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[Stopped] 6.4x Kerbol System v2.0.1 - RSS Config [11/16/14]


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6.4x Kerbol System - RSS Config

Development stopped! Use 64K instead! LINK HERE

This is a config for Real Solar System that increases the size of the Kerbol system by about 6.4x. Also, distances are scaled to match, so the Mun is the same relative distance from Kerbin, but takes 2000 m/s delta-V to execute the transfer burn. This results in an RSS-lite feeling game, in which launchers need to be larger than in stock KSP, but you can still use stock-sized parts (i.e. not Realism Overhaul adjustments).


Source on GitHub


  • Real Solar System

Suggested Mods

  • Real Fuels
  • Stockalike Engine Configs
  • Ferram Aerospace Research
  • Deadly Reentry
  • Procedural Parts

The config will work without these mods, but you'll be well served with the above installed. Note, that you can use any engine config you want with Real Fuels, but the RealEngines or the RftS engines will probably give you larger/more powerful engines that you need.


1. Install RealSolarSystem.

2. Install RemoteTech if you want to use that mod

3. Copy the folders in this archive into the <KSP root>/GameData/ directory, allowing overwrite.

4. If you wish to use a 6-hour day or a 24-hour day, overwrite the RealSolarSystem.cfg with the file found in those folders. Discard them otherwise.

You should have overwritten 3 files in the RealSolarSystem folder and one file in the RemoteTech folder. They control the settings for scaling everything up to 6.4 times stock. The /64x/ folder contains ModuleManager configs to adjust other mods' settings to scale with 6.4x Kerbol System.

NOTE: The RemoteTech/RemoteTech_Settings.cfg will overwrite your current settings! If you've made changes to the settings, make a backup first just in case, and re-edit the file after installation


  • Kerbol is modelled after a K-type main sequence star (0.64sm, 0.84sr).
  • Jool uses the density of Jupiter but is otherwise unchanged in physical characteristics (aside from upscaling).
  • Every other body has its density fine-tuned to arrive at the gravity values of the stock game.
  • Orbital period has been calculated from the orbital values of the bodies and will significantly differ from stock.
  • Rotational period is calculated using tidal locking values or through some fudges. Kerbin has a 12-hour day.
  • Any body with an atmosphere has its scale height and maximum altitude increased by 32%.
  • Flying threshold for science is based on either the max atmospheric height or the radius of the body.
  • Space threshold for science is based on the body's radius and whether it is a moon of another body.
  • For the purposes of this file a moon is any body with an SMA < 5,000,000,000m.
  • PQSMod_VertexHeightMap values are 1.5 times larger in deformity (except Kerbin, which is now customized a bit) with offsets fudged to make oceans look proper.


  • This config was created by regex. I consider myself caretaker, so credit should go to regex, Lack, and White Owl.
  • Paul Kingtiger, with his 64x package, updated this mod while I was away for a bit. Big thank you for that.


Config is public domain, as with the original.

Auxiliary Items

Delta-V Calculator for 6.4x Kerbol based on Alex Moon's work (webpage) - BASED ON v1.1.1

Delta-V map of Kerbol system - by nebuchadnezzar - BASED ON v1.1.1

EVE Overhaul 9-2 config for 6.4x Kerbol System - by nebuchadnezzar - BASED ON v1.1.1

Edited by Raptor831
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  amo28 said:
Thanks Raptor. Really quick turnaround on this -- everything works great. Biomes might need some work, but otherwise so far so good. Thanks!

My assumption is that the biomes would be pretty close to the originals, since the "map" hasn't changed. But, I may be wrong, so if you find anything way off, let me know.

And you're welcome! :)

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I don't think EVE hand's it. At least when I tried to use RSS 6.4x Kerbol System with EVE weird things happened like the cloud layer was full of huge round holes. You didn't see them from really high up or space, but at sea level an overcast looked like Swiss cheese. I also think the cloud layer was too low.

