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Yup, I'm thinking if zekes insists on applying this idiocy, I'll drop a design here where the "core" is totally not part of the ship and about 0.625m in the longest axis, and challenge you all to hit it, then show myself the door. In that particular cheaty case, you wouldn't be able to attack the rest of the ship as long as it is unconnected from the "core part", because "it isn't a ship". Hell, I could drop the root on transit and get there with a "dead" ship immune to being killed this way.

I keep on finding ways to exploit the stupid rule, and I'm not even trying: the root is one of n identical probes, attached to your usual battleship (n is some high number like ten). At the end of your turn, you detach all of them, and rename them a random string of numbers. Good luck picking out which one kills the ship when they die, and which ones don't.

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Yes, yes, and no. Nothing was ever said about RCS, it's just really slow. What you did is within the rules.

EDIT: Wait were the pods the control core? The core isn't the actual starting point hence the '' but it's instead the main centrepoint of the ship where the transition from weapons to fuel to armor is made.

The pods were from where the control was coming from. But the actual root part was a fuel tank with docking ports capping its sides, or the tricoupler, can't remember which exactly, but part of the structure, and it wouldn't comply with the rules by itself if I undocked it myself.

I keep on finding ways to exploit the stupid rule, and I'm not even trying: the root is one of n identical probes, attached to your usual battleship (n is some high number like ten). At the end of your turn, you detach all of them, and rename them a random string of numbers. Good luck picking out which one kills the ship when they die, and which ones don't.

Even better, you don't tell your opponent you are doing this, break the original ship in two (or more) halves, and put the root in one missile-like part: No matter how many pieces the opponent breaks your ship into, as long as they can dock with your "missile core", totally indistinguishable form all the rest of your missiles, you are still alive. Even if you can't use that missile to attack because that would be ramming. In the meantime, most of your ship can't be attacked, and the opponent can't know what is active ship and what isn't. Electronic warfare anyone?

Edited by Rune
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The pods were from where the control was coming from. But the actual root part was a fuel tank with docking ports capping its sides, or the tricoupler, can't remember which exactly, but part of the structure, and it wouldn't comply with the rules by itself if I undocked it myself.

EDIT: Found a modular ship of my own while clearing out my Imgur.


EDITEDIT: Not really sure about that one.

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Yup, I'm thinking if zekes insists on applying this idiocy, I'll drop a design here where the "core" is totally not part of the ship and about 0.625m in the longest axis, and challenge you all to hit it, then show myself the door. In that particular cheaty case, you wouldn't be able to attack the rest of the ship as long as it is unconnected from the "core part", because "it isn't a ship". Hell, I could drop the root on transit and get there with a "dead" ship immune to being killed this way.

Yes, but according to the rules the dead ship also couldn't fire weapons. And if the "core" is on a boom extending from the body of the ship, then a well placed shot anywhere on the boom severs the link. There's also no rule against shooting ships that are already dead or shooting things that are not ships, which would probably happen if people were worried about the core re-attaching to the ship. Or someone could just pick up the entire dead ship with a claw since, hey, it's dead.

I think the general rule for "dead" means if the ship is called XYZ, then having no piece still called "XYZ" would be considered a kill. There might still be pieces "XYZ ship", "XYZ lander", or "XYZ probe" remaining but they are not the original core. Your modular ships would still work if the core is heavily armored and survives the hit. (assuming your opponent does not pick the other parts up or destroy them)

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I'm sorry rune, don't get mad at me, I love your design strategy, I'm just taking the literal rules into account... although it does seem a revisit is necessary to it.

This rule is difficult to approach because if it is true, there are ways of exploiting/hiding the main part, but if it isn't, it's going to require a lot more shots to kill ships... plus it means a disadvantage in non-modular ships (For example modular ships can drop uneeded parts to extend D/V range). It also means part count is REALLY HIGH (as Rune's ships prove)... 150+ tonne ships would no doubt be in the 1000s of parts if they were modular.

Edited by zekes
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After the success of Operation Aurerran Storm, extra reinforcements have arrived!

Three new Lykotaek class cruisers, the Fliaek, Areiak and Wvryine.

Sphere of Influence: Vall.

(In layman's terms, I'm looking for a fight. 150 tons, 3 or fewer ships.)


EDIT: I'll take Starwhip up on his/her offer.

Spartwo, if you're going to go ahead with this, let me know.

Still looking for someone to take me up on this fight, if Spartwo doesn't confirm.

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1) What is the "ship core", if your ship have multiple probe core/commend pd, whih one is the core?

@zekes, my 50 T ship only have 180 part

2)What do you think of this ship?


Also, i will be soon ready for a fight, who wants to face me?

Edited by TheKutKu
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1) What is the "ship core", if your ship have multiple probe core/commend pd, whih one is the core?

@zekes, my 50 T ship only have 180 part

2)What do you think of this ship?


ship core is the very first part you put down in SPH, the "root part"

me also good part count but it looks like d/v would suffer

and the armor looks sort of weak...

Edited by zekes
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Spartwo, if you're going to go ahead with this, let me know.

Probably got lost to the depths of time.


I just have to get round to some calculations.

ship core is the very first part you put down in SPH, the "root part"

me also good part count but it looks like d/v would suffer

Actually it's the first command pod you put down for the sake of identification.

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Probably got lost to the depths of time.


I just have to get round to some calculations.


This is going to be a lot harder than Frozen_Heart's battle...

- - - Updated - - -

1) What is the "ship core", if your ship have multiple probe core/commend pd, whih one is the core?

@zekes, my 50 T ship only have 180 part

2)What do you think of this ship?


Also, i will be soon ready for a fight, who wants to face me?

I'll fight. Let me know when you're ready.

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Thank for the advice

me also good part count but it looks like d/v would suffer

and the armor looks sort of weak...

there is a structural pannel under the wings, but the fuel tanks are exposed

and it is supposed to be carried on a carrier( but i haven't build it yet)

@starwhip ok, maybe in some hours

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I just realized why I missed the HMS Revenge. I placed the I beam decoupler on the Small missile group and Vice Versa. This made it un balanced and I missed because of it, So Dreks will pay for my mistake!

HMS Celeste is going down!

oh no :o this will be interesting

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Yeah, i would like to fight you ScriptKitt2h, what's the rules/ craft number limitation?

However, i don't have any big ship (my heaviest is 53 T)

care to borrow a Drek? I have 3 on my company page, all 90+ Tonnes

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Maybe, but they are a bit heavy for my computer, anyway ,TY

the second one, the XXVII-III is only 450 parts... That can't be too bad since scriptkitt3h's ships are 600+

- - - Updated - - -

Zekes... I missed(pause for dramatic effect) and that was my final ship. You won.

Ahhh, Why didn't I go into the cockpit.

Would Raster Prop monitor be cheating?


good game :) remind me what raster does again

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