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Dark Multiplayer GUI Updated for 0.24 by Sins gaming


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Hey Everyone!

Just uploaded our update for the 0.24 version of KSP. It requires all clients to be running the Dev build of DMP but it works perfectly from all the tests we've run thus far. Please let us know if you have any trouble and we'll address it.


Version 1.1.3 has been released. It is now comes with the new DMP which is the new stable version of dark multiplayer!




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By popular demand here is the pre-version 1 image of the GUI.


Edited by mastereryx
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Alright, came across a bug that was introduce because of the new version. Should be fixed now with the release of 1.1.2. If anyone comes across any other issues please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for future updates we'd love to know.



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Good to know since I can't actually delete this thread or the other so I think I'll just maintain this one and leave the other one go. Thanks for your concern though, I don't tend to like making an ass of myself when trying to promote my work.

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how do i remove the message about banned parts not being saved to the server while flying? or more so, how do i allow any of these parts? So all parts can be allowed or saved? Thanks for the GUI, looks great btw. nice job

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Unfortunately, I didn't develop the server itself only the GUI to streamline it. That little issue would be best directed towards Darklight/Godarklight, the guy who developed the server itself. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...13-godarklight You can send a PM to him or go to his forum for DMP here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...P-0-23-5-Alpha. I haven't personally run into this problem so I'm not sure exactly what's going on but I'm positive he can assist you.

Thanks for the complement, I'll be releasing updates to it periodically so keep checking back.


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I figured it out, this should help if anyone else is getting the messages spamming about missing parts.How to allow mods and all parts for your server if you keep getting spammed with messages1. Open \DMPServer\DMPServerSettings.txt 2. Locate this section.#modcontrol - Enable mod control#WARNING: Only consider turning off mod control for private servers.#The game will constantly complain about missing parts if there are missing mods.#Valid values are:#0 - DISABLED#1 - ENABLED_STOP_INVALID_PART_SYNC#2 - ENABLED_STOP_INVALID_PART_LAUNCHmodcontrol,03. Make sure the line "modcontrol,0" if you want to allow all parts and client side mods.Hope this helps if anyone else having same problem.

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ok, your brother is likely either on a separate computer or in a completely different location. You need to know what the IP address is of the machine you're running the server on for him to connect. The IP is likely a root/local ip which works the same as using the Localhost as the IP address. To find out the IP address of your machine on a LAN you need to up a command prompt and type ipconfig you're looking for you IPv4 Address. It should be something like it usually starts with 192.168 but he last to numbers vary based on the type of lan and how many computers you have on the lan. If he's in a separate house altogether you'll need to visit a site like http://www.nirsoft.net/show_my_ip_address.php. Also, if you're in a separate house from your brother you'll likely need to activate connection routing on your router which is done by setting up a virtual server in your router configurations. If you need those instructions please let me know and I'll go into detail.

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Hey Everyone,

Looks like it's going to be tomorrow August 5th before we release the next version of the GUI. We ran into a couple of bugs and we want to make sure we test it thoroughly before we release it.

Thanks for your patience.


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Hey Everyone!

Version 1.1.3 has been released. It now has the brand new DMP If you have any questions please let us know. If you run into any bugs with the gui please let us know on the Sins Gaming forum on our website.



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