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  Frozen_Heart said:
Using my own weapons to destroy my corvette. Genius! :)

I'm give destroying the A#2 a go but with only 6 I beams left I doubt i'll be able to do enough damage.

I did that since my own weapons were just too weak (its a fighter, what did you expect, while the primary weapons had a good chance of doing damage, i decided the safer bet was disarming your main weapons since i knew that was the ONLY way you could have wiped out my last ship with any reliability given it has inferior armor to the A#1 you critically damaged (and at that point you still had a ship with Ibeams, so my fighter was not exactly safe not to mention it didnt have any ammo left so id have to reload it from A#2, actually i redesigned new weapons for A#2 that were reloadeable and interchangeable in case i needed my fighter to be reloaded).

  Frozen_Heart said:
Ok I sent the CJS Blade of Eternity to attack the A#2 this time. They were in very similar orbits just opposite directions so I reversed orbit as it passed.

I only had 6 I beam rockets left so I decided to fire them all together rather than one at a time to try to overload the joints. Also fired from 180m to get some phasing going.

The left three I beams did some damage to the armour and destroyed some fuel tanks. The right three destroyed a pair of engines so the ship may be unbalanced.

To finish my turn I shed the armour to get more dV and reversed orbit again to be a more difficult target.


Six I beams fired:


Direct hit!


Moderate damage done


Pretty much the most i designed the A#2 to take hits from was ibeams, and i was quite aware of the issue with engine failure. Luckily (assuming i have enough fuel to use it) the vernor RCS system should compensate for anything but excessive imbalance and the craft does have reaction wheels, not that many of them but i think enough to run engines at 50% or something.

Anyways, here is the continuation of the battle:

After checking the damage done to the SK-CRV-IIIg3, AKS quickly dispatched it to deal the finishing blow to the enemy capital ship. Seeing as teh damage was minor and that all but one fuel tank was intact, the droid warship calculated that the best course of action was to switch orbital direction and pursue the enemy vessel before it drifted too far away. The burn was slow as only half of the ship's engines were left operational, but nevertheless A#2 managed to rendezvous with the CJS Blade of Eternity. Despite having a full complement of Tripedo-S general purpose guided missiles, the Ibeam-Ms were heavy, and not very effective against most enemies, so they were fired off 1st. Surprisingly the first shot aimed at the midsection destroyed the command pod and knocked the entire rear off of the vessel. After an intensive scan of the area, the now massively damaged vessel was determined to be neutralized and unable to either move, shoot, or do much of anything, so A#2 burned away to clear the wreckage safely.

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After a final check on the battle, three of the enemy vessels were completely destroyed, and the last remaining fighter was found to be weaponless and not a threat to any AKS vessel in the vicinity of dres. While there is always the remote possibility that fighter would try to perform a kamikaze attack, the armor of A#2 is resilient enough that such an attack would surely destroy the enemy interceptor and do minor if any damage to the corvette.

Despite being droids, AKS dispatched a modified transport fitted with life support systems and place for the green thingies to fit inside, that would pick up any and all survivors and return them to their home planet after hostilities ended.


Victory for AKS!

Btw, great game Frozen, i also uploaded a ship that is my upgrade i made for yours. Seeing as you managed to create your own weapons that work plenty well against me (wonder how effective theyd be vs some of the more powerful players like spartwo or zekes), i think arming the new ship i made for you with said weapons would give you a good start. Now i didnt actually armor it externally (you may want to add some plates like you did for our battle), but i gave the entire craft a 100% solid girder core, that SHOULD make it much tougher to instantly obliterate the vessel with weaker weapons such as ibeams and most 0.6m junk. Its not quite my standard of armor, but i did what i could to keep its original appearance as close as it was before (your ships look way better then mine in the aesthetics dept, and now the armor isnt much worse off.

Time to upgrade some of my ships (i think a common issue with both our designs are the very vulnurable engines, even ibeams can take my engines out)and find a way to armor that without adding much part count or ruining the looks with pirate style bolt on structural plates.

Also, if anyone else would liek to fight AKS ill be availeable for battle after making a few minor adjustments based on experience i learned from this one. I have ~75t capital and a few under 10t fighters availeable for use (that are all being upgraded as we speak).

