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[1.2.2] 10x Kerbol system development for Kopernicus: Version - Update: April 14 2017


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That is puzzling that the height map takes up so much memory. I'm working on the next update which will include a normal map that is in dds format. I'm also trying to change the height map to dds using gimp but it seems every setting I try to save it as a dds ends up destroying my landscape. Nathan can you try to see if you can create a proper DDS for the height map. ThorBeorn also failed to created a DDS as well.

- - - Updated - - -

Chrisl: Do you still have a problem with the depression of the inland KSC? As for the remote tech setting that is kind of high to place the source. Can you see what is the lowest value that RemoteTech will accept. Also what version of RemoteTech are you using?

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Yes, I'm still having the issue with the inland ksc. Just seems like it's a depressed island. It didn't used to be that way but I'm not really sure what I did that messed it up. I've tried removing and reinstalled 10x (deleted the RSS cache so it would rebuild) but that didn't seem to make a difference.

Yeah, I figured going with 136+ was too high. I just made that quick adjustment so I could complete my flight. I'm using RemoteTech 1.6.3

I tried a bunch of different height settings and finally found Height = 60.824 allowed my test rocket to be in connection on the launch pad. It's a 34.4m tall rocket with a FASA Umbilical Tower and a FASA Atlas Launch Clamp holding it in place. According to MechJeb it rests at 45.9m ASL. If I release the clamp on the tower, the rocket tilts over a bit (MechJeb reports it at 45.6m ASL) and it's no longer in connection. Also, if I test with a shorter rocket (the 3.3m third stage from my test rocket), that 60.824 setting isn't enough to let my be in connection.

I ended up having to go with Height = 102.00 before a soudning core on it's own could be in connection. However, I do have the level 2 launch pad which looks like it's a bit higher off the ground than the level 1 pad, so Height might need to be slightly greater.

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chrisl: That is basically the values under PQSCity and PQSMod_MapDecalTangent that need to be adjusted in launchsites.cfg in GameData/RealSolarSystem. Check out the Real Solar System wiki page. It has a bunch of useful info on that.

However any changes would probably have to be remade in case the heightmap changes again.

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chrisl: That is basically the values under PQSCity and PQSMod_MapDecalTangent that need to be adjusted in launchsites.cfg in GameData/RealSolarSystem. Check out the Real Solar System wiki page. It has a bunch of useful info on that.

However any changes would probably have to be remade in case the heightmap changes again.

Thanks, but I was answering a question from jsimmons. Probably should have quoted him in my reply but I forgot to. :)

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New update. Added a normal map for Kerbin and fixed the atmosphere to not look so fat.

I attempted to create a DTX texture for the height map but it got mangled by gimp. Will have to track down what I'm doing wrong.

Chrisl is the canyon issue with the starter KSC? Have you tried sandbox mix to see if the problem goes away.

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New update. Added a normal map for Kerbin and fixed the atmosphere to not look so fat.

I attempted to create a DTX texture for the height map but it got mangled by gimp. Will have to track down what I'm doing wrong.

Chrisl is the canyon issue with the starter KSC? Have you tried sandbox mix to see if the problem goes away.

Starter KSC? If I understand what you're asking, then no. The canyon issue only seems to be with Inland Space Center.

Not sure what "sandbox mix" is.

I just downloaded a fresh copy of "Eve-7.4-Default.zip". I deleted the RealSolarSystem folder completely, then unzipped the freshly downloaded Eve-7.4-Default.zip. I went into the game and selected the space center. I've obviously messed something up. THe land masses are the Kerbin that I'm familiar with but they are all superimposed on what appears to be the heightmap for earth.

EDIT: Ended up having to go back to an older copy of Eve-7.4-Default to get the correct heightmap. Because of that, not sure if I should report any of this as it may all be fixed in the new release but here goes.

From KSC, it looks like we're kind of centered on a largish peninsula. When I look at an orbit view, the appearance looks correct. However the Red dot showing the RemoteTech tower is right by the coast line, apparently a couple miles east of KSC. MechJeb reports that my test flight (simply a Command Pod Mk1) sitting on the launchpad is at 0d06'09"S x 74d44'44"W, at a height of 150m (level 2 launchpad). According to RemoteTech_Settings.cfg, KSC is located at -0.1054x-74.5003.

From Inland Space Center, it appears that I'm on a small island with hills mostly surrounding the center but from orbit I'm in the middle of a continent. RemoteTech tower appears to be in the right location, though.

