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  zekes said:
It says "no target" so I assume he took out the core.

Trust me. It would look A LOT more messy it he took out the core. Unless he didn't crew the three command pods in the interior, that ship is still alive. I can practically see the core from one of those pictures. Can you send me the persistent pls? It looks pretty too :P.

Oh and Megalodon, Your Victory rocket has "invalid parts" on it so I can't load it. What mod parts do you have on it?

And I guess here's one more question. Can you chose which direction the enemy attacks you from? Because I designed that to be equally strong from all angles. I would change that in a heart beat if I could decide which end the enemy attacks from.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  Avera9eJoe said:
Trust me. It would look A LOT more messy it he took out the core. Unless he didn't crew the three command pods in the interior, that ship is still alive. I can practically see the core from one of those pictures. Can you send me the persistent pls? It looks pretty too :P.

Hmmm mabye.

  Avera9eJoe said:
Oh and Megalodon, Your Victory rocket has "invalid parts" on it so I can't load it. What mod parts do you have on it?

I saw a kerbal engineer device on the back, that could do it.

  Avera9eJoe said:
And I guess here's one more question. Can you chose which direction the enemy attacks you from? Because I designed that to be equally strong from all angles. I would change that in a heart beat if I could decide which end the enemy attacks from.

Nope - assume they attack from all sides :D it makes space warfare interesting to say the least...

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  Megalodon 720 said:
5/10 the armour is pretty good but it has a high part count and a large hole at one end.

The big hole is pretty well covered up from my initial tests. I can definitely do better though. This thing is more of a prototype. Thanks! Building for external armor is far different from external aesthetics. A true Kerbal has to learn the ways of both...

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  Avera9eJoe said:
The big hole is pretty well covered up from my initial tests. I can definitely do better though. This thing is more of a prototype. Thanks! Building for external armor is far different from external aesthetics. A true Kerbal has to learn the ways of both...

I'd like to say I've done that. At least I think it's cute...


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After running a couple of tests on my ship vs. your victory class, I see the major difference between your rocket and mine. I was trying to keep my armor as far from the core as possible for efficient spread. You kept your armor close to the interior - making your rocket much harder to hit dead on. Missiles glance off yours as oppose to mine where they almost always hit flat on. I'm still getting the hang of KSP physics in this sense.

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New recon plane coming out soon..... Watch out

Never mind.

The battle has begun. Here is the map


And the coordinates


My fleet tops at 578.6 Tonnes

3 "KNZAC" Class Frigates and one "Hardcase" Class destroyer.

My hat off to you (if i had one on) for good luck, and may the best man/Kerbal win. May the god of space warfare smile on you, even though I'd rather have him smile on me. :D

Edited by ejudedude13
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zekes--out of curiosity, just how many of your "Popper" missiles can the Drek XXX take before being crippled or destroyed?

Also, preliminary armor testing on my new capital ship is promising: So far, it has been able to absorb repeated impacts by 6-ton Structural Pylon missiles at speeds in excess of 150 m/s while taking minimal damage.

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  ejudedude13 said:
New recon plane coming out soon..... Watch out

Never mind.

The battle has begun. Here is the map


And the coordinates


My fleet tops at 578.6 Tonnes

3 "KNZAC" Class Frigates and one "Hardcase" Class destroyer.

My hat off to you (if i had one on) for good luck, and may the best man/Kerbal win. May the god of space warfare smile on you, even though I'd rather have him smile on me. :D

So, that means I shall bring Three XIV-XIIs and a Victoria II with drop tanks flying lead. I assume i go first, so best of luck to you as well - I will set up the ships right away.

  Three1415 said:
zekes--out of curiosity, just how many of your "Popper" missiles can the Drek XXX take before being crippled or destroyed?

Also, preliminary armor testing on my new capital ship is promising: So far, it has been able to absorb repeated impacts by 6-ton Structural Pylon missiles at speeds in excess of 150 m/s while taking minimal damage.

I know it can take at least one shot and survive quite easily, because of its size, but i have no idea. It was designed with range and armament first, armor second, and while it does have standard Drek armoring, I have no idea how it will hold up under concentrated fire. I mostly plan to keep it out of harm's way until the battle is mostly over, these things cost over $1.2 million each.

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  \ said:
I know it can take at least one shot and survive quite easily, because of its size, but i have no idea. It was designed with range and armament first, armor second, and while it does have standard Drek armoring, I have no idea how it will hold up under concentrated fire. I mostly plan to keep it out of harm's way until the battle is mostly over, these things cost over $1.2 million each.

I suppose that to a large extent all of our ships are glass cannons--I know none of my ships could survive their equivalent in armament being fired at themselves, and even with your effective armor, the same is probably true for yours as well.

I am thinking that my capital ship will be a missile cruiser: It will sit just outside the edge of render distance (say, 2.6 kilometers from the target) and launch guided missiles into the region containing the enemy ship, thus reducing lag and at least lightening the part count load that I have to handle. Also, it will incorporate a VLS-style launch system, which should please andrew123, though I am still prototyping the specifics.