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Btw, great game Frozen, i also uploaded a ship that is my upgrade i made for yours. Seeing as you managed to create your own weapons that work plenty well against me (wonder how effective theyd be vs some of the more powerful players like spartwo or zekes), i think arming the new ship i made for you with said weapons would give you a good start. Now i didnt actually armor it externally (you may want to add some plates like you did for our battle), but i gave the entire craft a 100% solid girder core, that SHOULD make it much tougher to instantly obliterate the vessel with weaker weapons such as ibeams and most 0.6m junk. Its not quite my standard of armor, but i did what i could to keep its original appearance as close as it was before (your ships look way better then mine in the aesthetics dept, and now the armor isnt much worse off.

Once i upgrade some of my ships (i think a common issue with both our designs are the very vulnurable engines, even ibeams can take my engines out). Time to find a way to armor that without adding much part count or ruining the looks with pirate style bolt on structural plates.

Good game. :) I should have kept the armour on at the end as it may have allowed me to survive that last attack. Your ships are very durable. I've been doing testing with them and apart from a few spots, my weapons don't do damage. The midpoint and the engines are where its best to shoot for.

I'm taking some of the features you added and also adding some improvements of my own. Another pair of docking ports for bolt on armour, and a central SRB tube as side mounted ones have accuracy problems. I'm not using the extra engines as adding oxidiser for the them damages the dV. I also use the Co-102 as a mothership so that is pretty important.

There isn't much that can be done to armour the engines. By their very nature they have to be open at the back to allow the exhaust through. Even the top players are subject to that limitation.

I'm still curious about which weapons are Drek splitting so easily. I've tested several layers weapons now and nothing I use apart from absurd 2.5m missiles will even scratch one.

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  Frozen_Heart said:
Good game. :) I should have kept the armour on at the end as it may have allowed me to survive that last attack. Your ships are very durable. I've been doing testing with them and apart from a few spots, my weapons don't do damage. The midpoint and the engines are where its best to shoot for.

I'm taking some of the features you added and also adding some improvements of my own. Another pair of docking ports for bolt on armour, and a central SRB tube as side mounted ones have accuracy problems. I'm not using the extra engines as adding oxidiser for the them damages the dV. I also use the Co-102 as a mothership so that is pretty important.

There isn't much that can be done to armour the engines. By their very nature they have to be open at the back to allow the exhaust through. Even the top players are subject to that limitation.

I'm still curious about which weapons are Drek splitting so easily. I've tested several layers weapons now and nothing I use apart from absurd 2.5m missiles will even scratch one.

yeah, my main issue (and this is common to every ship ive come across) is targeting the core girder the entire ship is made ontop of. Ive gotten to the point that i accepted it as a universal weakspot, and modified my ships in such a way as to allow them to maintain functionality in the event that the ship is cut in half. My SK-CRV-IIIg2 has vernors all over it, and the front still was able to move some (although the switching of nukes to LF only hurt redundancy ALOT as i dont have much dV with vernors, before i could get over 500dV from a section, now its like 100 at best, and 0 if i choose to go with pure LF).

About engine armor, ive come up with a few workable armor schemes but they just werent implemented since i cant deal with so many parts. If i ever declassify it ill show you the Sk-CRV-IIIg1, the original of the entire line, and the best in both armor, and redundancy. Its powered by radial LFO engines in each section separately so you can literally get shot into 3 parts and STILL have full out mobility/weapons capabilities. Its rear engine cluster of nukes is also heavily armored, allowing me to have almost immunity to ibeams and other junk. And as for external armor/survivability, i concluded it to be no worse then a drek, but at a part count of over 400, it wasnt exactly any more practical mass/part count then drek, and it had utterly garbage range, i needed to have a dedicated interplanetary transfer ring to dock it inside of to even send it to duna, but it was intended for deplyment on very low gravity areas where dV didnt make a major difference such as minmus or smaller. Had i used this in our game youd prolly be unable to touch it (also has a sacrificial root part system which also makes it useless to use the automatic aim squad added in 0.90, although myself i prefer manual, since its more old school and lets you target weakspots better). That said, it has no practicality and well, its just a ship i keep around if i ever get into one of those super high level battles where you are dealing with weapons specifically designed to counter dreks (it also mounts 6 Tripedo-H missiles, 6 Tripedo-s, and 10+ Ibeam-Ms, and 16 KDrone-Ss, so anything that sees it can and will die).

