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Naval Battle Club


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Anyways, I'm planning on making a Matra Durandal. I've already got Exocet templates ready for testing.

Don't worry, I'll show my new ASW arsenal soon. If my mines can't kill your ships, I'll just have to use my new toys.

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The AAVs seem to be water-proof. Let's see if they're fire-proof.


Definitely not! First the amphibious thruster caught fire, taking its fuel tank with it.


Then something integral overheated in the core of the tank, causing weird physics wobbles and a horrible explosion.


Scratch one enemy tank.


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Alright. Exocet Block 1 development completed. Combat trials will happen soon to gauge weapons capabilities against actual targets.

EDIT: Exocet Block 2 has finished development. I can destroy probe cores through multiple layers of armor, and simultaneously destroy multiple internal structures through its new armor piercing fragmentation warhead. This missile is cheap and light.



After strike.


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Alright. Exocet Block 1 development completed. Combat trials will happen soon to gauge weapons capabilities against actual targets.

EDIT: Exocet Block 2 has finished development. I can destroy probe cores through multiple layers of armor, and simultaneously destroy multiple internal structures through its new armor piercing fragmentation warhead. This missile is cheap and light.



After strike.



By "cheap" you obviously don't mean "very few parts" lol

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By "cheap" you obviously don't mean "very few parts" lol

It's 40 parts and 1.4 tons. The cost is in-line with my A2A missiles, though. :P

Of course, I use it as a ship-killer. It won't be as cheap as I-beam or girder missiles.

EDIT: I forgot to post this part. I made it to kill the LCS, but It'll destroy almost any other naval vessel if aimed correctly. :)

Download: http://db.orangedox.com/mjYUZkXjuNAi...%20Final.craft

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It's 40 parts and 1.4 tons. The cost is in-line with my A2A missiles, though. :P

Of course, I use it as a ship-killer. It won't be as cheap as I-beam or girder missiles.

EDIT: I forgot to post this part. I made it to kill the LCS, but It'll destroy almost any other naval vessel if aimed correctly. :)

Download: http://db.orangedox.com/mjYUZkXjuNAi...%20Final.craft

It doesn't look like it would kill an Oni-class.

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It's on my company thread.

The oni went dead in the water. The exocet blew the command structure and the center armor clean off.



Don't worry. My naval-launched version is already under-development. :)

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I can do a space battle if someone wants.



You guys this is awesome!



It'll never happen. Those parts are out of flow from the stock design theme. :P

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If only I had the ships to do so. Caught up in so much homework at the moment and lack ships, but I so badly want to do a space battle before someone else discovers the technique I use on my missiles (untested against armor at the moment, so idk if they are any good, but I would presume so. Can anyone lend me some ships of different armor styles to test my missiles on?). Also, I now think I'll have to develop an anti-ship missile like Andrew's, just for the heck of it.

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Also, I got a new jump jet VTOL harrier. It's rather maneuverable (which helps with standard non VTOL ground attacks and dogfights) and has excellent VTOL handling. It also carries four of my new short range AIM-9X missiles, which inflict similar damage to daemon's ships as my exocet, albeit at a much shorter range, but with A2A engagement as its principal role. Armor is going to have a terrible day...

And those armored ships can't run. This thing has 2.5 tanks per each of the two engines, it goes fast in both modes of flight, and it's made to survive the current standard SAM missiles used by other companies. The transition from VTOL to level flight is almost seamless. I bet it could operate on carriers and even destroyers.

Gear undercarriage is extremely durable.


Missile away!


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The trick is building a carrier large enough that doesn't lag the planet to altitude 666666.

Which is why I'm most likely pulling out of the current carrier project. Too much AP homework coupled with insufficient computing resources.

I might, however, try building an USS Wasp style carrier. My Harrier would definitely fit.

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I can do a space battle if someone wants.



You guys this is awesome!


I'm willing to do a ground/space battle with you.

Just don't expect frequent posts, as high school work is much worse this year

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daemon, I'll be working to get my next move posted ASAP. (Life has gotten in the way of a lot of projects lately.)

Meanwhile, a little fighter that might be seeing combat in my next space battle:


The Corona-class is up for DL on my company thread.

(Also, if ya'll are wondering, it's based off of this: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090425093427/starwars/images/6/69/MorningStar-A_starfighters.jpg

The one getting shot at, that is. :P )

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Anyone up for a friendly game?I only have spacecraft, and my carrier violates the armor rules... I really want to try out a new RCS only fighter. Weighs a ton less, 30 fewer parts, and only has half the dV of previous versions but accelerates much quicker.

I can set up, or jump into a persist, I'm not picky.

Current GEN4 Craft:

Mk. 28-CARRIER ~130T

Mk. 28-X3 ~110T

Mk. 24-X4 ~50T

ION Micro Impactor III ~7T

RCS Micro Impactor V ~3.8T

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Haven't posted here in a while...

I just got around to posting my company on the rocket builders forum. All of my ships are available for download, so you can try out blowing them up if you want to.


I'd be up for a battle, Turd. You can set up.

My current craft are listed on my company thread but for quick reference I have spacecraft at 8, 30, 48, 72, and 114 tons. I don't have any carriers though.

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