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How is 64 bit working for you ?


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I've gone back to 32 bit for the time being, but I liked what I saw while running 64 bit. Once the various bugs (most importantly the decoupler bug, staging bug, and right click bug IMO) get sorted out, it'll be absolutely go-to for me. It runs smooth on highest graphics settings on my laptop, which I can't *quite* say for 32 bit (I had to knock the graphics down one notch on the switch back). Once I add my mods back (provided they're 64-bit compatible), I'll probably try again to see the difference then.

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I've gone back to 32 bit for the time being, but I liked what I saw while running 64 bit. Once the various bugs (most importantly the decoupler bug, staging bug, and right click bug IMO) get sorted out, it'll be absolutely go-to for me. It runs smooth on highest graphics settings on my laptop, which I can't *quite* say for 32 bit (I had to knock the graphics down one notch on the switch back). Once I add my mods back (provided they're 64-bit compatible), I'll probably try again to see the difference then.

Same here.

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Almost flawless. Almost. It's been a bit of a chore to get everything sorted to my liking, but having more mods than I can count, gorgeous HD planet textures, clouds in the sky, dust storms on Duna, and a stunning starfield, has made it all worth it!

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I won't say it is smoother or better.

With my current list of working mods, the memory footprint is just stupid. Without ATM my 16GB RAM capacity is smashed with almost 10GB of KSP when it is running. Which is just stupid, when I had the EXACT same number of mods running before with ATM in under 2.8GB of RAM. So KSP went from looking like a nicely formed Jello mold, to looking like a Taco Bell mudbutt spatter.

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I haven't made it to the huge piece count rockets yet, so I'm not really noticing much of a difference, but then again I have a high end machine and have been running at max settings in 32 bit mode. The only difference I've noticed so far is that the Kerbal animations in the cockpit cameras are no longer smooth and animated. It's now more like a slideshow with insta-changes between facial positions and expressions.

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x64 was running in x32 bit for me, or had a memory ceiling, but one punch, three heel taps, and a pentagram later it was working just fine. I've noticed some incompatibilities with the mods I would like to use, but overall I think I'm crashing less than before (but not as less as .23 - .23.5)

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Stock, no mods, no crashes, kinda smoother but thats maybe just 0.24. I do have a weird thing with right clicking now that AngusJimiKeith mentioned it though. Also back to the slideshow kerbals in cockpit cameras. Hope these get fixed soon. But all in all, smooth :)


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Im impressed on how great it runs than before, Im using almost the same amount of mods from 23.5 version and it used to lag much during launch, Now the lag is almost nothing now, It still lags sometimes but the most of lag only comes on SOI changes now.

I finally can enjoy my game whitout lag issues or constant crashes.

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Except for the slightly unresponsive staging, and the right-click issue, its going quite well. :)

I don't know if its the staging bug mentioned before? My issue is that staging twice in short succession doesn't work, have to mash the button a couple of times to make it happen. Might even be a feature to prevent accidentally staging everything if you hold space too long or something. As a fix, I started putting the decoupler and the next engine together in 1 stage.

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Not a single crash. I've completed 50+ contracts and made 4 million in funds. There'sn o good reason to go back to the 32-bit version as far as I'm concerned. None of the bugs really get in my way.

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It did require a little debugging with mods as we`re all in update mode, but after starting a new career, I am speechless!








Trying my hand for the first time with recording as mission log instead of screenies and it looks 10 times better!

Thank you Squad for releasing the 64bit and modding community! xD

THIS is how I imagined my ksp to look when I first got it along time ago :kiss:

Edited by Kamuchi
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For me it runs faster and looks better but it has a lot of glitches too. Weird graphic errors on loading screens (not an issue mind you), decouplers with no weight (thankfully fixed with a mod), staging not working upon first press of the spacebar, you have to give it a couple of seconds (annoying but I can tolerate it). Also seem to have a few CTD's too (maybe its mod incompatibility). Oh and yeah I know its daft but I would like my steam overlay to work, I can run the game through Steam and it logs my hours but my overlay doesn't work with 64bit for some insane reason.

So while its very nice to have 64bit and I appreciate it but personally I'm not sure if I want to live with the issues or go back to 32bit.

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I did the 64 bit hack in 23.5 and only crashes I got was when I added a mod. That was easily fixed by relaunching the game. In fact, I had fewer of the bugs that plagued others using the hack. But it looks like Karma caught up to me this time. Running half the mods I ran in 23.5 hack (all say updated to 24 64) and getting a lot more random crashes - selecting a part in VAB, scene switching, ship switching, upon loading a craft, sometimes in game loading. I'm thinking there is a stray bit of code somewhere in a plugin causing a conflict as I'm not running out of memory. But I'm no coder, so that's just a guess.

With all that said, the 23.5 hack convinced me that 64 bit is the way to play KSP. So I'll be patient and play the 23.5 hack until the bugs get worked out.

OS: Win 7 64 bit, i5-4670k, Raedon HD 7870, 16gb ram

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The loading screen did actually, despite the widespread skepticism, seem to load a bit faster, although this may just be related to the 0.24 update.

Otherwise I've had a few minor bugs, e.g. trouble right-clicking parts in space, but overall it's about the same.

Edited by parameciumkid
typo ^^;
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Working perfectly fine for me (so far) - but then again, using Linux, and it was working just great on 0.23.5 for me as well.

0.24 seems to be using quite a bit less RAM, and possibly a little less CPU, than 0.23.5 was with roughly the same mods (still waiting on all of them to catch up), but my 0.24 career isn't nearly as advanced yet so might be due to that.

To assist everybody (and specifically Squad), it would be helpful if people with issues post their OS as well (Windows, Mac, or Linux), since it seems that most current issues are specific to Windows at the moment.

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