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Move 1


Three space craft are patrolling LKO for the O.K.N.

when they detect unknown vessels entering the system!!!!!

an mandatory scan reviles the vessels are Weaponized

and that means that the three ships, by O.K.N. law, must attack!

first goes the Space-K because it is lightest:

http://i.imgur.com/boPfqgZ.pngi have decided to target the larger vessels

because they are more of a threat, all

i have to do is disable them, fighters can be destroyed...


planning corse


closing in on target!!!


after engaging the target, the Space-K uses most of it's ammo to attempt to disable the craft.











i did not do much damadge other than superficial stuff.

the space-K still waits there by it with one remaining shot.

i don't expect it to survive. it did it's duty.


sorry for the long post

i don't know how to post slides from imgur yet

bear with me.



I actually expected you to engage the fighter since my last game was actually WON by fighters somehow.

Anyways, on to the battle:

After checking the damage done to C#2, it was determined to be insignificant and the threat from the 1st enemy fighter is more or less gone considering that it is only left with a single missile, the kind that did not do much if any damage to the SK-CRV-IIIg3. Looking at options for attack, AKS knew it was the HK-103's move, and although the enemy capital ship was the biggest threat, it decided to play it safe and deal with something that the fighters weapons were much more likely to reliably take out. The HK-103 was set on the enemy bomber (designated space-1-B), as it was armored but the fighter was confident that a solid hit from the craft's primary weapon coupled with the three smaller Ibeam-S missiles could destroy or at least disable the bomber.

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After an excruciating set of burns to get to the target (the HK-103 was never designed to fight in such high gravity environments and while its dV is very good, it could not use much more then 150dV at a time), the fighter arrived and quickly powered up its main cannon. A single hit is all it took to destroy the bomber, and the secondary weapons were not even required. After the shot ended, the droid was ordered to recover some enemy weapons, making sure to not get caught in the atmosphere as the debris were below 70km. After a very difficult time docking, and having to detach twice to get a better CoG, the fighter succeeded in pulling the debris into a stable orbit. Finally, after another series of very painful burns, the fighter cleared the battlefield, and while it was still a valid target and within the range of the enemy vessels, it calculated that the odds of the enemy actually targeting it are low. Armed with a stack of 2 RT-5 torpedoes recovered from teh enemy ship, the HK-103 powered down and went into standby mode, waiting for the next attack.


While AKS was fully aware that the undamaged capital ship OKN possesses is a major threat and would most likely eliminate at least one of their SK-CRV-III class ships, it was believed that the Tripedo-S, the primary weapon carried by both ships was powerful enough to penetrate the enemy warship's armor. With 6 shots on each vessel, engines and weapons could most likely be destroyed assuming that the vessel actually posesses armor that is too tough to allow complete destruction of the entire ship in the 1st place. In the worst case scenario, if the enemy somehow manages to wipe out both SK-CRV-IIIs, at least the HK-103 was still alive and it could either run away or attempt to destroy the hostile vessel with the ordinance it obtained from the destroyed bomber.

Also to anyone interested in knowing why the last game ended up kraken attacking my HK-103, NEVER EVER EVER enable pivoting on the claw, it causes bugs like nothing else. You can use claws fine normally, but the second you try to pivot them it does something that ends up breaking the ships and causing krakens the second you attempt time warping. Just DO NOT EVER enable claw pivot, seriously, the kraken lives inside that joint and is released when the joint pivots!

On another unrelated note:

AKSTechnologies just finished development and testing of the SK-CRV-IV prototype, and is preparing for mass production.

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It has worse armor then the SK-CRV-IIIg3, but it is less part count, and has better firepower with its optional 2 forward facing 1.3m hardpoints that can mount unguided weapons. Armed with a forward facing quad Ibeam-M battery, 2 forward facing 1.3m hardpoints (for now equipped with Tripedo-S missiles), and the usual 6 side missile bays filled with Tripedo-Ss, its firepower is actually superior to the older models and it is capable of using unguided and larger 1.3m weapons (AKS doesnt really use unguided 1.3m weapons on capitals so that is just an option). It is currently 260 parts armed, and ONLY 156 for the hull compared to teh SK-CRV-IIIg3 that is 274 armed, and 178 unarmed. This might not be a big difference but i managed to save 22 parts, and the thing is actually BETTER against smaller weaker weapons, and aside from being more suceptible to generic damage, its not much more suceptible to being cut in half or wiped out with 1 shot. The thing i do like it that its engine is tougher to destroy, and it seems to have a habit of just vaporizing ibeam weapons on contact (im guessing using those 50m/s impact airplane fuel tanks helps as they are both heavy, and tend to vaporize anything that comes in contact with them that is either extremely lightweight or has less impact tolerance then said fuel tank.

