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Anime Planetes


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Cool, I love space and anime, so this is just right for me :P

I think they stole the idea a bit from Gravity though...

Gravity came out waay after this show did...

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I'd post the site you could watch it for free, but I don't know if that's allowed. All in ENGLISH DUB (the version I watch it in).

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I actually own the DVD set, it's well worth it. :) This may be a series, but it has unusually high production values, more akin to an OAV. Couple that with a believable, hard scifi near-future setting (2074+), an ethnically diverse cast, and a plot that actually makes sense (including a good ending), you really have a gem in your hands.

The anime is a manga adaption, so if that's more your thing, you can also get the manga original translated into various languages.

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I actually own the DVD set, it's well worth it. :) This may be a series, but it has unusually high production values, more akin to an OAV. Couple that with a believable, hard scifi near-future setting (2074+), an ethnically diverse cast, and a plot that actually makes sense (including a good ending), you really have a gem in your hands.

The anime is a manga adaption, so if that's more your thing, you can also get the manga original translated into various languages.

I concur!

If anyone wants the link for the whole show, let me know.

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I'm hating you so much right now! I can't stop watching this anime, I'm basically hooked. For a space nut and Otaku like me this name is perfect in every way.

HAHAHAHAH!! Yeah I re-watched it AGAIN after mentioning it. We can both hate me together.

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