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My Card Game...


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I know this is a little childish, but I was going through my old stuff from when I was back in middle school, and found an old card game I made...

It's called "Z Decks". What the name means, I have no idea. I wasn't the EXACT one who made it, my friends did, but they left it behind and gave me the "rights" per say of the card game.

The idea of the game is like most, you battle with the cards you have, and use items that you have in your hand.... it's not hard. The gameplay is simple, on the card is the name of the character (for this circumstance I'll use my card, "Solider"). Then a crappy hand drawn image of the character, then a line with "Att" (or Attack"). Att is the card's health and attack damage. Let's say the Solider has Att: 40. Then he can deal 40 damage per attack, unless an ability does something about it....

If he is hit, say for 20 damage, then his health drops to 20, but NOT his damage. He still deals 40 damage, he just has 20 hits.

Below his Att, is his listed abilities... some have many, some have few... but none are pointless. In this case, let's say the Solider has the Ability "Frag Grenade", and it says "deals 40 damage, splashed". That means it deals 40 damage, and has a splashing effect on all other cards on the battlefield. I have the "splash" set up so that when the main card is hit for the main damage, then you half that damage and deal it to two cards, then half it again, and to another two, and repeat until you get a decimal. For example, 100 attack would splash to 50, then 50 would splash to 25, but 25 cannot splash into 12.5, because that is a decimal.

I made (in my middle school career), nearly 1,000 cards... sometimes during class, sometimes not. But that is a large number... and most are nothing more than normal lined paper.

To make them, their pretty easy, hence why I remember how to make them. What you do is, have a normal sized piece of paper, then have it the long ways (vertical). Then fold it to make it like a book, or in the middle going long ways. School teachers would say "hamburger" style. Then, fold the same way again, and repeat a third time, until you have a little card sized piece of paper, ready to be used.

After that, you scribble a Z on the front, and put decks below it. Flip it over, and add some none-sense on it. :) I have, as said, nearly 1,000 cards, and in that number, is Star Trek stuff, Doctor Who, Kerbal, Star Wars, Real Stuff, Robo Stuff, Random Stuff, Warrior stuff, Ninja Stuff, scientists, cops, army men, clones, droids.... just about anything... My "slogan" for it, is basically "Anything that can fight, battle here". Because, even HODINI, is a card... so you don't need a gun or a sword to fight...


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So, if you like what I do when I'm bored in middle school (I'm in college now), then tell me :) .

I'll have some pics up soon...

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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wonderful story, would love to see it made into real cards! I used to play MTG, and I'd make up cards using Magic Set Editor (here:http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/) you should try it, you can make one sided cards then print them, and add your Z logo to the back :D

Awesome part is, I have a bucket about 6 inches deep and has about 100 square inches in it.... and they fill OVER the top... So I have a lot :)

If I made some, would people BUY them? (for maybe 4.99? (including tax))

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