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Is anyone else finding that pretty much everything is a one hit since 1.0? Everything I've shot at, built pre or post patch has died horribly, armour is even more useless than before.

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Is anyone else finding that pretty much everything is a one hit since 1.0? Everything I've shot at, built pre or post patch has died horribly, armour is even more useless than before.

Not at all. Now there is an issue with prolonger bombardment, and even the best ships out there will go down if you fire at them enough, but in general ive found you can make some realkly hard to kill ships, especially vs ibeams, and some lighter 1.3m weapons such as teh classic RT-5+one structural plate. Now against dedicated heavy weapons, ofc the target will take damage, sometimes catastrophic damage at that, but it is far from everything 1 shots everything.

Personally to make stuff interesting, i refuse to load weapons above 2t on my ships. With low mass, you need to target weakspots, and even that isnt guaranteed to work. Also, 0.6m weapons are arguiable more fun, as they can be defended against, but even they are still effective if you target weakspot or know exactly where to hit.

Anyways, take a look at the few battles ive been in, sure my ships can and do get damaged, even split in half, but the enemy usually ends up using 4+ shots to accomplish it. Ofc if you load up with 20 rt-5s you are guaranteed a kill, but 1 shotting isnt all that common imo.

But you are correct that weapons development has exceeded armor development and that even the toughest warships can and will die to properly aimed and properly designed ordinance.

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Is anyone else finding that pretty much everything is a one hit since 1.0? Everything I've shot at, built pre or post patch has died horribly, armour is even more useless than before.

Depends on the ship and the weapon you're using...

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still using Murderers, got a post 1.0 version switched the pylons for tires since nerf, everything i've shot so far, even with old ammo, had gone boom every time.

had a go at panzer's ships, gonna try again with I beams in a mo:


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how do I embed albums now?!

Can i get the part count/mass of each weapon just to judge what class itd fit into?

My Sk-CRV-III is well, a corvette, so it doesnt quite have the armor to deal with more powerful missiles. Anything above 2t has a good chance of at least cutting it in half, although it was (well before nukes went to LF only) made ultra redundan in that each section had a full complement of RCS vernors. I from the start knew that making indestructible ships is pointless, so i chose enough armor to defend against ibeams and some weaker 1.3m weapons, and was perfectly happy with what it could do when used against such ammo. As for dedicated weapons designed to take down capitals, they aint gonna cut it, you might get lucky and or unlucky, so it isnt a guaranteed kill, but in general higher powered weapons will kill it at least 50% of the time, that was expected.

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that's the projectile, 12 parts and 5.2 tons, fired in pairs ofc

Now a srb with a plate weighs 3.1 tons so I recon even a single will do good damage

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and, yes it's 100% guaranteed kill against anything tested so far

Edit: Got anything tougher?

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it was bad before, but now even badly fired shots using substandard ammo result in guaranteed kills

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that's the projectile, 12 parts and 5.2 tons, fired in pairs ofc

Now a srb with a plate weighs 3.1 tons so I recon even a single will do good damage

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and, yes it's 100% guaranteed kill against anything tested so far

Edit: Got anything tougher?

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it was bad before, but now even badly fired shots using substandard ammo result in guaranteed kills

