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Impossible contracts.


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Just seems the eggheads in R&D dont quite understand the need for an atmosphere with atmospheric engines. (I tested a basic jet engine without any intakes so I know this can be done)
Well, I suppose that's why they want you to test it. Just to make sure :D
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Some of the velocities and altitudes required for the contracts are rather odd. For example, one contract requires me to test a part at supersonic speeds about a kilometre off the ground. Since I generally try to work the part testing into my standard science gathering rockets, that's never going to happen.

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Well they said that contracts would be procedurally generated and not scripted.

Getting offered odd stuff like testing a lift-off booster during re-entry or a take-off gantry on the Mün, is easy to just ignore.

And it's better than 10-15 scripted contracts over and over again.

Maybe not very n00b friendly and annoying for people with mild cases of OCD, but still better than hard scripts.

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I got offered one to test a SRB from within the water on Kerbin.

Frankly enough of the parts ones I've seen and just won't bother doing.

I got one like that as well. It's nowhere near "impossible"; it's actually rather easy.

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I bet Danny could complete that one.

Anyways, probably the most impossible contract I've gotten so far is "Test Advanced TurboJet Engine on the Mun." Though I think it'll be possible.

I had a "test a turbojet landed" contract which where I was given the "experimental" part, however, I hadn't unlocked intakes and had no way to fly it. I was still able to complete just by firing it though.

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Not to just make a shameless plug, but... my Jump Drive, linked in my signature, is capable of warping launch clamps off the pad. However I have yet to verify it works in 0.24 and won't blow up KSC if you try it.

HyperEdit I've discovered is actually coded to specifically remove any launch clamps when jumping.

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Thats not that hard just add one to a upper stage and splash down and light it. I thing the strangest ones I've had so far was to test a SRB in orbit(not really hard just got to go rescue bill now) and one to test a parachute at 12k-15k between 500-700km/s.( usually coming in way faster than that at that altitude.)

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I'm pretty sure that's possible. If you can get the turbojet to the Mun, it's just a matter of activating it. Launch clamps, meanwhile, rarely leave the launchpad.

Just put the launch clamp wedged into your rocket's structure so it doesn't fall off. Make sure its triggered higher in the staging sequence, apply *big* engine, and fly.

The launch clamp, with tower, with stonking big concrete base, will come along for the ride.

However, this will *always* break the launch clamp's grip on your ship. That why you need to jam it in.

So.. Fly to the Mun without timewarp, so it stays stuck.

And win.

(the trick of landing on the mun, with a 120-foot pole sticking out of your ash, without dislodging said pole or crashing..... is left as an exercise to the student.

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I got offered one to test a SRB from within the water on Kerbin.

Frankly enough of the parts ones I've seen and just won't bother doing.

Why on earth would you pass on a *paid* chance to develop a water-launched SRBM?

Try it.. Take one SRB.

Mount it on a boat.

Mount boat on rocket.

fly rocket to ocean, splashdown boat.

Sail to your chosen launch site.

Launch SRB.


Amphibious warfare!

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Just put the launch clamp wedged into your rocket's structure so it doesn't fall off. Make sure its triggered higher in the staging sequence, apply *big* engine, and fly.

The launch clamp, with tower, with stonking big concrete base, will come along for the ride.

However, this will *always* break the launch clamp's grip on your ship. That why you need to jam it in.

So.. Fly to the Mun without timewarp, so it stays stuck.

And win.

(the trick of landing on the mun, with a 120-foot pole sticking out of your ash, without dislodging said pole or crashing..... is left as an exercise to the student.

Naw it's not that hard. Just attach ANOTHER rocket to the launch clamp's outside with the starting girder strut, and then when your FIRST rocket takes off and breaks the launch clamp, your SECOND rocket can then carry it to the Mun.

Bonus points if you can do this for less money than they're offering you :D

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Some of the velocities and altitudes required for the contracts are rather odd. For example, one contract requires me to test a part at supersonic speeds about a kilometre off the ground. Since I generally try to work the part testing into my standard science gathering rockets, that's never going to happen.
and one to test a parachute at 12k-15k between 500-700km/s.( usually coming in way faster than that at that altitude.)

reminds me of getting one to test a sepratron at 22-24km, and 200-300m/s. finally did it by putting a jet plane into a completely vertical climb, and cutting the engines at the right point. it was some pretty impressive flying, until Jeb messed up the landing :(

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