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  Three1415 said:
I am thinking that my capital ship will be a missile cruiser: It will sit just outside the edge of render distance (say, 2.6 kilometers from the target) and launch guided missiles into the region containing the enemy ship, thus reducing lag and at least lightening the part count load that I have to handle. Also, it will incorporate a VLS-style launch system, which should please andrew123, though I am still prototyping the specifics.

After some battle experience, I figured that moving in close and firing your armament is better than closing in on the ship itself using unguided armament. While close range is preferable because we all love space carnage, launching it outside render distance prevents those dreaded "seconds per frame" (instead of FPS LOL)

By the way I'm doing some armor and hull testing, those truss pieces are really tough! although my armor is good it just couldn't withstand myown Tirepedoes.

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  zekes said:
I'd like to say I've done that. At least I think it's cute...


Looks like She put on a lot of weight this Christmas, what on Kerbin have you been feeding Her?

Speaking of needlessly large objects, I have created a dropship/carrier that carries 8 drop pods (each can carry 32 Kerbals and has cargo space for equipment) capable of delivering to the surfaces of Laythe, Kerbin, Duna and low g atmosphere-less worlds. She also has 4 fighter bays filled with 8 fighters.

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Stats: 100m long, 2300 tons, 1700 parts, 60 nuclear engines, 142000 LF, 27000 Monoprop,

Modules:8 drop pods, 4 fighter bays, 8 fighters.

Crew: 64 ship's crew, 8 fighter pilots, 256 Kerbal marines (328 total)

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Sweek Kraken Tegu, how did you make that thing 1700 parts? Wow.


PERSIST: https://www./?01f02rt44r50vv4

Here are my ships - the Mini Drek IIL, and the XIV-XII P



I took a jab at KSS Entity - took three missiled before she was "knocked out". That thing is so big I was having trouble killing it because every shot was just absorbed by the stuff inside - I couldn't get a clean kill like i wanted.


Due to NBC rules, the ship is dead because it can neither provide propulsion, nor can it provide electricity. It's losing charge and is dead in the water, she'll be a huge iron coffin soon.


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Anyone want to battle me? How about for rules: 400 tons, 5 ships, and whoever is against me gets to choose the planet.

I have a new Orrim Battlecruiser upgrade as well as plenty of new-ish ships that haven't seen battle.

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  \ said:
Anyone want to battle me? How about for rules: 400 tons, 5 ships, and whoever is against me gets to choose the planet.

Since the Duna battle seems to be permanently on hold, I would be willing to do a 1v1 against you as soon as I get my new frigate built--my new capital ship is basically done, and I already have the former mostly planned out, so I should be ready by tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.

Depressingly, the only one of my ships that has ever seen combat is the Lepton, and that was two months and thirty-one iterations ago (I am on the MK III H now), so that hardly counts.

EDIT: Wait, I forgot to specify a location--how about Bop? No-one ever seems to fight there...

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  sdj64 said:
Anyone want to battle me? How about for rules: 400 tons, 5 ships, and whoever is against me gets to choose the planet.

I have a new Orrim Battlecruiser upgrade as well as plenty of new-ish ships that haven't seen battle.

I'll fight you. I've got some new ships, plus an all-new weapon meant to counter the "Poppers" that everyone seems to be making...

Examples below (this includes some testing images of WIP hulls):



(New missile being test-fired:)



I also have several other designs waiting in the wings, but some need refinement and others are uber-partcount-heavy.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to say which planet sounded good... Hmm.... Dres, perhaps? It never gets any love it seems. :P

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  zekes said:
Sweek Kraken Tegu, how did you make that thing 1700 parts? Wow.


PERSIST: https://www./?01f02rt44r50vv4

Here are my ships - the Mini Drek IIL, and the XIV-XII P



I took a jab at KSS Entity - took three missiled before she was "knocked out". That thing is so big I was having trouble killing it because every shot was just absorbed by the stuff inside - I couldn't get a clean kill like i wanted.


Due to NBC rules, the ship is dead because it can neither provide propulsion, nor can it provide electricity. It's losing charge and is dead in the water, she'll be a huge iron coffin soon.


Holey crap i didnt know that my armouring was THAT good. I also somehow kept it UNDER 1000 parts :sticktongue: Now, the Entityis dead. All my ships are Remote guided by the way. Also, was my frigate killed by 3 poppers? What are poppers anyways?

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  ejudedude13 said:
What are poppers anyways?

Fancy little (as in somewhat short in length) 1.25 meter missiles made by Zekes for his newer ships; they seem to have an uncanny capability to "pop" the hulls of enemy ships, perhaps due to immensely part-clipped warheads.

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  ScriptKitt3h said:
Fancy little (as in somewhat short in length) 1.25 meter missiles made by Zekes for his newer ships; they seem to have an uncanny capability to "pop" the hulls of enemy ships, perhaps due to immensely part-clipped warheads.

Thats true, i've found more parts the better - the Popper is 44, and I'm working on armor peircing .5m missiles that are 70 parts, and a three- ton missile that is 92.

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