KAS and "A Mechanic Is Jeb" config (typical experiment consists of KAS ground pylon, probe core and instrument. I even built a rover once (thing was wobbly as hell, but it worked!).

If you're making a ASE-style experimet (mortar), please consider making it as a standalone experiment without the need of Interstellar mod.

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Do you have to switch to the part to collect science data? I assume so, since standard science parts aren't EVA deployable.

An EVA deploy button is something I'm adding to my own science parts in the next update and something that I'll probably add to my generic science module the next time I get around to updating that. That module also allows you, if you really want to, to make your experiments work only on specified planets.

Let me know if you want to add my module to your parts, or if you have any requests for added functions.

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Do you have to switch to the part to collect science data? I assume so, since standard science parts aren't EVA deployable.

An EVA deploy button is something I'm adding to my own science parts in the next update and something that I'll probably add to my generic science module the next time I get around to updating that. That module also allows you, if you really want to, to make your experiments work only on specified planets.

Let me know if you want to add my module to your parts, or if you have any requests for added functions.

Yes, as of right now you have to switch to a part (before it's battery runs out, though this takes hours) in order to take data, so I would be very interested in adding the ability to take data without switching.

I'm really not good with plugins, so I'm not even sure if it's possible within the KSP engine to do this, but could a plug-in theoretically be made so that a science experiment required another, specific part be on the same craft in order to be operable? It would be neat to have a mortar and seismometer have to be installed as separate parts, but function together to act as one science experiment.

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I'm really not good with plugins, so I'm not even sure if it's possible within the KSP engine to do this, but could a plug-in theoretically be made so that a science experiment required another, specific part be on the same craft in order to be operable? It would be neat to have a mortar and seismometer have to be installed as separate parts, but function together to act as one science experiment.

Oh yes, that's definitely doable.

That module is getting a bit old, but the version of it that I'm using in the latest update for my mod has been changed in ways that would make this kind of customization much easier. Once I finish dealing with updating my mod and SCANsat for 0.24 I'll look at updating the generic science module. Most of the hard work is already done, it's just a matter of integrating a few changes here and there. It would still require some customization to work specifically how you want, but I could probably handle that; it's likely to only require a few lines of code.

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Oh yes, that's definitely doable.

That module is getting a bit old, but the version of it that I'm using in the latest update for my mod has been changed in ways that would make this kind of customization much easier. Once I finish dealing with updating my mod and SCANsat for 0.24 I'll look at updating the generic science module. Most of the hard work is already done, it's just a matter of integrating a few changes here and there. It would still require some customization to work specifically how you want, but I could probably handle that; it's likely to only require a few lines of code.

That would be wonderful! I'll plan on using the plugin for phase 2, then?

On a side note, I've been working on the textures, and while this isn't the final version, I thought I would see what everyone thinks of the direction I'm going with them.2jvxJlO.png

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I had a quick look today. It shouldn't be any trouble to get my plugin working the way I described in the next few days.

Some methods might need be customized to get them working exactly as intended, but that shouldn't be a problem.

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I've been hard at work the last few days, both with real life and this mod, and here is what I have to show for it:

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Unfortunately, the 0.24 update means a lot of bugs need squashing, both in KAS and this mod, and, sadly, I can't move on properly updating this mod until KAS is updated for .24. Also, I'm not quite sure of my choice of color for the heat probe, and may change it.

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How about making usage of Retroreflector little more complicated? Like adding requirement that mirror had to be in line of sight with kerbin, so using it on dark side of the mun woudl not make sense.

It woudl be easy for mun since it is tidal locked so plugin woudl just ned check coordinates. For planets that rotate independently of kerbin there woudl be probably need to use remote tech like functionality.

Also, another idea - measuring distance of moons in relation to their parent body, not kerbin. To do this, player woudl need to land science lab on parent body and retroreflector on moon.

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How about making usage of Retroreflector little more complicated? Like adding requirement that mirror had to be in line of sight with kerbin, so using it on dark side of the mun woudl not make sense.

It woudl be easy for mun since it is tidal locked so plugin woudl just ned check coordinates. For planets that rotate independently of kerbin there woudl be probably need to use remote tech like functionality.

Also, another idea - measuring distance of moons in relation to their parent body, not kerbin. To do this, player woudl need to land science lab on parent body and retroreflector on moon.

That's an interesting idea, but I'm trying to, for now, use as few plug-ins as possible for this mod, since it's already dependent upon one fairly complex one (KAS) and will eventually be incorporating another (Dmagic's wonderful generic science module). Also, I'm a rubbish programmer (Java, MatLab, and LabView are the sum total of languages I know how to use), and just getting started in KSP moding, so I don't really have the skill to even attempt such a complex endeavor.

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I hope KAS gets updated soon.

As for the color of the heat probe it is a bit orange and perhaps for the "rod"-part a more metal grey color, like the cold cathode tripod. I like the updated look of the reflector. Nice work!

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That sounds great!! Not just for Mun missions but for any manned mission to any planet or moon :D It really adds a lot of purpose to having a manned mission giving a far greater reward for the risk which is starting to mean something now that there is reputation. :)

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Well, this is just AWESOME!!

By the way, I think you shouldn't mark theese as "Munar-Only". They seem to fit on almost every celestial body as well.

And yes, could you make textures more Apollo-like? Whitey, covered in fabric and stuff! :)

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Any update on this? :)

I've been working on the textures, and updating the mesh of the Retroreflector so it looks a little more stockalike. I'll be posting a few pics, probably later today.

However, the KAS integration has been going- poorly. Explosions abound on the occasion that it actually works, so my 0.24.2 update will probably be a few days.

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