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First off, thanks Raptor for keeping this alive, and of course thanks to Regex for creating this rescale originally. I was going to offer to take it on, but then it occurred to me people might actually expect me to fix it, or be able to give expert guidance... so glad you through yourself in front of the train. :D

  JPL1980 said:
I don't think EVE hand's it. At least when I tried to use RSS 6.4x Kerbol System with EVE weird things happened like the cloud layer was full of huge round holes. You didn't see them from really high up or space, but at sea level an overcast looked like Swiss cheese. I also think the cloud layer was too low.

I was seeing the round holes as well, I tried a couple of the mod packs to EVE and Astronomer's seems to make the holes pretty hard to see. They're still there, but with him layering on several layers of clouds, they're covered. I haven't had much luck with the EVE mods that are supposed to be made to match up with RSS - see my old posts in Regex's original thread.

One thing I do suggest - as you mentioned, the clouds are too low. The atmosphere height in the rescale is about 1/3 higher and the terrain height is raised by 50%, you might want to try raising the heights of the cloud levels proportionately.

There are also some minor problems with the terrain and biomes, nothing that really affects game play, mostly just aesthetics. The biomes are all where they were in original size Kerbin, but in the rescale, with the terrain height increase of 1.5x, you get some odd effects, like most of the "grasslands" looking very lumpy and rocky. And hard to land on with planes...

My guess is that the terrain type is keyed to change at some defined altitude and the height adjustment doesn't correct this. So now what should be grasslands is still reporting as grasslands for experiments, but they start looking decidedly like hills almost as soon as you leave the "Kerbin's shores" biome. The mountains are a lot less impressive - they are 1.5 times more vertical, but being 6.4 x bigger horizontally they end up looking lumpy, not spectacular. The effect of this is it makes it harder to visually identify where the actual biomes change, so you have to spam experiments to locate them. Or better yet, use Scansat and stick the "GPS" unit on your craft. I believe there's also a mod out there that reports when new, doable experiments are found as you enter a biome, that would probably do the trick as well.

Is there a (simple) guide out there somewhere that explains what each of the various "PQSMod_<whatever>" and their sub-variables actually do? I'd like to try tweaking them to fix some of the terrain issues. I want low rolling grasslands and impressive mountains again. I understand that something called Libnoise was used to produce the map - see this link for what is probably the original Kerbin map (it's mirrored);


...but just looking through the tutorials makes my brain hurt.:huh:

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AtmosphereFromGround {

//apply your settings here, like

waveLength = 10, 0.65, 0.45, 0.5


Mods like Better Atmospheres use a setting which changes the location and colour of the skybox. Is there a way I can reliably calculate the value based on how much Kerbin (and the other planets) have been scaled by? The value to manipulate is the "10" I think.

PS: Registered on the forums just to post this.

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  Raptor831 said:
My assumption is that the biomes would be pretty close to the originals, since the "map" hasn't changed. But, I may be wrong, so if you find anything way off, let me know.

And you're welcome! :)

Took a quick flight over to the mountains east of KSC and found that it's all showing as shores -- and I don't have custom biomes installed. I'll throw CB on and see if it gives a difference.

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  nebuchadnezzar said:
How well do other plugins handle the rescale? Do things like EVE and Custom Biomes work correctly? Anyway, love the concept of this and will probably start a new save with this config.
  JPL1980 said:
I don't think EVE hand's it. At least when I tried to use RSS 6.4x Kerbol System with EVE weird things happened like the cloud layer was full of huge round holes. You didn't see them from really high up or space, but at sea level an overcast looked like Swiss cheese. I also think the cloud layer was too low.

Yeah, EVE doesn't play nicely out-of-the-box with any RSS rescale. There are RSS configs floating around, but I don't think any were set up for the 6.4x rescale. I stopped using it for that reason and the RAM issues. I need to stop adding mods... :wink:

Anyway, you should be able to adjust the cloud layers and such to get something that works. If you come up with a working setup, post about it and I'll link it in the OP. I'm planning on adding some "utility" configs to help get other mods (ex: DeadlyReentry, RemoteTech) to line up with the 6.4x scale, so any help would be nice!

