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How long does thread approval take?


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I uploaded 3 new craft i made to the exhance forum about 3 hours ago and the posts still have not appeared, how long does it actually take?

I have been checking every 10 or 15 minutes because i forgot to specify that it was a stock craft and not modded and i want to fix that before i go to bed....

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There is no specific rule stating a time for moderated posts to be approved (or rejected). The moderation team acts on them collectively, so the first moderator who has time to check, will process those posts.

In the specific case, you may note that one post you made was approved to reside in the correct section (Stock Craft Repository v.0.24), another post you made wasn't approved, because identical to the first and posted in a wrong section. It takes some time to check, evaluate if posts are correct, move them where they belong (like this one). But certainly you waited that much just because nobody had time to check for a few hours. A good advice for newcomers to this forum should be, don't expect all your posts to be approved, and not to be approved in a short time.

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