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A look back at KSP .18


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With all this waiting for .24 (and on my birthday no less... 15th) I sorted through almost 1500 images from my screenshots folder from my old .18 KSP build. This was the update that brought docking... that's right.. DOCKING. Before that we had to get to Duna and everywhere else on single ships. I never really got that good with that, so I decided to build a ship in orbit when .18 came out.

And this is how it went.

note: I really do like my Laythe Lander solution

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i've played since the days before a Mun and time warps and orbital maps...where the only way to know if you were in orbit or not was to leave the damn game on all night :D

Only bought the game the day .15 came out though...

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I bought the game in Jan of 2012 (.13) after I had read about it over at Giantbomb.com. KSP took over my month. I saw every episode of voyager and enterprise while playing it... hey, it was on netflix.

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I got it in the late summer of 2012 because my uncle and I liked Despicable Me and he told me you send people like the minions into space in this. So two years later here I am recreating old Soviet rockets :)

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