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[.24] RealRoster - No more crew reset! [Beta Release][7/20/11]


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Heh, i would settle for "firing" jeb and his buddies permanently, without enforcing permadeath for others.

What? You don't know how often i've called: "Not again! Get off mah rocket jeb!!!"

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  Ratzap said:
How about random crew of the least experienced? That should be possible if the number of flights is stored for each kerbal.

It isn't. Maybe with FF or something, but by the ProtoCrewMember object only contains name, isBadass, courage, stupidity.

I could make a version which makes the orange suits never get picked by default.

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Could you make it so you can pick Kerbals based on their competence? Like High competence would be low stupidity and high bravery I guess, Low competence would be high stupidity and low bravery. That way when you start a mission you can choose a competence level for your Kerbals, so if they are likely to die you can pick a low competence crew.

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  horndgmium said:
Could you make it so you can pick Kerbals based on their competence? Like High competence would be low stupidity and high bravery I guess, Low competence would be high stupidity and low bravery. That way when you start a mission you can choose a competence level for your Kerbals, so if they are likely to die you can pick a low competence crew.

Anything that involves adding or editing a UI is not going to happen. I could make the default behavior prefer a stupidity or bravery attributes, but it would not be user-selectable, just a tweaking of the selection mechanism.

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  Woopert said:
regex made a mod that did the same thing, and it was also called "RandomCrew" :sticktongue:


His mod does something else, actually. Coincidental though, was not aware of it until now.

- - - Updated - - -

New version posted. Hopefully ironing out a last few bugs. Please report any you encounter.

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  Dresta said:
Seems to lock up my editor with larger ships. I really want the mod to work though, cant wait for the next version.

Yea, just found that out myself. To get out of it, you just need to trigger an editor update - hitting the load craft button (but not actually loading a craft, for example).

Will have a better fix soon

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  rynak said:
Heh, i would settle for "firing" jeb and his buddies permanently, without enforcing permadeath for others.

What? You don't know how often i've called: "Not again! Get off mah rocket jeb!!!"

I always just go into my persist file and manually change the names of the default Kerbals when I start a new game. Renaming them prevents the game from recognizing they are the "default" crew, so they are treated as any other Kerbal by the game.

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  Gaalidas said:
I'd settle for something that would stop the re-assigning of crew when the craft is moved, edited, etc. I hate having to reassign everyone every time I click in the wrong spot.

The ideal way would be to assign crew only when you click on Crew button. No click - no crew.

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  biohazard15 said:
Can you add functionality that disables auto-crewing?
  biohazard15 said:
The ideal way would be to assign crew only when you click on Crew button. No click - no crew.
  Gaalidas said:
I'd settle for something that would stop the re-assigning of crew when the craft is moved, edited, etc. I hate having to reassign everyone every time I click in the wrong spot.

Unfortunately, this is impossible, for the moment at least.

The Squad code reassigns crew every time there is a change in the editor, much to my chagrin, and I can't block it. All this plugin does is re-assign crew after Squad does.


Oh, balls, I'm dumb. yea, I'll work on this, I got an idea.

Edited by enneract
Oh, uhm, maybe
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I'm working out the logic for v2 of this, based on feedback from this thread. Further feedback would be appreciated.

The crew of the first auto-crewed pod (by Squad code) will be randomized. The originally assigned crew and the new random crew will be saved. If this pod is removed, then randomization will be reset (return to the beginning of this paragraph). If the crew changes in any way except the originally assigned crew being returned, those changes will be saved. If the originally assigned crew shows back up (which they will, frequently), they will be removed and replaced with the stored changes.

I can make an alternate version without the original crew randomization (just removal), and insert randomization of the default pod as the last step before going to the launchpad if a probe core is not the root part.

Sound good?

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  cpast said:
What if I happen to want the original crew on one particular mission? Is there a way to get that (maybe by launching from crew tab?)

my objective will be that any changes you make on the crew tab will persist.

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  KWall24 said:
So this is the mod causing my VAB to lock up randomly? It's not even on large ships, but even creating a new ship does it. Is there a forecast for when that bug might be fixed?

Yea, probably. There is a race condition which can result in a null reference blowing things up. It only very rarely happens on my system, but I think I've figured out how it might more commonly happen on others.

For now, remove the plugin, or try hitting ctrl-z or clicking the load ship button (but not actually loading a ship) to force an editor update.

I'm currently working on a new version which operates in a different way, and shouldn't have this problem.

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