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C.A.K.E. Modular Station Mod Dev Thread


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Good morning all,

I'm glad to present the Comfort Aerospace for Kerbin Enterprise (C.A.K.E.).

This Enterprise,born tonight,is in search of its slice of market on Kerbin.

It's first project under developement is a modular station created to give most comfort as possible to the Kerbals involved in a space mission around a celestial body.

Inside it's structures a kerbal can find a personal room,a recreation area,a kitchen,a gym and many other sweet things.

To reduce the costs of implementation have also been created workspaces where Kerbal can store material, or conduct scientific experiments.

A special module was created for the management of energy and life support.

said this hello everyone my name is Alex, and my company is looking for partners because I am able (I think and hope) to model and design structures,

but do not know how to use Unity, please help me to make my project a reality.

What i need:

-An Enterprise logo:http://imgur.com/a/GBKQO#0

-one man to keep my model and "translate" they for use with KSP.

-one man to animate some parts like clamps or bay doors.

-one man to create a texture template.

-understand how to put the imgur album here..(thank you CaptRobau!:D)

What i can do:

-The model of all the structures in an exchange format.Both Exteriors and interiors.

-the texture paint after the template creation.

-the parts scripts ( i've understand somethings looking on the others mods).

-a big smile at the release day.

Dependencies(i think):

-A life support plugin mod

-A moment of inertia plugin mod (to have continuos rotation to the station and have a more difficult docking operation)

-A connection plugin mod to transfert crew between module

-i'm very interested in a "happyness" plugin mod,rised with "fun activity" lowered with work or in a too long break

This is my first mod in KSP,enjoy it with me to have a lot of fun for all and less bug as possible.

Some images of the model under dev(UPDATED 28/7/14):

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I was about to say I wonder if the guys at Universal Storage would mind you working on it as an Addon.

Universal Storage already has the code and setup to utilize KAS for resource integration, so I imagine with some work and a couple of plugin hooks you could write something that allows you to add living space and what not. Then just have a component scale-up for the central spar and the wedge size, and model in / config some new wedges for more station centric things.

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Yes man,i'm working to understand what's the right scale before all...anyone can give me a "surface only model" of a medium sized component in 3ds format? A cilinder is good,nothing more.

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This has got me just a bit excited. I always have trouble planning how I am going to construct a station for a specific purpose. This would relieve a lot of the guesswork. I'm curious about what the scale, compared to the average kerbal, is intended in those models?

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  Gaalidas said:
This has got me just a bit excited. I always have trouble planning how I am going to construct a station for a specific purpose. This would relieve a lot of the guesswork. I'm curious about what the scale, compared to the average kerbal, is intended in those models?

i need only a reference model to create mine in right scale,of course for an average kerbal, i think a 2.5 meters tank model give me the right compare reference

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  PringleMan said:
I was about to say I wonder if the guys at Universal Storage would mind you working on it as an Addon.

Universal Storage already has the code and setup to utilize KAS for resource integration, so I imagine with some work and a couple of plugin hooks you could write something that allows you to add living space and what not. Then just have a component scale-up for the central spar and the wedge size, and model in / config some new wedges for more station centric things.

Ty is one of my option,the second one is this one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85990

Tyvm, is the right way.:wink:

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Communications out:

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All the models are alpha-oriented...first rework after all the modules are completed.:wink:

For example different top and down for all the modules or specific upgrade like animated robotic hands or the solar panels of the Power Plant module.

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  RoverDude said:
That's really good work!

I love the idea of modular station components like that!

Man you are deep inside kerbal,i'm just a good models creator, help me ;.; please! Can we have a joint venture?

For me you can keep the direction of the project...may be the "C.A.K.E." an "Umbra Space Industries" affiliate?

I love your mods. Great work.

About my project, i'm working (brainstorm phase only) on the "kind of launcher problem"...what must be the right aspect...and somethings like this.

I think the solution is rework the actual model to have a "Transformers-look" function, like telescopic movement of the sides (walls and floors).

The "inflatable" way is more simple but used. Try to be original. Today i don't know the "Unity Engine" limits.

Another alternative is just a big(very big) cargo bay to tranfer all the parts in the right orbit,on the nose of a powerfull rocket...:cool:...i like this solution,today i try to create the engine(in C.A.K.E. style)!


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  1of6Billion said:
Looking great. I'll keep an eye on this. :P

Ty Sir, you are an "historical player" of KSP.

You see things that humans cannot image...

I hope to be at the height.


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  mumo said:
Ty Sir, you are an "historical player" of KSP.

You see things that humans cannot image...

I hope to be at the height.


Aww *blush*

No seriously. This is an awesome and very original idea for space station components. I really like it. So I hope you'll release it sometime.

Would you consider to make these compartments so they can fit perfectly inside a 3m fairing? Assembling your station in space would be a thrill. :D

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  1of6Billion said:
Aww *blush*

No seriously. This is an awesome and very original idea for space station components. I really like it. So I hope you'll release it sometime.

Would you consider to make these compartments so they can fit perfectly inside a 3m fairing? Assembling your station in space would be a thrill. :D

The actual design it's at concept level, after the first sketch,now, i'm on a rework of the single model,the actual models are only the "base model",without animation or details.

Just yesterday i've understand how to create the model in Unity.

I've also understand how to unwrap the uv map with blender, but i 've some trouble when i put the texture on Unity.

May be my first release come out without texture,till i understand how to do or till one angel create the texture for me...

Seriously, i think i ha to create a dedicate launcher bay or vector for this stations modules,i don't know what will be the final diameter...sure very big...

Seriously, the mod will be relased,but:cool: there are the holidays in the middle...:kiss:...bye!!!

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