  EatVacuum said:
First off, thanks Raptor for keeping this alive, and of course thanks to Regex for creating this rescale originally. I was going to offer to take it on, but then it occurred to me people might actually expect me to fix it, or be able to give expert guidance... so glad you through yourself in front of the train. :D

You're welcome! I'm no expert, but I can hack through enough stuff to just make it work. So hopefully that'll be enough.

  EatVacuum said:
Is there a (simple) guide out there somewhere that explains what each of the various "PQSMod_<whatever>" and their sub-variables actually do?

Closest thing I know of is this: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/PQSMods-supported-in-the-cfg. You could probably ask in the main RSS thread also, since NathanKell, et al, would probably know better.

  amo28 said:
Took a quick flight over to the mountains east of KSC and found that it's all showing as shores -- and I don't have custom biomes installed. I'll throw CB on and see if it gives a difference.

Hrm, I'll have to check that on my install. I don't play much with career, so the biomes generally fly under my radar.

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  amo28 said:
Took a quick flight over to the mountains east of KSC and found that it's all showing as shores -- and I don't have custom biomes installed. I'll throw CB on and see if it gives a difference.

There is only a bit of shore and then ocean east of KSC, like always. But there are grasslands and highlands west of KSC. I've flown out to them tp harvest science, it just takes a lot longer. The planet is 6.4x bigger after all.


Thanks, not much info there, and Nathan just points over the the Libnoise site for anyone that wants more detail. Looks that I may have to go through all their tutorials *sigh*, but on the other hand, at least now I know that the Libnoise tools are what were used, before I jsut suspected. Interestingly though, Nathan also mentions that if you are retexturing the maps, you need to flip the maps... wonder if that's why Kerbin is the mirror of the planet in the old Libnoise example.

Edited by EatVacuum
Just thought of more to say
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The "holes" in the clouds are, I would think, where there's z-fighting and the cloud layer goes below the planet's surface (or the GPU gets confused since the z-buffer resolution isn't sufficient to know which is lower). You can fix this by (a) getting EVE Overhaul (the new EVE) and (B) increasing cloud altitude.

That wiki link is the best source right now for info on mods; most PQS mods are various wrappers for libnoise. To get sharper slopes you'll want to play around with the heightcurve mods.

The biome map is simply a texture map of the surface with color = biome.

For editing AtmosphereFromGround: see here


or press ALT+G while in flight to bring up the AFG editor. waveLength is basically what's absorbed by the atmosphere; a 1.0 value (they're capped at 1.0, no idea why BA has 10) means that color is fully absorbed. 1.0, 0.65, .55 means that red is fully absorbed, green is 2/3 absorbed, and blue is half absorbed, meaning you get a nice blue-blue/green atmosphere color.

Edited by NathanKell
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You can fix this by (a) getting EVE Overhaul (the new EVE) and (B) increasing cloud altitude.

I tried (B) with EVE 7-3 and it only solved half the problem... the volumetric clouds worked fine at anything above 4000... you don't have to go all the way to 10000 for example. But the cloud layer was still too low, so the volumetric layer didn't match the rendered layer in height (though it seemed to be matched otherwise) giving the odd effect of making Kerbin appear to be shrouded in a layer of dense fog with higher cloud later above... worse; this effect was voided near focused objects with a sharp division.

Would this problem also be true of the EVE overhaul? Does the overhaul do something different with how it matches the volumetric clouds with the rendered layer?

I'll run KSP in 64 if it means I can have RSS Kerbol x6.4 AND a volumetric cloud layer which fits the cloud rendered layer.

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As an update, I checked out the biomes, and they seem to be showing up properly. It's just feels much bigger than stock Kerbin, so getting to the mountains to the west of KSC is no picnic. That, and the "grasslands" between them look more like the badlands to me. Dunno if I can adjust the texturing of the terrain, but I'll take a look. I don't want to mess with the height too much, because that was already tweaked to get the mountains at a decent height (IIRC).

