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KSP Plugin Songs! (Current Song: SUN)


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Upon aerobraking to land:

Going into interplanetary space:

This but with the KSP theme instead of their recurring theme. For an unknown purpose in game:

Again, only bits and pieces from each of these tunes. Not the sound of the entire tune for each area as these have a ton of change in each.

Again, best of luck and I hold you in my thoughts :).

Well this explains why I love them so much.

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;~; Beautiful. Very well done. What does it sound like with quieter taps? OH and one more thing, did you lower the pitch to make the bass line? I lowered the pitch for my bass drum line when I wrote it in DUNA.

Spartwo I didn't know you're a fan of the Halo sound tracks :). I have to say ODST is my favorite of the games. Something special about roaming the night streets of an abandoned city... I love the saxophone they use in a lot of the songs. Sounds like the music from Blade Runner as well. If you have no background music for 2 hours and want some nice tunes, I suggest you listen through the


Great work Upsilon. It pays Dres tribute well. :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Holy kerbal-equivalent-of-crap on a cracker.

That was truly a good piece of music Upsilon, and the only one that i want to be longer.

Also, this is made so much more impressive by the fact that you played the violin...

I have nothing but admiration and praise for you right now. If i have to learn to mod to get this in my game, I will.

(don't stop!)

Edited by CavemanNinja
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;~; Beautiful. Very well done. What does it sound like with quieter taps? OH and one more thing, did you lower the pitch to make the bass line? I lowered the pitch for my bass drum line when I wrote it in DUNA.

I may actually edit in quieter taps for the final version, though they don't sound too loud through my headphones. Also, isn't it blasphemy for a percussionist to want quieter percussion in a song? :wink:

I didn't lower the pitch for the bass line, I actually used a synthesizer, though a more "realistic" one than the one used in DUNA. I think I can get away with it though.


Very good job upsilon.

Holy kerbal-equivalent-of-crap on a cracker.

That was truly a good piece of music Upsilon, and the only one that i want to be longer.

Also, this is made so much more impressive by the fact that you played the violin...

I have nothing but admiration and praise for you right now. If i have to learn to mod to get this in my game, I will.

(don't stop!)

Aww, thanks guys. I think I'll be doing the Mun next. It'll have a bit of a different vibe to it. It'll probably have piano(!), with some clever use of the synths as well. I want to shift away from the violin a bit for the next couple of songs, just because while I can play it well, I don't like having all of the songs be too close to each other. Expect "MUN" to be out in about two weeks, give or take... and expect it to be really cool. (Also, Avera9eJoe, I'll probably need your help with this one. :) )

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I may actually edit in quieter taps for the final version, though they don't sound too loud through my headphones. Also, isn't it blasphemy for a percussionist to want quieter percussion in a song? :wink:

I didn't lower the pitch for the bass line, I actually used a synthesizer, though a more "realistic" one than the one used in DUNA. I think I can get away with it though.

Aww, thanks guys. I think I'll be doing the Mun next. It'll have a bit of a different vibe to it. It'll probably have piano(!), with some clever use of the synths as well. I want to shift away from the violin a bit for the next couple of songs, just because while I can play it well, I don't like having all of the songs be too close to each other. Expect "MUN" to be out in about two weeks, give or take... and expect it to be really cool. (Also, Avera9eJoe, I'll probably need your help with this one. :) )

Ha! Well I tend to listen to the group more then the average percussionist XD. The bass sounded amazing! I thought it was you. When I added bass to DUNA I lowered the pitch so that's why I asked. I look forward to MUN and an my first assignment :). I hope to be available when you tell me what it is. I'm pretty busy as of recently xD (not to mention I'm actually camping right now and using my phone). Tata for now ;).

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I was wondering when the audio files for Eve and Dres would be out.

Do you have any planed release date?

About that... (heh heh)

I finally figured out how to get quality mp3 audio files... but it might take a day or two to get them up, depending on my schedule. Rest assured, they are coming, just as soon as I can render them.

I've run into a bit of a block with MUN... if I can't figure out what I'm going to do over the next couple of days, I may just go with KERBIN, which will just be an embellished KSP theme song with plenty of fun for all. Expect the next song at some point or another in about two weeks (sorry).

In the meantime, you can listen to this absolutely nasty song that I made a long time ago, before I knew what I was doing. I don't like it very much, but it has guitar in it, so that's something, I guess. (Actually, I still don't know what I'm doing. And my songs still aren't that great. But thanks for sticking with me.)

Pip pip, cheerio!

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Eve and Dres finally, finally, finally have their own mp3 files.

Eve: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2kq09o3y2br04nl/EVE%20music.mp3?dl=0

Dres: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n4ta6q4838y5sqo/DRES.mp3?dl=0

Enjoy, and feel free to use them...

...and by the way, here's a little Celtic thing that I did in my spare time, that won't likely go into the game (unless enough people like it) but is nonetheless fun listening to :)

...and the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvpgchnyempwxzs/Celtic%20Jeb.mp3?dl=0

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hooray! I really should be working on this more... I've just been really, really busy. I'm actually thinking that I'll work on MINMUS next, as I've come up with a good theme. I'll work on it Soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow but I can't be sure.

Anyway, thank you much Sal_vager!

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...I recorded it in a quiet room in my house. No recording studio here! :)

That violin, wow, dunno what mic you used, or what mix effects, EQ, you did, but its sound is pure awsome! Especially for just a quiet room recording :)

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MINMUS is out!!

(I finally did something on-time, aren't you proud of me?)

It's pretty nice. I pumped up the reverb to an extent that everything just keeps going and going and going. I used guitar in this one, but it's so affected by the reverb that it's a little difficult to tell what it is at first. Also, the entire violin solo is in 9th to 11th position, so that's cool.

That violin, wow, dunno what mic you used, or what mix effects, EQ, you did, but its sound is pure awsome! Especially for just a quiet room recording :)

The mic is the standard one that comes with any MacBook. Generally, I change up the EQ so that the bass is way higher than it should be and the treble is quite low... this seems to help with the cool little overtones and the general tone. I also generally add reverb and a little echo, to varying extents. And, of course, layering tracks always helps.


I will put you to work with JOOL. I need as many musicians as I can get for that one. In the meantime, expect work either with MOHO, KERBIN, or MUN. Thanks. Sorry that I haven't been replying to these, I'll try to PM you back in person as soon as possible. :)

Bye for now! I'm going to get some sleep. I'll put out the mp3 in the morning.

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mp3 for Minmus is out. I toned down the violin solo, at the request of many of my YouTube subscribers. I think it sounds better that way, too.

Here's the link. Enjoy, and feel free to use it however you want.

Simply amazing music.

Thanks! I really have fun creating these pieces, and they often come out better than expected :)

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I toned down the violin solo, at the request of many of my YouTube subscribers. I think it sounds better that way, too.

Very nice, I think the toning down really improves it.

Will you be making higher-quality MP3s to include in the KSP plugin later on? I think they should be at least 256 kbit/sec.

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Very nice, I think the toning down really improves it.


Will you be making higher-quality MP3s to include in the KSP plugin later on? I think they should be at least 256 kbit/sec.

Sure. Personally, I can't see that much of a difference between 128kbps audio and 256kbps audio for the purposes of simply sharing the audio with whoever wants it right now... but in the future, I can understand that higher-quality would be better for a high-quality plugin. I'll render all of the music in higher quality as soon as I have a few more pieces done.

I honestly have no idea when the next song will be out, but I'll be sending some PMs for musicians I want for it, sometime soon.

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