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[aborted] UKS Lite - a fork of MKS/OKS without life-support


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Before everything, i want to say that it is my first experience with modding, even if this one will be extremely simple.

I'm welcome to any comment / suggestion / help :)

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Why a fork of USI Kolonization Systems ?

I extremely like the work of RoverDude. He created several great mods, and I strongly appreciate his vision of KSP.

I realized that MKS / OKS is currently overpowered for my use. I don't have any interest in the life support. Many of the parts of UKS are only useful for the life support management, but are useless for players who do not want to play with it.

However, MKS / OKS is extremely nicely designed and is perfect to construct a base or an outpost.

I mentioned the idea to fork UKS on the original thread of UKS (see here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-0-24-2-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-19-3%29-2014-07-29?p=1316403&viewfull=1#post1316403 ), and RoverDude suggested to create this thread.

The licence of USK is CC 3.0 - BY - SA, which allows such fork and implies the same licence for UKS Lite.

Simpler UKS ?

My idea is just to simplify UKS by removing the life-support aspect.

The models are already there and will not be touched, as they are excellent.

The main change will concern the .cfg files and maybe in homoeopathic way the textures.

I'm also relatively inspired by parts seen in other mods, as KSO or Fustek.

I do not expect to make a new complete package of UKS, but just new a Part folder in parallel to the current ones of MKS / OKS, and new textures when necessary.

MKS / OKS is necessary to UKS Lite.

TAC-LS is not necessary.

Parts considered ?

Only few parts are considered. Some are really useful, when other ones are just for the role play, for both OKS and MKS.

Kerbitat: equivalent to the Hitchhiker Storage Container (that will use the HSC IVA).

3 Kerbals, no crew report

Kolony Kommand Center: similar to the Mk1-2 Command Pod

Crew of 2 Kerbals

Command pod

Reaction wheel

MechJeb ?

Science lab: an analog to the Squad Science lab

Presently absent from UKS, but RoverDude announced that it will arrive. Will be used by waiting new development on this question.

1 crew

Heavier than previous parts.

Able to store data.

Antenna included.

Will include nearly all the possible experiment tools (Mystery Goo, thermometer, barometer ...).

(If compatible with the licence) will include a SCANsat BeenHereDoneThat functionality

Any other idea welcome for this part

Utility / Logistic module:

1 crew

Storage functionality with large KAS space.

Greenhouse: Just for the roleplay ... or not:

Will produce science when deployed (idea of Vahal)

Could produce biofuel based on algae when deployed (idea of helaeon)

Powerplant module:

produce electric charge with a radioisotope generator

store electric charge with batteries

Mobile refinery:

Karbonite refinery and storage ?

Logistics Hub --> to remove

Inflatable Agriculture Module --> to modify, in association with Greenhouse, will produce science when deployed.

Assembly Plant --> to remove

BioLab --> transformed in Science Laboratory

Colony Control Center --> transformed in Kolony Kommand Center

Kerbitrail Docking Port --> not modified

MKS ExpandoTube Mini --> not modified

MKS ExpandoTube --> not modified

MKS ExpandoTube XL --> not modified

Fabrication module

Modular Factory

Aeroponics module

Inflatable Habitation Module --> left as currently for roleplay

Harvester --> to remove

Kerbitat --> modified

Machinery Plant --> to remove

MKS Integrated Module Base --> left as currently or slightly modified

Power distribution unit --> modified in Powerplant module

Mobile refinery --> Karbonite refinery and storage ?

Mobile Repair Shop

Kerbitrail Kolony Tube

Inflatable Logistics Module - Life support

Inflatable Logistics Module - Mining / Agriculture

Inflatable Logistics Module - MEP

Inflatable Logistics Module - Refining

Inflatable Logistics Module - Equipment

Inflatable Logistics Module - Manufacturing

Storage Tank - Life Support --> to remove

Storage Tank - Mining / Agriculture --> to remove

Storage Tank - MEP --> to remove

Storage Tank - Refining --> to remove

Storage Tank - Equipment --> to remove

Storage Tank - Manufacturing --> to remove

Terraformer --> modified in Logistic module

Workspace module

ScanOMatic Soil Sample

Agricultural module

Assembly Plant


Module Cap

Colony Control Center

Fabrication module

Orbital factory

Aeroponics module

Habitation ring

Hub connector



Power distribution Unit

Orbital refinery

Orbital repair shop

Inflatable Storage Module - Life support

Inflatable Storage Module - Mining / Agriculture

Inflatable Storage Module - MEP

Inflatable Storage Module - Refining

Inflatable Storage Module - Equipment

Inflatable Storage Module - Manufacturing


Station tube


2014.11.07 - Abortion of this mod by lacking of time

2014.08.07 - #2
Correction of the value "name="

2014.08.07 - First release
Add Kerbitat

Edited by ndiver
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I support this - sharing is good :)

Just do me one favor and make sure with your install that you do not use the MKS/OKS folders, I only say this because you reference replacing the parts folder.