With that missile (which happens to be quite similar to my Tripedo-M btw in both mass and what its made of, mine just has less TWR and fuel but a heavier warhead so needs to be fired from farther out for effect) no wonder you can destroy my ship, mass+wheels tends to do that (and with the loss of the 999m/s decoupler that was the old go-to AP tip, wheels are the #1 way to do damage). Pretty much any missile above 3t has a good chance of killing my ship if you hit is dead center on the core girder. Actually every ships ive seen has issues with high mass weapons coupled with hits to its core girder, while there is always a luck factor, having multiple shots pretty much guaranteed at least splitting the ship in 2. Im actually working on a new design right now as im fed up with vernors being incompatible with nukes now that nukes are LF only, which has separate engines per segment, so its for all intents and purposes 3 separate ships glued together that can each actually function on their own and fight as is. While even that can be killed, you NEED to destroy each section separately to disable the whole thing. That and ive started equipping my vessels with repair droids that are able to essentially glue a ship back together and actually have SOME armor themselves for that matter. Ive found redundancy and the ability to reconnect ships after taking a nasty hit is the ONLY way to go these days in super serious games, although in those i would most likely deploy my Tripedo-H, that is GUARANTEED to do critical damage every single time if not turn target into a cloud of debris. The Tripedo-H weighs 6.5t and is 9 parts, i think for that part count and mass its one of the most efficient weapons around.

Main reason i enjoy smaller weapons, armor actually matters then. While i can fight stuff thats heavier, i like to limit my battles to 2t maximum per missile mass, this makes it at least require multiple hits and things like aiming at critical systems matters unlike now where all that matters is who hits the ship's mid 1st.

Also, once i finish it, you can have a try at my SK-FRG-II class, it is the newly upcoming frigate, which has both better armor and has full redundancy for each section of it (something the corvettes gave up for part count and simplicity). Only issue is that with a full load of weapons, the frigates will MOST LIKELY be at least 400 parts, guess thats the price to pay for armor.

Finally, there are a few tricks ive found to increasing weapon lethality without actually changing the weapon. For example firing the right amount per salvo and firing a second salvo at the exact right timing seems to overload joint very effectively. It seems that the 1st salvo bends enemy ship in a certain way and teh 2nd then breaks it apart. This is ofc situational and only works with unguided stuff, but i have had mixed results based on how many i fire per salvo and what timing i leave between the salvos, give it a try, perhaps you can figure out some pattern of what works and what doesnt (as AKS tends to focus more on guided weapons, i havent tested this much).

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Move 2


the O.K.N fleet now only has one main vessel,

and it grows discouraged with the possibility of defeat...

the crew decides they have to make a last stand!!

take out on of the capitol ships!!!!






closing in for attack...





after a surprising amount of shots...

i finally got a good one.

this shot ripped the ship in two, and destroyed the core!

seriously though, that armor is tough!


i recon it's no threat now...

you know, all... two halfs'n all.



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Move 2


the O.K.N fleet now only has one main vessel,

and it grows discouraged with the possibility of defeat...

the crew decides they have to make a last stand!!

take out on of the capitol ships!!!!






closing in for attack...





after a surprising amount of shots...

i finally got a good one.

this shot ripped the ship in two, and destroyed the core!

seriously though, that armor is tough!


i recon it's no threat now...

you know, all... two halfs'n all.



How many shots exactly did it take you to destroy it? I kinda messed around with your ship and the least i managed to cut it in half with was 6 shots in sequence. I just used the built in autoaim and fired till it broke apart. In one trial i managed to exhaust ALL of the ammo and it still lived despite loosing all its fuel and for all intents and purposes being destroyed, but the ship's hull and spine were still intact.

Anyways, once i finish a new craft im almost done with ill do next move, which will most likely determine the victor. It all boils down to whether my weapons are powerful enough to actually take down that capital ship of yours (hopefully ill at least be able to knock out your engines and weapons though, as cool as exploding ships into a billion parts is, it isnt required to disable a vessel). There is actually a possibility you could win if one you manage to survive my capital ship's attack, and 2: you manage to take down my fighter somehow (hopefully its out of your range).

ohh, and for the part count im pretty happy with the SK-CRV-III series, its no drek, but it is way less parts, way less annoyimng to fly (dreks seem to have such abyssmal TWR its a pain to do anything with em), and in my opinion actually looks better then the dreks (never really liked pure structural panels on my ships).

Anyways, update to the battle:

With the loss of C#1, AKS was desprate to take down the enemy destroyer before it could take down their last SK-CRV-III. C#2, despite taking some damage, loosing one of its weapons, and taking partial damage to 2 of its Tripedo-S missiles, was put up to the task of engaging the enemy. Based on previous experience, AKS knew that completely obliterating the vessel was not needed, and it was decided to target the craft's engines 1st since an immobile craft is nolonger a threat, and if ammunition was still availeable, shots would be put into teh weapons array.