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  Raptor831 said:
As an update, I checked out the biomes, and they seem to be showing up properly. It's just feels much bigger than stock Kerbin, so getting to the mountains to the west of KSC is no picnic. That, and the "grasslands" between them look more like the badlands to me. Dunno if I can adjust the texturing of the terrain, but I'll take a look. I don't want to mess with the height too much, because that was already tweaked to get the mountains at a decent height (IIRC).

I might try to take a look at a ScanSAT map of the 6.4x Kerbin to get a new rendering for Custom Biomes. I'll post again if/when I'm successful. I did it before with RSS Earth a while ago.

In reference to retexturing, I don't know if you flew over to the island yet, but the island airstrip is precariously on the slope of the mountain in an odd position. Is it at all possible to move these things around?

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Yes. You can move the island PQSCity just like the KSC PQSCity.

Also, regarding texturing--while the normal map comes from the shader (and is switched out based on slope), the color comes from the LandClass, and you should probably tweak it more. Just about every parameter of LandClass is supported by RSS. If you want to see changes in realtime, Kittopia can probably edit landclass in realtime?

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  NathanKell said:
Yes. You can move the island PQSCity just like the KSC PQSCity.

Also, regarding texturing--while the normal map comes from the shader (and is switched out based on slope), the color comes from the LandClass, and you should probably tweak it more. Just about every parameter of LandClass is supported by RSS. If you want to see changes in realtime, Kittopia can probably edit landclass in realtime?

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I'll probably make some adjustments. The island runway is pretty much on a cliff, and that island is like a mountain sticking up from the sea. Needs work... If the landclass is controlled by the slope, getting that slope to be a bit smoother would probably help with the texturing as well.

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No, landclass is purely height-based, i.e. if a vertex is between the altitude and that altitude, (and, optionally, in this longitude/latitude area), it gets color x. Neighbor altitude bands can be set to bleed into each other (with/without noise). Think about, say, the sand you get in stock KSP: purely dependent on "less than [say] 20 meters above sea level"

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  NathanKell said:
No, landclass is purely height-based, i.e. if a vertex is between the altitude and that altitude, (and, optionally, in this longitude/latitude area), it gets color x. Neighbor altitude bands can be set to bleed into each other (with/without noise). Think about, say, the sand you get in stock KSP: purely dependent on "less than [say] 20 meters above sea level"

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the tip.

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Thought I might repost this for you guys.




[TD]Mass kg[/TD]

[TD]Radius m[/TD]

[TD]Max Atmos Alt m[/TD]

[TD]Grav Param[/TD]

[TD]Rotation Period sec[/TD]

[TD]Min Orbit Velocity m/s[/TD]

[TD]GSO km[/TD]

[TD]SemiSO km[/TD]






























































































































































































Min Orbital Velocity assumes you're either skimming/just outside of the atmosphere or at an altitude of 10,000m (not exactly a good thing on Vall, but it works for most everything else...) Incidentally this should also give you a good idea of the delta-V required to land on a given (airless) body. The Sun is not included there for what I hope are obvious reasons.

For GSO and SemiSO, no care was taken to see if said orbits fall outside the SOI of the body.

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  White Owl said:
I like the island runway hanging off the edge of a tall cliff! This doesn't need fixing! Where's your sense of adventure?

+1. :)

  regex said:
Thought I might repost this for you guys.


Thanks! Was planning on posting that at some point, but you beat me to it.

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I really like this mod.

However i would realy like to see a 6.4 config with the solars system, not the kerbol system.

Basically a 6.4 config of the actual RSS( for exemple earth would be ~4000 Km in radius and the moon ~1100 km) I also want to keep the solar system textures.

Does it work if i alter the RealSolarSystem.CFG file

If it doesn't already exist, i would be happy to make it.

Edited by TheKutKu
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