Good luck!

Thanks !

I will follow your request and put the new cfg file in a distinct folder. But as i currently see UKS Lite, MKS/OKS will be necessary as i don't specially want to include the models.

UKS Lite is more an extension than a fork of UKS (if it's fine for you).

i support this too as now i won't have to spend hours modifying it myself....

If you want to help and bring some of your ideas, feel free :)

Well done pal!

About the greenhouse use. That could be a science part who could give science over time like the KSPI orbital lab. The amount being impacted by the biome multiplier.

Thanks and great idea !

As i play in sandbox mode, i often forgot the science points. We have to check which are the code lines that allow such feature. I don't have experience with KSPI, so i didn't know it was possible.

Where can we find the biome multiplier ?

So you aren't going to touch the textures either? Not even sure what this is supposed to mean.

I might touch the texture only if i can make more obvious the role of each module (as several of them use the same model).

But i don't plan complete repainting of the parts.

However, if you have any suggestion or idea, as i said, i always take.

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If you want to help and bring some of your ideas, feel free :)

ok although my ideas are a bit... extensive but one thing though, are you going to integrate this with Karbonite?

Thanks and great idea.

As i play in sandbox mode, i often forgot the science points. We have to check which are the code lines that allow such feature.

i am not sure about science but i can help you with the sand box bit (if you want...) which you can look here for that...

Just if you want to...

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ok although my ideas are a bit... extensive but one thing though, are you going to integrate this with Karbonite?

i am not sure about science but i can help you with the sand box bit (if you want...) which you can look here for that...

Just if you want to...

As Kerbonite is totally distinct of UKS, on a certain way, it's already Karbonite ready.

Otherwise, a way would be to have a module that combines the different conversion / storage functionality and just requests a drill to dig for Karbonite.

For your link, i don't exactly get what the code does.

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I like using the full version myself on my main install :) But i totally support this project, and ill be happy to install it on my test install and report any bugs i find.

Thanks a lot !

I'm also interested of feedbacks concerning the adjustment of the weight of the different parts.

Hey please be sure not to use the same part names or you will break installs :)

The file has a different name (there is a UKSL in the beginning of each file), is using a different folder (GameData/UKS Lite/Parts). The Kerbitat has no "tm" ingame.

But i will remain careful to that in the future.

As currently ingame:


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Thanks a lot !

I'm also interested of feedbacks concerning the adjustment of the weight of the different parts.

The file has a different name (there is a UKSL in the beginning of each file), is using a different folder (GameData/UKS Lite/Parts). The Kerbitat has no "tm" ingame.

But i will remain careful to that in the future.

As currently ingame:


I meant the part name. It was still MKS_Kerbitat in your config in the zip, which is game breaking to MKS users.

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I meant the part name. It was still MKS_Kerbitat in your config in the zip, which is game breaking to MKS users.

The part is called UKSL_MKS_Kerbitat.cfg

I will put the UKSL in front of each of the parts :wink:

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I think what RoverDude means is in the .cfg file the "name=" value is still the same as the one in the full MKS. KSP doesn't use the file name of the config for the "part" in game, but name =.

ModuleManager also works this way. If you look there are lots and lots and lots of "part.cfg" and they don't conflict with one another because name=.

Should read in the .cfg

name = USKL_Kerbitat
module = Part
author = ndiver based on RoverDude's work

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Ok, thanks for the explanation !

I was not aware of such problem. I correct it immediately.

Edit: updated :wink:

Edit2: currently the Kerbitat uses 1.7 of electric charge / minute, as the original Kerbitat. However, i removed the battery (of 10000 units) that was inside. What is the best ? Put back the battery ? Remove the electric charge consumption ?

Edited by ndiver
electric charge
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If you stay in the vanilla spirit, there should be neither battery nor energy consumption. But since it has light and other stuff it's logical to make some electricity consumption and to give it a built in battery, but at max something like a claccical 1.25m battery, so 1K EC would be the max I would consider as acceptable.

BTW, I almost fainted when I saw the part's cost :sticktongue:

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If you stay in the vanilla spirit, there should be neither battery nor energy consumption. But since it has light and other stuff it's logical to make some electricity consumption and to give it a built in battery, but at max something like a claccical 1.25m battery, so 1K EC would be the max I would consider as acceptable.

BTW, I almost fainted when I saw the part's cost :sticktongue:

Ok, thanks for your answer Vahal. That seems to be a good compromise :)

For the part cost, i did not touched it, but the value was adjusted in MKS 0.19.5 to 35000.