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It took C#2 3 shots to take down the enemy vessel. The first Tripedo-S hit the upper side due to lag messing with the shot, superficial damage at best. The 2nd one hit the bottom of the engine, what was actually aimed for, but it did not do any damage but take down some fo the armoring. The 3rd tripedo-S hits the rear spot on teh center, phases through, and tears the entire ship apart. Based on a post battle scan and analasis, AKS concluded that the clipped fuel tanks caused the explosion, and while the ship had very good armor layout to teh front and sides, the engine and specifically those fuel tanks were a major weakspot, which a lucky hit from the weapon broke apart, which then created a chain reaction that vaporized the entire ship. At least that is what the analasis of the enemy vessel concluded, but what really happened is still unknown.


After the ship was destroyed C#2 powered down and went into standby mode, confident that it was unlikely the remaining enemy vessel was not a massive threat to it, since it lacked a claw and would nto be capable of grabbing the leftover enemy heavy weapons. That said, it was the enemy's turn and even a fighter with only one shot left could still very well cause some major havok.

Also, in other news, the SK-CRV-IVg2 was a failure, its armor was no better then the SK-CRV-IVg1, it has almost identical part count, and very minor damage would cause the resonance kraken to appear and tear it apart. The resonance kraken (or what i call it) is when parts start to shake for no reason relative to each other and if it continues long enough the ship will be torn to pieces.

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It took C#2 3 shots to take down the enemy vessel. The first Tripedo-S hit the upper side due to lag messing with the shot, superficial damage at best. The 2nd one hit the bottom of the engine, what was actually aimed for, but it did not do any damage but take down some fo the armoring. The 3rd tripedo-S hits the rear spot on teh center, phases through, and tears the entire ship apart.

That is by far the largest cloud of debris I have seen in awhile...

Anyway, still weapons testing (I prefer to have all of my weapons developed before I start ship construction) as of right now, though I will probably finish the fighter by the end of tonight.

Another thing I have discovered is that there is a minimum mass required to do damage to a part--about 0.1 tons, it seems. For example, firing a 1x1 structural panel at a fuel tank at any speed does not seem to damage it in any way, which places a lower limit on miniaturization.

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That is by far the largest cloud of debris I have seen in awhile...

Anyway, still weapons testing (I prefer to have all of my weapons developed before I start ship construction) as of right now, though I will probably finish the fighter by the end of tonight.

Another thing I have discovered is that there is a minimum mass required to do damage to a part--about 0.1 tons, it seems. For example, firing a 1x1 structural panel at a fuel tank at any speed does not seem to damage it in any way, which places a lower limit on miniaturization.

i found this too. Most effective weapons in my opinion are at least 0.2t for fighters, and 1.0t against capitals, althougg with some clever abuse of game mechanics you can actually pull off smaller weapons with high firepower. Still, my smallest ever Tripedo-S was 0.9t, and it managed to split a drek12P on a few occasions (although with no reliability whatsoever). My newest anti-capital weapon is ~1.5t, 10 parts, fulkly stackable/reloadeable/transferable between vessels, and is fairly effective although not anywhere near as lethal as my less efficient but more powerful Tripedo-M or the insanely overkill instakilling Tripedo-H.

Btw, im looking for some truly powerufl weapons to test a new armor design i made that is proving to be pretty darn hard to kill sofar. its again, not immune to fire, but ive yet to split the ship in half at all! If you guys that do mainstream combat could share some weapons designs (links to subassemblies, missiles as vessels, or even ships that are armed with them im looking for). If anyone has some truly powerful missiles that are at most 1.25m, id really love to get them to use against my new ship. until i find a missile that isnt the Tripedo-H which is OP as heck anyways, im keeping ship classified, as soon as i kill it ill upload some screenshots showing its absurdly strong construction.


Nevermind, did some more tests on this new hull and it still has suceptible engine cluster. It may be bloody indestructible if yoiu aim right at the root part, but it can be crippled to the point its unable to move with even my 1.5t Tripedo-S given some good hits. Does anyone here have an clue how to deal with protecting engines, nomatter what i try, even multiple layers, you still loose them to well aimed high velocity crap.