As for splitting dreks, they are suceptible (like any ship including mine) to a phased round to the central girder. Now the larger dreks take advantage of spaced armor in an attempt to deflect or destroy a phased round before it gets past into the central spine, but even still, i have managed to kill dreks with the Tripedo-S i had in our battle. Its not a reliable drek killer (sometimes it takes 3 shots, sometimes it takes 10+), but its bloody accurate and can accelerate to well above 400m/s to maximize energy and phasing capabilities. The Tripedo-S i had on A#1 was an older model, and that was specifically designed as a weapon to bypass armor, it is VERY weak against anything that lacks armor since it has low weight, is very small, and has basically penetration+phasing only. The Tripedo-M (overkill for this battle so i didnt bring any) is comparable to zeke's popper-H in firepower and damage dealing, and in some regards it was inspired by that weapon, short stubby, but good firepower, although teh method in which is achieves the destructiva capabilities is different from teh popper-H, and its a bit lighter too. Still, aside from Tripedo-H (which is technically a 2.5m weapon even if it uses a 1.3m docking port as stuff sticks out radially), there is not a single weapon that is not excessively heavy capable of guaranteed drek killing. I suppose that id you got lucky (and managed to hit the drek in the core girder) even your new RT-5 weapons would cut it in half, but this is a matter of luck. I think that you actually got lucky in our battle with splitting my ship (i did some tests myself and i did manage your levels of damage, but i had at least 5 tests for every one split ship that did nothing but superficial damage to it, and a few critical damage like engine cluster shot off but even then usually at least 1 engine survived).

There is a major luck factor when dealingw ith phased weapons, and the most you can do is make weapons that maximize the odds of massive damage. Heck, as ive said somewhere before, i split a drek 12P in half with a shorter ibeam+2 seps. It was a one in a million shot and i have yet to manage to recreate it, but it did happen ONCE.

Finally, a few tips of weapons:

the higher the impact tolerance of your warhead the less likely it is to desintegrate on hitting tough armor and it increases the odds of destroying whatever it collides with.

the heavier your weapon is the more likely you are to overload joints, and weight decreases teh probability of weapon being desintegrated as well.

It all boils down to mass and impact tolerance, and its not necessarily one or the other but a combo of them. For example if you shoot a fully fueled 14400 nasa tank with a ibeam (despite the ibeam having higher impact, the sheer mass difference will actually give the fuel tank an advantage and the ibeam will usually desintagrate. The same cannot be said when firing teh same ibeam at a FLT-400, which is heavier then the ibeam, but not THAT heavier as to not be vaporized by ibeam. If you want better reliability you want to increase the mass, preferably teh mass of the impactor that has a higher impact tolerance. If you want to destroy tougher armor with high impact, you want to match the impact with your warhead, or idealy exceed the impact so your warhead is more powerful (rover wheels at 100 impact work wonders from my experience but are so light that they are again, unreliable against some armor).

there are also other tactics that may or may not work better then the classical kinetic weapons. Some players use shrapnel warheads to try to destroy the internals of a ship. Ive had mixed results with these, on some ships they are exponentially better, and on others they end up worse then a solid warhead. Shrapnel (if you are interested in making them) basically require a very weak part to which small ibeams or other pats are connected to. This part breaks instantly on impact and releases a cloud of smaller parts. Conventional kinetic warhead have all structural parts connected to structural parts and usually teh warhead is still partially intact after it has collided with teh vessel and done damage, whereas shrapnel will leave a cloud of small debris. I dont use shrap as i havent had much luck with them, and they are inherently higher part count as you need volume of parts to create the debris cloud, but properly done they are capable of phasing through outer armor, and wreaking havok on internals.

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i don't know what all this discussion is all about, but...

as the national overseer of the "Orbital Kerbal Nations" union

i would really like to battle... somebody.

just a short 1v1 to test my designs.

anyone up...

no rush

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  8bitgammers said:
i don't know what all this discussion is all about, but...

as the national overseer of the "Orbital Kerbal Nations" union

i would really like to battle... somebody.

just a short 1v1 to test my designs.

anyone up...

no rush

Ill be glad to fight you, i just need to know roughly what tonage you want and roughly what mass each ship (and how many of each class) you plan to deploy.

