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Houston, we have a problem...

Glamorous Glennis

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Hello! I recently bought KSP at the advice of a friend but hadn't gotten around to actually installing and playing it until yesterday. :P

My newest attempt at an orbital rocket worked, if you discount using most of the fuel for re-entry for the injection burn, and managed to put Jebediah into a stable 95x90km orbit.


With the little fuel I had left (just 5 units!), I attempted my retro burn. When I moved the crosshair off of the retrograde marker on the navball I soon realized the crosshair was on the prograde marker, not the retrograde marker! :confused:

Having used all 5 units of fuel up and still in a stable orbit (only this time 255x90km), I resigned from KSP for a moment to register an account here on the forums. I figured the more experienced players here might have a solution. :wink:

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Welcome to the forums!

Very impressive that you got a stable, nearly circular orbit on your first day.

Jeb can't wait to ask "Would it help if I got out and pushed?" Seriously, get out and push. The EVA suits have tons of fuel, and you can refill it by going back into the capsule.

Or you could be boring and send a rescue mission. The Advanced Grabbing Unit (Klaw) can attach to ships and you can refuel them that way. You'll want to check out Tutorials on rendezvous and docking first.

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Hey there, welcome to the forum(s)!

I'm pretty sure you would have enough room for errors (regarding fuel) when you just went into a 70km x 70km orbit. Remember, Kerbin's atmosphere only goes up to (nearly) 70km.

Like Master Tao said, point the ship retrograde (best at the Apoapsis), get Jeb out the ship and push it from behind (at the engine, if you've got it there) with the Jetpack. But get back soon enough so your jetpack won't run out of fuel!

Tell us if you've managed to get him back on Kerbin. I'm interested. :P

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If you are out of fuel then you have three choices. Send a rescue mission, get out and push, or cheat. I`d send a rescue mission with a Klaw. Send up the same craft but instead of the heavy manned pod, send a probe core, some batteries and a Klaw. This should give you a bit of spare fuel to allow you to deorbit your first craft. Once you are headed for the ground you can unattach the Klaw craft and use your chutes to land your manned craft.

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Given that your orbit is so shallow, if you get out and push at Apoaps (highest point in orbit) your EVA pack should be *just* enough to get you into the atmosphere. I'd shoot for about 40,000 and then let physics do the rest.

Now the more important question: have you got parachutes?

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Welcome to the forums!

Very impressive that you got a stable, nearly circular orbit on your first day.

Jeb can't wait to ask "Would it help if I got out and pushed?" Seriously, get out and push. The EVA suits have tons of fuel, and you can refill it by going back into the capsule.

Or you could be boring and send a rescue mission. The Advanced Grabbing Unit (Klaw) can attach to ships and you can refuel them that way. You'll want to check out Tutorials on rendezvous and docking first.

Thanks! This was something like my third attempt, though. When I completed the first burn ("injection burn?") the orbit was something like 95x60km. I knew that wouldn't work, at the very least. :sticktongue:

I guess I'll try to get Jeb out there and push, will post some pictures if I can manage to deorbit him. :)

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It worked! :D

(The second time, at least. As for the first time- I wasn't monitoring Jeb's EVA fuel and he ran out and floated off into space. :mad:)

Here's some pictures:


Jeb getting out and pushing. Not a very pleasurable experience, I bet.


The final result of Jeb's efforts. Originally, I figured one good pack-full of EVA fuel would do it but it only got me to 50km.

So I let him re-enter the atmosphere (albeit briefly) and then burned again when I reached apoapsis, which is where the picture above is from.


It may be hard to see, but the periapsis is only 25km! :)


Jeb re-entering the thicker portion of the atmosphere. Once I saw those flames, I knew he was going to stay in the atmosphere this time.


Opened the parachute around 2km up. It fully extended exactly 500m above the waves.


Jeb taking a quick dip to relax. He's had a rough, yet exciting day. Of course, he also had to take a surface sample home for the lab boys.


54.2 Science earned from this adventure alone, 106 total. I'm rich! :cool:

Thanks for the idea, guys. I'm glad to have Jeb home and ready to head for my next target- the Mun!​

Edited by Glamorous Glennis
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I'm more than a little impressed at the fast progress you've made.

this game has such a steep learning curve that to get into orbit and recovering from a zero fuel situation on your first couple of days of playing is awesome.

I only managed to get my head around this game by watching Scott Manley's youtube tutorials.

Congrats Glamorous Glennis, you're a natural

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I'm more than a little impressed at the fast progress you've made.

this game has such a steep learning curve that to get into orbit and recovering from a zero fuel situation on your first couple of days of playing is awesome.

I only managed to get my head around this game by watching Scott Manley's youtube tutorials.

Congrats Glamorous Glennis, you're a natural

I watched a lot of videos (Scott Manley and Wernher von Braun (I think?)) and my friend basically showed me how to do an orbit.

There's going to be a lot more unsuccessful attempts at my Mun landing. :P

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I watched a lot of videos (Scott Manley and Wernher von Braun (I think?)) and my friend basically showed me how to do an orbit.

There's going to be a lot more unsuccessful attempts at my Mun landing. :P

:D That's what I love about this game, the failures are nearly as much fun as the successes.

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For your first extraplanetary foray you might want to try Minimus instead of the Mun. It's about 20-30 dv further away, but because the gravity is so much lower landing (and escaping once you have) are much much easier.

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Good to hear that it worked. Please write a story about your Mun landing in the Mission Reports section, it's always nice to read other Kerbonatuts' adventures! Post a link here if you've found the time - I'd really like it! And good luck on the landing. Don't forget to bring enough ∆V with you^^

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Good to hear that it worked. Please write a story about your Mun landing in the Mission Reports section, it's always nice to read other Kerbonatuts' adventures! Post a link here if you've found the time - I'd really like it! And good luck on the landing. Don't forget to bring enough ∆V with you^^

Will do! :wink:

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