Has anyone managed to find a decent solution to engine protection without resorting to excessive redundancy or using multiple smaller engines such as 24-77s (again, redundancy). Ive had some good results with armoring stuff like lv-909s, as they are both smallish and easy to put in a small multi-layered cage, but they have terribad fuel economy. My absolute best system was a ion drive with LOTS and i mean like 100+ ion engines spread throughout the entire ship, but that becomes an issue of part count and lagfest. I just am stuck on options to armor engines right now, nukes are huge, bad armor (6 impact fails), and just awkward to use.

Finally, is it me, or is it basically IMPOSSIBLE to create good armor withotu resorting to excessive (400+) part counts? Ive done all i can and really the best i can pull off is a ship thats ibeam resilient at best with a hull under 150 parts. Ive tried to miniturize them, and the issue starts to become like that of the ju88 ww2 bomber, alot of vulnurable crap in a very small area (try having 5 people in a tiny cockpit, single HE shell 1 shots all of em). Then ive tried to make larger vessels, and here i start running out of parts to make the hull out of without loosing any and all armor protection. Larger hulls give better protection by limiting the damage a single shot can do to say whatever is in that area, but they suffer in terms of part count.

While im not abouyt to give up, and i WILL create some decent armor without going above 150 parts, its starting to think its going to be impossible to have low part count, good armor, good firepower, AND good dV all in one ship without resorting to some exploits (say ion ship that has electric charge added to command pods or the like). Im actually gonna try a little exploity ion ship (god i cant stand how many batteries you need for these things if you want to have a 2km dV in one shot without sun) and see what the results are (if you actually spread the ions around the ship propulsion will NEVER fail you AND you will have great dV). That said, nukes are just impossible to work with and annoying in that they nolonger use the same fuel vernors used to use.

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While im not abouyt to give up, and i WILL create some decent armor without going above 150 parts, its starting to think its going to be impossible to have low part count, good armor, good firepower, AND good dV all in one ship without resorting to some exploits

Of course it is--you have to have some trade-off somewhere; I typically choose to forgo low part count, as the only performance a high part-count affects is that of one's computer.

Also, I think I may have found a solution to creating a potent chain-gun after many hours of testing; I have had to overcome a vast quantity of problems that affect all cannon-like designs, especially in miniature.

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How much dV roughly does that puny little thing have? My HK-101 (which is similar to your craft, somewhat influenced by it recently actually) has absurd dV as its a similar hull but ion powered. Can you get like 2K dV at leats with that litle thing though? If so i MIGHT just switch to LFO engines as they are less annoying to burn with.

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No longer the one ton it should be:/(1.6)

Are those cubes increasing mass? I know them batteries are way lighter then those new stacked weapons you have. Also, might be cause of oscar-Bs and their improved fuel load now (i think it has more capacity somewhat now).

Anyways, working on a new HK-103, the old one was fine except for the fact that it had terrible performance. Im switching to LFO engines, with a single ion drive for use in emergencies (like when im out of fuel and want to actually go somewhere). This is less parts, and way less mass cause ions are bloody heavy. Now the only thing i HATE about the 0.6m LFO engines is the yellowish flames, I WANT BLUE FLAMES! Blue looks so much more sci-fi then yellow. Guess its time to do some modding to the .cfgs and give it a better effect, perhaps the one from the 909s.

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Found some old relics today...


My oldest carrier, based quite heavily off of Daemon's old Pandora-class.


This ship was WarEagle's old cannon cruiser, which I'm going to definitely test to see if the main gun still functions... if so, I might have to go ahead and tear it out. :P

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Close-in maneuvering issues...?

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So close yet so far. Also pretty pissed because mechjeb no longer calculates the mass of missiles, losing as much as 1300m/s or as little as 300m/s in one go without having realised it.



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How many shots exactly did it take you to destroy it? I kinda messed around with your ship and the least i managed to cut it in half with was 6 shots in sequence. I just used the built in autoaim and fired till it broke apart. In one trial i managed to exhaust ALL of the ammo and it still lived despite loosing all its fuel and for all intents and purposes being destroyed, but the ship's hull and spine were still intact.