I have some fighters (all under 10t) and a 75t corvette capital ship that i could fight you with. if you want much heavier i probably cant do it as i run with an absolute part limit of 1000 loaded at once (so no more then 500 parts on your end in a single ship). Also, if you want to fight, set up 1st so i can roughly judge what i should bring (although if you prefer you can make 1st move, i dont really care who wins anyways, more interested in learning how my designs work and improving them). Im also fine with running with a slight imbalance to numbers/tonage, but i prefer to face stuff that is similar in tonage and capabilities to my ships.

i just have one preference, that both sides avoid doomsday weapons (say max tonage per weapon is roughly 2t or so) as what is the fun in fighting when everyone 1 shots everyone else every single time?

Finally, im not sure if you want to do any carrier stuff, i have a carrier im working on that should be ready in 2 days or so (i actually have real life too, cant just play KSP 24/7), so for now i ONLY have fighters and capitals.

Anyways, ill be ready to start combat in the evening, im still working on upgrades from experienced learned from my battle with Frozen.....

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  Frozen_Heart said:
Daemon are you still up for a battle? I noticed you never did the one with Spartwo.

U gonna try to put that new ship i helped you upgrade to the test?

Hopefully the 1 shotting is now fixed.

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  panzer1b said:
U gonna try to put that new ship i helped you upgrade to the test?

Hopefully the 1 shotting is now fixed.

Not the same one but I'm incorporating several of its features into the next version, especially the central spine. The extra engines have been taken out as the oxidiser needed damages the dV. As I also use it as a mothership having a very long range is important.

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  Spartwo said:
Still don't have a destroyer and as far as I know Daemon only has destroyers:/

What sort of tonage would a destroyer be for you guys?

I use my own classification standards that arent exactly standardized on here (cause i feel what most of the community calls a cruiser is a corvette or at most a frigate for me). I pretty much consider destroyer to be the absolute biggest craft that can be made in KSP without exceeding the size of the SPH/VAB, at least if you scale it to fighters based on the MK-1 cockpit and not some microfighters that are just probe core+fuel+engine+weapons.

Ohh and while i have made carriers and called them carriers, a TRUE carrier would be 10 times as big as the SPH and able to fit destroyers in it.

  Frozen_Heart said:
Not the same one but I'm incorporating several of its features into the next version, especially the central spine. The extra engines have been taken out as the oxidiser needed damages the dV. As I also use it as a mothership having a very long range is important.

What sort of dV do you get from these vessels? It does look like you have a better fuel fraction then i do as you have less panels all over, but im curious as to actual numbers.

Ohh and make sure you incorporate the split fuel tank setup (as in stacking fuel is bad, you want each individually attached to the spine girder and then rout fuel lines from it to the girder it attached to so even loosing some tanks isnt an issue in terms of performance.

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  panzer1b said:
What sort of tonage would a destroyer be for you guys?

I use my own classification standards that arent exactly standardized on here (cause i feel what most of the community calls a cruiser is a corvette or at most a frigate for me). I pretty much consider destroyer to be the absolute biggest craft that can be made in KSP without exceeding the size of the SPH/VAB, at least if you scale it to fighters based on the MK-1 cockpit and not some microfighters that are just probe core+fuel+engine+weapons.

What sort of dV do you get from these vessels? It does look like you have a better fuel fraction then i do as you have less panels all over, but im curious as to actual numbers.

I get around 4k m/s dV. Used to get 6k-7k before the LV-N changes. If the liquid fuel fuselage is corrected then I'll be able to get that again. With proper drop tanks then 8k is possible!

What do you classify my corvettes as out of curiosity? I also class a destroyer as pretty much the max you can build.

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  \ said:
What do you classify my corvettes as out of curiosity? I also class a destroyer as pretty much the max you can build.

I classify a destroyer as a lightly-armored but heavily-armed vessel of approximately 75-100 tons.

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I've always had a certain three lines of ships. Gn (Gunship) is the smallest, Co (Corvette) is medium and the one I've really focused on, and Fr (Frigate) which is the largest. Apart from that don't have any set weights that they have to be. My largest corvettes are much bigger than my smallest frigates.

Also have F for fighter but never been consistent with those.

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  Frozen_Heart said:
I get around 4k m/s dV. Used to get 6k-7k before the LV-N changes. If the liquid fuel fuselage is corrected then I'll be able to get that again. With proper drop tanks then 8k is possible!

What do you classify my corvettes as out of curiosity? I also class a destroyer as pretty much the max you can build.

