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[0.24] BetterThanSpyware - Still not as good as Opt-In


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BetterThanSpyware 1.0.4 for KSP 0.24

Tired of looking through every updated mod for self replicating libraries that send your "anonymized" data to a random web site? Fret no more. This mod aims to disable the ModStatistics data collection without the need to jump through any hoops. Simply extract the contents of the archive to your GameData\ folder.

The current release is 1.0.4. It has been tested against ModStatistics 1.0.3 on Windows systems.

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Edited by stupid_chris
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Been using this since forfeit came up with the idea, makes life so much less annoying after having to remove something I don't want from many of the addons I use.

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dunno why opt-in wasn't default.

According to the author: Because then, less people would be tracked... err, i mean participate.

Anyways, i've been going through archives deleting the the modstat libs, but this will be a nice second ring of safety. Now, if only i could disable the intrusive forced update checks, from the plugins of a certain very popular and respected developer.

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Isn't it easier to just provide a cfg with the opt-out option set, instead of a full-blown plugin? :huh:

EDIT: Also, I think you should clear this with Majiir. I'm not sure if this is compliant with ModStatistic's license: "License: You may redistribute unmodified versions of ModStatistics. All other rights are reserved."

It's basically an empty plugin, true, but since you forked the repo and deleted code... not sure if it's kosher.

Edited by Ippo
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Isn't it easier to just provide a cfg with the opt-out option set, instead of a full-blown plugin? :huh:

Either way a file has to be distributed and this was honestly easier than figuring out what string I would need to put in a file and where that file goes.

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Either way a file has to be distributed and this was honestly easier than figuring out what string I would need to put in a file and where that file goes.

Yes, but this is (imho) violating ModStatistic's license and you are not allowed to do it.

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EDIT: Also, I think you should clear this with Majiir. I'm not sure if this is compliant with ModStatistic's license: "License: You may redistribute unmodified versions of ModStatistics. All other rights are reserved."

It's basically an empty plugin, true, but since you forked the repo and deleted code... not sure if it's kosher.

https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service section F.1.

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You can fork. That doesn't mean you can do anything with the fork.

Of course, you could make a decent case something this simple isn't subject to copyright. So there's that.

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Having used Github extensively, it's very clear that Github's policy directly trumps Majiir's. Since he put it up as a public repository, that means anyone can fork it and distribute that fork.

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Actually this gives you permission to fork it, but Majiir has decided to hold all the rights and explicitly states that you are not allowed to distribute a modified version of his mod.

Doesn't particularly matter. It's not his mod any more after it's forked, and by hosting it publicly on github, he gives people permission to fork it.

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Considering the requirement that source code is presented along side a mod, it's not like ModStatistics can hide what it's doing. In fact, if there was going to be malicious traffic, it wouldn't be packaged in ModStatistics, it would be hidden inside some other mod while ModStatistics would be either a convenient scapegoat for the person intending malicious use, or misdirection.

I just don't understand the paranoia of people you'll never meet knowing random things about you. So long as it isn't account numbers or my social security, people can know whatever random things they want about me. Doesn't bother me if you know how many hours of KSP I play a week, or what foods I eat. There's nothing about me worth knowing that isn't financial data.


WATCHER 1: We have movement.

WATCHER 2: How so?

WATCHER 1: Person ZXQ5471 just opened KSP and went to the bathroom.

WATCHER 2: Which one was ZXQ5471 again?

WATCHER 1: The... The guy in Ozona. I think. Might be the one in Braceville.

WATCHER 2: That... narrows it down. You don't remember why we're watching this data, do you?

WATCHER 1: Statistical compilation, I think.

WATCHER 2: Ah yes... ... To do what?

WATCHER 1: I have no idea. Most I could do with this is seem like a creepy fortune teller if I called him up over the phone.

WATCHER 2: We're so evil.

WATCHER 1: Verily... Anything good on over there?

WATCHER 2: Not really. Person PQZ8492 just installed EngineIgnitor and person ABCXYZ01 deleted RemoteTech and installed Life Support.

WATCHER 1: *Sarcastic* Whoa now! That's some exciting stuff.

*Watchers 1 and 2 share a look before busting out laughing.*

WATCHER 1: I am so flippin' bored...

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