Anyways, once i finish a new craft im almost done with ill do next move, which will most likely determine the victor. It all boils down to whether my weapons are powerful enough to actually take down that capital ship of yours (hopefully ill at least be able to knock out your engines and weapons though, as cool as exploding ships into a billion parts is, it isnt required to disable a vessel). There is actually a possibility you could win if one you manage to survive my capital ship's attack, and 2: you manage to take down my fighter somehow (hopefully its out of your range).

ohh, and for the part count im pretty happy with the SK-CRV-III series, its no drek, but it is way less parts, way less annoyimng to fly (dreks seem to have such abyssmal TWR its a pain to do anything with em), and in my opinion actually looks better then the dreks (never really liked pure structural panels on my ships).

Anyways, update to the battle:

With the loss of C#1, AKS was desprate to take down the enemy destroyer before it could take down their last SK-CRV-III. C#2, despite taking some damage, loosing one of its weapons, and taking partial damage to 2 of its Tripedo-S missiles, was put up to the task of engaging the enemy. Based on previous experience, AKS knew that completely obliterating the vessel was not needed, and it was decided to target the craft's engines 1st since an immobile craft is nolonger a threat, and if ammunition was still availeable, shots would be put into teh weapons array.


It took C#2 3 shots to take down the enemy vessel. The first Tripedo-S hit the upper side due to lag messing with the shot, superficial damage at best. The 2nd one hit the bottom of the engine, what was actually aimed for, but it did not do any damage but take down some fo the armoring. The 3rd tripedo-S hits the rear spot on teh center, phases through, and tears the entire ship apart. Based on a post battle scan and analasis, AKS concluded that the clipped fuel tanks caused the explosion, and while the ship had very good armor layout to teh front and sides, the engine and specifically those fuel tanks were a major weakspot, which a lucky hit from the weapon broke apart, which then created a chain reaction that vaporized the entire ship. At least that is what the analasis of the enemy vessel concluded, but what really happened is still unknown.


After the ship was destroyed C#2 powered down and went into standby mode, confident that it was unlikely the remaining enemy vessel was not a massive threat to it, since it lacked a claw and would nto be capable of grabbing the leftover enemy heavy weapons. That said, it was the enemy's turn and even a fighter with only one shot left could still very well cause some major havok.

Also, in other news, the SK-CRV-IVg2 was a failure, its armor was no better then the SK-CRV-IVg1, it has almost identical part count, and very minor damage would cause the resonance kraken to appear and tear it apart. The resonance kraken (or what i call it) is when parts start to shake for no reason relative to each other and if it continues long enough the ship will be torn to pieces.


you've won...

i'm seceding from this battle because i know i've lost...

gg tho

my last fighter surrenders

maybe we can battle again latter...

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(dramatic music plays as you look at this)


(even more dramatic music plays when you take a closer look at the fighter!!!!!)

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So close yet so far. Also pretty pissed because mechjeb no longer calculates the mass of missiles, losing as much as 1300m/s or as little as 300m/s in one go without having realised it.



Interesting, is that a SSTO CARRIER!? What id do for a carrier that can SSTO itself into orbit! Sadly my old SSTO SR-1 replica is dead as it used too many wings as panels which now just add needless drag, that and its still 400 parts as i actually went all out with a fully decked out internal command deck.


you've won...

i'm seceding from this battle because i know i've lost...

gg tho

my last fighter surrenders

maybe we can battle again latter...

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(dramatic music plays as you look at this)


(even more dramatic music plays when you take a closer look at the fighter!!!!!)

That looks like a formidable ship. Btw, while your destroyer has good armor, make sure to make it omnidirectional, it seems that rear section is for whatever reason susceptible to vaporizing the entire ship when hit hard enough. And great game, im gonna take a few days off from combat as i need to upgrade my ships from what i learned sofar, AND i need to finish the few ships i have in the works.

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That looks like a formidable ship. Btw, while your destroyer has good armor, make sure to make it omnidirectional, it seems that rear section is for whatever reason susceptible to vaporizing the entire ship when hit hard enough. And great game, im gonna take a few days off from combat as i need to upgrade my ships from what i learned sofar, AND i need to finish the few ships i have in the works.


i think i'll take a break from combat too

i think i need to improve my destroyer...

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i think i'll take a break from combat too

i think i need to improve my destroyer...

If you would like some specific tips and or an AKS modified version (ive made a few modifications before of other peoples ships in an attempt to improve them, for example in the battle i did before yours, i took Frozen's ship and modified it to be way more resistant). IF you are interested just give me a link to the .craft file, id be glad to at least make some minor changes to it in an attempt to improve it.

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