Based on size id call it a corvette, given that it doesnt focus as much on armor, but tends to be pretty maneuverable, decent TWR, and has arguable simila firepower/weapons capacity to most of my corvettes (you could easily stick 6 Tripedo-S on that thing, and it fits 6 ibeams).

I generally consider corvettes to be the smallest capital ship that isnt a bomber, but compared to bombers, it actually has useable armor against most fighter mounted weapons. Bombers can be as heavy as some of the lighter corvettes, but tend to look like planes, and also tend to focus on firepower above all else with 0 armor to speak of. Frigates are at least for me somewhat larger in teh 100-200t range, and focus more on armor and less of weapons/mobility/range. My SK-CRV-IIIg1 (the 1st generation) could be classed as a smaller frigate, its size and shape was just a little small for my taste and it didnt get called a frigate, despite its focus on armor and protection. Anyways, as a rough classing corvettes are 50-150t, frigates 100-200t, destroyers are above 200t, and the smallest cruiser i could make would be as big as the SPH, with the largest destoyers exceeding it. That said, if something is lightweight and LOOKS massive, ill classify it as a destroyer, if its super heavy but small, itll still get into frigate/corvette, this is just a rough approximation. I kinda view a cruiser as say something like the galactica from BSG, compared to a fighter that is made from a mk1 cockpit. Basically the scale KSP has with its kerbals, you could fit an entire colony inside just part of the ship. most of the dreks i would call frigates as they are a decent size, have a focus on armor, and well thats it.

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  panzer1b said:
Ill be glad to fight you, i just need to know roughly what tonage you want and roughly what mass each ship (and how many of each class) you plan to deploy.

I have some fighters (all under 10t) and a 75t corvette capital ship that i could fight you with. if you want much heavier i probably cant do it as i run with an absolute part limit of 1000 loaded at once (so no more then 500 parts on your end in a single ship). Also, if you want to fight, set up 1st so i can roughly judge what i should bring (although if you prefer you can make 1st move, i dont really care who wins anyways, more interested in learning how my designs work and improving them). Im also fine with running with a slight imbalance to numbers/tonage, but i prefer to face stuff that is similar in tonage and capabilities to my ships.

i just have one preference, that both sides avoid doomsday weapons (say max tonage per weapon is roughly 2t or so) as what is the fun in fighting when everyone 1 shots everyone else every single time?

Finally, im not sure if you want to do any carrier stuff, i have a carrier im working on that should be ready in 2 days or so (i actually have real life too, cant just play KSP 24/7), so for now i ONLY have fighters and capitals.

Anyways, ill be ready to start combat in the evening, im still working on upgrades from experienced learned from my battle with Frozen.....

i have two fighters that i like to use

1 of them is heavily armored

1 of them is small

but both are the same size... roughly.

also, i have a main battle cruiser..


smaller fighter


larger fighter attacks carrier

here is a video explaining my large attack vessel crusier.

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  8bitgammers said:
i have two fighters that i like to use

1 of them is heavily armored

1 of them is small

but both are the same size... roughly.

also, i have a main battle cruiser..


smaller fighter


larger fighter attacks carrier

here is a video explaining my large attack vessel crusier.

That looks good, can i get the approx weight of each one?

My capital ship of choice is 75t, i dont know how heavier or lighter yours is. My fighters are all under 10t, my primary fighter of choice, the HK-103 is 8t standard, 10t with anti-capital ship weapons mounted. I also have a HK-102 that is a shorter range much lighter and weaker armed ship with around 5t mass, maybee a bit more if i mount better weapons on it as right now its armed with what i call "door knocker" torpedoes, worthless 48-7s+oscarB+desoupler junk. They are still useable vs uinarmored vessels though. And my HK-101 aftr its 20th consecutive redesign from scratch is very small, 3t fighter that can for all intents and purposes double up as a missile and is armed with a single Ibeam-S weapon (the HK-101 actually SMALLER then most of my capital ship torpedoes).

Also, do i spy my original KDrone-S missiles on your sides? Its hard to tell at that range with meh resolution, but they look VERY VERY VERY similar to the original KDrone missile as seen im my 1st frigate i posted online anywhere:


Guess someone found a use for outated AKSTechnologies weapons which are actually still useable lol.

Then again, its just tough to tell WHAT those things are, could just be some other missile that uses a similar design.

