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Editing the Persistent and "Missing" Kerbals

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So Callan Kerman was exploring the Mun, and he took a bit of a tumble. So there he was, sliding down a hill, I'm waiting for him to stop, and when he finally does... The game breaks. It wasn't really, a crash, but the screen went black, all flight related guis went blank, but I could still use the menu. However, I couldn't fix it, so I restarted ksp.

So now my lander's empty, Callan is gone, I have no way to get the science back, and I'm pretty annoyed since this mission was needlessly complex and I did a lot of things I don't want to redo.

In the ROSTER section of the persistent, Callan is labeled as "Missing". I figured to fix it, I'd set him to "Assigned" and change my lander's command pod's code to have "crew = Callan Kerman" I gleaned the idea from looking at other vessels in the file.

However, when I go to the tracking center, I can't fly or terminate the lander, I and once I've clocked on it, I can't do anything to the other vessels either.

It seems the game is unhappy with that added line. Does anybody know something else I have to do?

EDIT: changed the Part's command module's line to say "controlSrcStatusText = Operational". Didn't fix it.

Edited by meatballcannon
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Tod is time of death. I believe that one's involved in determining how long it is until the Kerbal respawns on their own.

Idx tells the game which seat position a Kerbal is in, or if they are on Eva, dead or in the roster.

Which crew member is in the pod is determine by a line like this:

Crew = X,

Where X equals the position they have in the crew list. Note that this list starts at 0.

Crew = 0 would give Jebediah.

Edited by Tw1
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In case anyone is wondering, idx is short for "index", and is a common variable name in most programming languages.

Yeah, I don't have to use it much though, (I do Java and FORTH, of all things). Any idea what it means in this context? I'm kind of curious.

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