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Will this only remove the life-support aspect of UKS, or will it also change parts significantly beyond that? Will all UKS parts still be available, or will some be removed?

Initially, the idea was just to remove the life-support.

However, if i just do that, some parts become totally useless, as they are just designed for the life-support (see the list of parts in the opening post, but examplified by the machinery plant, the terraformer or the harvester).

For these parts, i don't see any equivalent without life support. I'm also annoyed by what to do from the Inflatable Logistics Module. If i don't find any role, I will remove the life support and keep this part for the roleplay and its design.

On the other side, there was no part made for getting science points, and there is no part (yet) for the Karbonite (like a converter / storage module).

A laboratory module that include different tools is one of my ideas. Vahal proposed that the Greenhouse could also generate science rather than just being there for the roleplay.

Finally when we consider all of that, a significant change of the parts is maybe a more interesting solution, but if possible by keeping a link with the original part (for example the Biolab becomes the Laboratory, the Power Distribution Unit would become a Rickover powerplant), in a goal to bring diversity, roleplay but before everything, useful parts.

Also to mention that everything is possible, as it's just question of rewriting the .cfg files.

Another point is the difficulty to not make overpowered (OP) parts, so the adjustment is something not easy and that can be seen in some messages from this thread.

The UKSL is a different folder (it was requested by RoverDude), but it requires the models and textures from UKS (the folders "Assets" of UKS). For the "Parts" folders of UKS (MKS / OKS), it's to the player to see if he wants to keep them or not. They will not be necessary for UKSL, but they can remain.

To mention that I'm careful to respect as much as i can the work of RoverDude.

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I like the ideas you have for the modules.

Greenhouse generating science is good. Maybe it could also slowly make rocket fuel/oxidizer/monoprop as you could grow algae or other plants which could make precursor molecules or do it for you (if you had the right strains and processing). Maybe a greenhouse that can do that would be a tech unlock and the regular greenhouse would generate only science. Or it needs to run for a while on each start-up before it can make fuels. Probably if it's making fuel then you'd need to feed it electricity.

Then you'd have a way to re-fuel ships without necessarily getting into Karbonite but, if you've got Karbonite mining goodies on your base then you could make fuels much faster.

I look at it as "What is the point, the purpose, to building a base?" especially in career mode. Why spend the funds, why go to the effort other than simply awesome?

Maybe there should be contracts involved like "Have a greenhouse on Duna active for 75 days", "set up a power generation facility on another world", things like that. FinePrint does a lot of these things, maybe you could get them to support this too (it already supports a lot of mods)?

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I like the ideas you have for the modules.

Greenhouse generating science is good. Maybe it could also slowly make rocket fuel/oxidizer/monoprop as you could grow algae or other plants which could make precursor molecules or do it for you (if you had the right strains and processing). Maybe a greenhouse that can do that would be a tech unlock and the regular greenhouse would generate only science. Or it needs to run for a while on each start-up before it can make fuels. Probably if it's making fuel then you'd need to feed it electricity.

Then you'd have a way to re-fuel ships without necessarily getting into Karbonite but, if you've got Karbonite mining goodies on your base then you could make fuels much faster.

I look at it as "What is the point, the purpose, to building a base?" especially in career mode. Why spend the funds, why go to the effort other than simply awesome?

Maybe there should be contracts involved like "Have a greenhouse on Duna active for 75 days", "set up a power generation facility on another world", things like that. FinePrint does a lot of these things, maybe you could get them to support this too (it already supports a lot of mods)?

You bring excellent ideas. I especially like the idea of the greenhouse producing biofuel based on algae. But it should remain KISS, IMHO. Like clearly slow rate (with a tank included in the greenhouse), and as you said, the Karbonite would do the same job much faster.

For the greenhouse generating science, an idea is to make it linked to the biome where is the base, as if the greenhouse was testing the quality different grounds as a preparation of the kolonization of the whole Kerbal system.

I'm not sure how to manage the tech tree. For the contracts, clear that i don't have the knowledge of how to do that. But it's a good idea.

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We could use greenhouse as a bioreactor converting its biomass into electric charge. A friend of mine was studying that for use in submarines. Cause it's a LITE mode, we skip the biomass upkeep by seed like in other mods. That would be a bigger RTG module with slightly better EC generation, the better EC generation coming at the price of the greenhouse size and mass.

Greenhouse module A -> Science module

Greenhouse module B -> Bioreactor producing: 1* EC at a slow rate like 2 or 3 EC/s. 2* Liquid Fuel/Oxydizer at really slow rate like 1 unit per hour (yeah I know it's really slow but keep in mind that would be effective all the time) 3* choosing between both possibility producing EC or fuel/oxydizer and when LF/Ox tanks are full that switches automatically to EC generation.

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