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Someday I can put all my ships in one place, if even for the briefest of moments.

But that would be at least 2000 parts and I have tried up to 1800 so far and it is bad.

Discovered an unfortunate side effect of the mk5s, they add an extra 4 tons in total to the ships mass... good for carrier-fighter munitions though, but I like to standardise.

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  panzer1b said:
That looks good, can i get the approx weight of each one?

  panzer1b said:

My capital ship of choice is 75t, i dont know how heavier or lighter yours is. My fighters are all under 10t, my primary fighter of choice, the HK-103 is 8t standard, 10t with anti-capital ship weapons mounted. I also have a HK-102 that is a shorter range much lighter and weaker armed ship with around 5t mass, maybee a bit more if i mount better weapons on it as right now its armed with what i call "door knocker" torpedoes, worthless 48-7s+oscarB+desoupler junk. They are still useable vs uinarmored vessels though. And my HK-101 aftr its 20th consecutive redesign from scratch is very small, 3t fighter that can for all intents and purposes double up as a missile and is armed with a single Ibeam-S weapon (the HK-101 actually SMALLER then most of my capital ship torpedoes).

i can't get to you about weights now but i will reply soon with that

i have lots to do irl today.

no time for ksp ;.;

- - - Updated - - -

as for those missiles

no their completely different... really

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  8bitgammers said:

i can't get to you about weights now but i will reply soon with that

i have lots to do irl today.

no time for ksp ;.;

- - - Updated - - -

as for those missiles

no their completely different... really

Ok, its just tough to see what they actually are at the resolution of teh video. Still, they do at least look similar from my perspective at least the part that stick out.

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Dres... a world that now serves as a warship graveyard.




I'm thinking about starting a Fan Works series around a group of salvage guys working to recover ore and bits of wrecked warships. (Hardware: Shipbreakers much? :P)

Would any of you guys be interested in some ship development with me for it? (It's gonna be a text+pics story, not a video as I still haven't finished building my new PC yet.)

I also tested my SX-1.0 against the A#2:




The AKS ship takes a lot of punishment... though an excess of 1000 parts in one place made it... pleasant.

It even survived a ramming attempt (though I really just clipped it at 55 m/s):



Also, my new ships I'll probably be releasing soon:

SX-1.0 Harvester-Class Cruiser


XT-1 Solo (Armored Transport)


(I betcha with some heavy internal and front-end modification I could turn this into a small cannon ship...)

SX-14 Linebacker (Heavy Frigate)


P.S.: Sorry about the image spam (I was too lazy this time to make an imgur album), but I'm curious if anyone recognizes the wrecked ship in the canyon shots... :)

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I wonder what's going to happen to shipbreakers?

Would any of you guys be interested in some ship development with me for it?

Yes, I love the unpredictability of co-opting on a ship build.


But we use Dres for very different things...

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, I think I recognise that ship!

- - - Updated - - -


- - - Updated - - -

I've made a horrible mistake...

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  Spartwo said:
I wonder what's going to happen to shipbreakers?

Yes, I love the unpredictability of co-opting on a ship build.


But we use Dres for very different things...

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, I think I recognise that ship!

- - - Updated - - -


I'll try and PM you once I've got some details on a story so that if you do want to help, then you'll have some good info.

Also, I think (last I heard) Gearbox is working with Blackbird Interactive on Shipbreakers, as a Homeworld prequel.

Finally, you're close, but it wasn't that one, it's one of Andrew's ships. Care to guess which?

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The AKS ship takes a lot of punishment... though an excess of 1000 parts in one place made it... pleasant.

It even survived a ramming attempt (though I really just clipped it at 55 m/s):

Hit it straight in the mid point from above. Pretty much guaranteed to split it in two. Anywhere else and even my AP SRBs do nothing.

For some reason its really weak there yet I can't spot any differences in structure. The target indicator points right at the correct spot though which is handy.

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  ScriptKitt3h said:
I'll try and PM you once I've got some details on a story so that if you do want to help, then you'll have some good info.

Also, I think (last I heard) Gearbox is working with Blackbird Interactive on Shipbreakers, as a Homeworld prequel.

Finally, you're close, but it wasn't that one, it's one of Andrew's ships. Care to guess which?

Them working with gearbox is the last I heard.

Also, no clue.


The mining group probably saw the crash.

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