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Where does your username come from?


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Title is self explanatory. I'll start:

Originally I planned to have this sort of online empire stretching across Google, YouTube, tumblr, steam, and whatnot, and I would produce videos on YT and hopefully become prominent. To this day I have not posted one video for fear that it will be:

A) absolutely rubbish

B) received badly


C) have small veiwership (1-10 views per video)

But aside from that, I called this folly "ZodiaK" ,

Hence my username.

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I've played alot of mmos and as a result had many nicks, characters, usernames.

but Respawn or something similar has been one of the few "names" I keep comming back to.

One of my first AO characters was called respawn, one of my Aoc characters was called Respawn allso had an assassin called Despawn,

I had a coupple of characters in wow called Respawn, Darkspawn, Warspawn, Spellspawn, and so on, and plenty of other similar nicks in other games.

Respawn tend to be one of the first nicks/usernames taken in most games or game related forums so I often have to settle for something else unfortunatly.

First time i used Respawn was about 14 years ago in some random fps.

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Well I started playing KSP back .18 lost interest in it, but around .22 came back when I found a link to Nyrath's Orion mod. Lost interest again but regained it when Wackjob posted his 'grief and coffee' thread. Somehow something clicked, things that I struggled with before had fermented in the back of my brain.

So I was trying to think of name, no luck, when it hit me when I was watching 'Dr. Strangelove' again, nuke bomb engines, my crazy over built designs, the mad cackling at 3am when I OD'd on coffee, and Dr. Strangemember was born/created/spawned. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA bring me another selection Kerbals....FUR SCIENCE!!!!

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Well, my username was originally going to be Blackstone, but then I remembered that for some reason, people thought that name was "racist", if that logic was correct, an entire town would be labeled racist, but I had been using Dat_Waffle for a while and decided, "what the heck", and thus my current username was born.

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I love the F-22, and when I made my xbox gamertag like 7 years ago, I wanted to be Raptor. Of course that was taken, and so I had to keep adding numbers for letters, adding another word, substituting numbers in that too. Eventually got one that wasn't taken, and since then I've kept the r4pt0r part in all my forum names on all sites, and my steam name.

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Well when I first got a PS3 I needed a username. So I asked my dad and he said Tygoo. I liked that username and I added the 7 because I wanted too.

Ty - My name is Tyler

Goo - My dad calls me goo

7 - I was born on the 7th of October

So this username is what I've been using for a few years now.

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well this story is rather boring though

Helix- thought it up in the shower, sounded (didn't realize that people that played would confuse it for Lord Helix but i kept it anyway)

935- when i tried to use it for the first time as a username for something, Helix was too short so ii added 935 because i was playing CoD Zombies at the time.

i would sometimes included a Triple in front of the Helix for Triple Helix which is a spin on Double Helix which is what out DNA is shaped as...

been using it since like around 2009 or 2010

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I came up with the username "plainawesome" when I was 10. I was thinking of a username for my Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit account. I wanted it to have the word "awesome" in it for sure. So I thought, superawesome? No. Mega_awesome? Nah. Ultra-Awesome? Nope. Then a light bulb in my head went off and I was like "How about just plain awesome?" I really like the name and it just sorta stuck.

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I don't actually remember... I think it was because i played Minecraft at the time and liked killing Slimes (although they were my favorite mob...), i don't play Minecraft anymore because of how RPGey it got and its survival aspect is crappy, but i got used to the name and yep :P

I also used Raizinght before, it was a bunch of random letters that i wanted to sound russian-like-ish, so yea lol

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I accidentally entered my usual password in the username field. Battery Horse Stapler Correct was already taken.

Seriously though, it's more or less a translation of my real name.

Rick? :P

Anyway, mine is from Terrarias "The Destroyer". This was the first place I used it in, and alas now I use it everywhere!

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Mine is literally "wrong flavour", mashed into a single word. It's based on a real life inside joke.

A friend once offered me some Coke that he had mixed with vodka, just as a joke. I took a sip and stoically declared that it did not taste like Coke, and that was apparently funny enough to repeat forever. It was annoying at first, but eventually I just went along with it.

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