Lighthouse Space Center looks mostly ok (assuming it is an island) though the level 1 runway appears to go off the island just a little. It really looks like the entire space center should be rotated 180 so that the landing strip is on the south side of the island. From orbit, though, it looks like the island is supposed to be much larger then what I see from the pad. Also, it's RemoteTech tower appears to be a few miles NE of the actual space center. Mechjeb says I'm at 4d14'59"N x 108d03'20"E at 32m, while the cfg file had the antenna at 4.7527 x 108.2603. This might be why I had to increase the height for this antenna.

Precipice Space Center is definitely on a cliff but the cliff is only around the size of the center. Plus, both ends of the runway are off the cliff. This also looks like the space center should be rotated 180 so that the runway is on the "south" side (think it's actually west due to how the center is rotated). Lastly, the RemoteTech Tower for this center appears to be well south of the pad. My test flight is at 31d42'20"N x 7d00'04"E at 3880m, while the cfg puts the antenna at 31.5602 x 6.9967.

I've included screenshots of what I'm seeing zoomed out from the launch pads of each of the four space centers.





Edited by chrisl
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I just completed my first SCANsat run and when I pulled up the map (large and small) what I see is a grainy, black&white map of earth. I'm not sure where SCANsat actually gets it's maps from so I'm not sure if this is expected to happen or if I've installed something wrong.

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Wait...do you have an earth heightmap hanging around? ScanSat gets its data from the game itself, and that would also explain your terrain issues...

That's my guess but I'm not sure how to find it. I've already completely deleted the RealSolarSystem folder and reinstalled with just 10x. I do use active texture management so maybe I need to delete and recreate that cache as well?

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That's my guess but I'm not sure how to find it. I've already completely deleted the RealSolarSystem folder and reinstalled with just 10x. I do use active texture management so maybe I need to delete and recreate that cache as well?

Check the Custom Biome folder.... Now that I think about it I seem to recall having this problem too. I think that's what I had to do was delete something from Custom Biomes...

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Do you have an RSSTextures folder?

Yeah, that was it. I deleted that folder and the problem was resolved. I feel really silly now.

EDIT: So now everything looks correct. Even my SCANSat map is showing the right planet. But the Remotetech_settings.cfg is still off. Lighthouse Space Center doesn't allow connections with the default height. And KSC, Lighthouse and Precipise all have their RemoteTech antennae in a location other than where the launch site is located. I compared the longitude and latitude values in RealSolarSystems\LaunchSites.cfg with RemoteTech_Settings.cfg and found that those three sites are off by half a point on at least one setting so I reset the RemoteTech_Settings values to more closely match what's in LaunchSites.cfg. Doing that also resolved the height issue at Lighthouse.

Edited by chrisl
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The remote tech settings are set to the tracking center instead of the launch pad. That is why they are slightly different. Still strange that the Lighthouse has a antenna problem. Well I'm starting to look at KerbinSide which will allow me to supply new tracking centers. I can place a tracking center near the light house to resolve that problem :-)

For delta-v maps I use Transfer_Window_Planner. Also I posted some orbital values for around kerbin earlier in this thread. So far no one has produced a delta-v map.

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The remote tech settings are set to the tracking center instead of the launch pad. That is why they are slightly different. Still strange that the Lighthouse has a antenna problem. Well I'm starting to look at KerbinSide which will allow me to supply new tracking centers. I can place a tracking center near the light house to resolve that problem :-)

For delta-v maps I use Transfer_Window_Planner. Also I posted some orbital values for around kerbin earlier in this thread. So far no one has produced a delta-v map.

Transfer Window Planner looks cool but it's only useful for planet to planet or moon to moon burns. I was hoping for something to estimate my dV to go to Mun from Kerbin.

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Reposted from comment #23 here.

Kerbin surface to 200km = 9652.98 m/s

Kerbin 200km to GTO = 2283.72 m/s

Kerbin 200km to GSO = 3717.34 m/s

Kerbin 200km to Mun intercept = 2689.42 m/s

Mun intercept to insert (200km) = 916.52 m/s

Mun surface to 200km = 1325.26 m/s

Kerbin 200km to Minmus intercept = 3794.51 m/s

Minmus intercept to insert (200km) = 248.53 m/s

Minmus surface to 200km = 985.80 m/s

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New release!!! This is a nice big change. I tinker with the PQS settings for all the planet except for Eve and Laythe which will require more work. The terrain looks much better for all the updated planets and moons.

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10x Kerbol with nothing else. Basically this is the reason why I use 10x Kerbol instead of RSS, to conserve memory.

I've also tried the EVE - astronomer's file from here, same problem. Will try more variations, see if it helps.

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The way to do it is:

1. Make a normal purplish normal map, and then do the usual flip-horizontal and offset.

2. Invert the X channel (because you flipped horizontal)

3. Export as DXT5nm.

If you're not using DDS, then you have to manually do the channel swapping (per the RSS wiki).

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