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What are the craziest contracts you have gotten?


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I had received a contract to test a small stack decoupler in orbit of the mun between 1000-3000m, which at first seemed like a cake walk. Then i tried to accomplish this and realized there isn't alot of places on the surface where below 3000m won't have a small hill for you to crash into a couple 100m's away. After several attempts at tricking the game into thinking your still in "orbit" when your on course to smack into the landscape and still were below 3000m to do the test (which I found difficult while moving at speeds of a super low orbit, because you did still have to be technically orbiting to complete the contract), i finally found a sweet where you could still technically be orbiting but below the surface in one of the craters where I dropped below the 3000m, did the test then burned away before smashing into the crater wall. This definetly took some work and was totally the most difficult contract one I've completed to date.

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Yea testing the ARM engine when landed on other planets is kinda nuts, also don't get decouplers in strange places.

The "test xxxxxx while spashed down" ones are easy to do, but often are out of place.

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  _Augustus_ said:
"Rescue Thompmin Kerman, who is stranded on Jool's surface."


I think we are seeing the Kerbal reproductive cycle in process. They just pop out of matter around the universe, similar to daises -- prior to .24 only those lucky enough to be born on Kerbin had any chance of survival.

Seems legit.

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The craziest contract I accepted was (or still is...):

"Test KR-1x2 in landed on the Mun."

When I accepted in confused KR-1x2 with LV-1R. And I was stupid engough to laugh about the 3 million paid for this, before I realized my mistake...

From the science perspective it might be interessting what I could lift with the biggest booster from the Mun, but how to bring it there with only the first 10 technoligies in the tech tree? Okay the contract runs for 3 years so I might still have a chance...

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I've had a couple of interesting contract's pop up during this latest career play through. One of the most recent was really one of the most pointless. I was asked to test a PB-ION Electric Propulsion System landed on Minmus. The request, in of itself, isn't unreasonable - but as I did not have access to Ion Propulsion tech, it meant I was taking the drive to Minmus with no fuel to speak of. Naturally, when I ran the test, nothing happened. The fun part is I got paid 94,500 in funds and collected 135 science and 225 reputation for this waste of time. Pretty sweet stuff.

I also had a mission wherein I was supposed to test the S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster in Kerbin orbit. Again, not unreasonable but as I had no access to the large Kerbodyne parts I was forced to design a means to get the part into orbit using only what I had on hand. It worked, and I was paid nearly 1 million in Funds for my trouble but I never could quite get past the ridiculousness of the whole affair - case in point:


They've also asked me to test a Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine on an escape trajectory from Kerbin, and to test an LFB KR-1x2 splashed down at Kerbin. I've had fun, but sometimes I do wonder about the sanity of the contract writers in KSP.

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I had to test the abort rocket while landed on Minmus. This actually saved me because my main landing engine was blocked by a stack separator, so I had to land on RCS, which was almost exhausted after landing. A little trial-and-error allowed me to use the abort rocket to give me a 25kM apoapsis, with barely enough RCS to get into orbit. It actually saved me from having to waste money on a rescue mission.

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"Test the Turbojet Engine in flight over Kerbin. 260-460 m/s. 15600 - 23500 m altitude"

You may not think this a crazy contract, and you may be right...

But I got this contract when I was finishing the tier of science prior to tier with TJ's and you've gotta be out of your Kerbaling mind if you think I'm actually going do it. The nice ppl at C7 can their turbojets back when they pry them form my cold, dead hands.

I can't wait till the ask me to test their R.A.P.I.E.Rs...

Edited by LethalDose
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How should you test launch clamps on other planets without changing something in the game files?

My craziest contract till now was to test a Small Gear Bay on an escape trajectory out of Kerbin.. :(

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this is my first post to this forum.. Been reading for a few days now. Got this game about a week ago and yesterday I got a contract that was like "Test blabla on escape trajectory." and without further thinking I thought reaching escape trajectory is not all that hard (on my first mission to the Mun I almost accidentally slingshotted myself out of Kerbins sphere of influence)... Well, what I didn't know was that this little thing I had to test up there was a frickin' LFB KR-1x2... Well, somewhen it started to work out by just building an unrealistic spacecraft looking like this. Ah well, it was fun and a nice challenge... Now the mission to Minmun can continue! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

in my early stage career mode game, I built a Duna orbiter (nice name too, 'red dawn one') and I accidentally accelerated to jool instead. Now I'm getting all these jool contracts and I haven't even landed on Duna!

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  Daffs said:
I always find the parachute tests crazy. I end up testing them on the way up as I can control the speed more accurately.

I found that the test often fail if you do them going up, I tend to test most then returning from orbit. The weird ones get its own test probe and I tend to burn downward to get the needed speed.

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I got a contract to test the ion engines in orbit around Kerbin--I haven't unlocked the xenon fuel yet. Most of the "while landed on Kerbin" and "while splashed down" contracts are just silly. Best contract so far would be to test the launch clamps on Kerbin, which got me way more money and science than it should have.

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  ohlookabirdie said:
Plant a flag on Eve.... suicide mission... i've never even attempted a Eve return to orbit, and o dont plan to any time soon. maybe once i've visited all the planets and moons

I have two kerbals in a science lab landed on eve with like 8 flags planted around them.

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