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Crude but fun little webbased "gravity sim" thingy.


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I found this crude but fun little gravity sim web page thingy.

where you can mess around with planetary bodys.


I've now spent a coupple of hours messing around with it.

I made a cool semi-chaotic 4 body system but seemes pretty stable.

with 2 central bodies orbiting each other counter clockwise

and 2 lighter bodies orbiting the 2 central once clockwise, while orbiting each other counter clockwise.

Link: semi-chaotic stable 4 body system

I'm interrested to see what you guys can come up with.

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That is interesting. I can see why a binary star system has trouble keeping planets.

This sim reminds me a little of a game called Interplanetary. In the game you shoot rail guns at each others planets and gravity effects the orbit of each shot.

It looks a bit like the sim.

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I've been searching for cool gravity-related stuff, and I found Super Planet Crash!

Super Planet Crash

You just click anywhere, and it adds the world you selected, and wait until physics goes drunk!

But choosing the trajectory, mass and speed of an object is cooler than just placing it there.

EDIT: This is how all solar systems are formed

Edited by EuSouONumero345
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It's not gravity exactly, but I like this program called the Powder Toy.

It's more of a general physics sandbox, and it does simulate gravity, but their are a wide array of elements and materials you can work with.

Now that I think about it, it's actually nothing like a gravity simulator, but you'll more then likely love it. :D

Here's a link, it's not exactly online, so you've got to download the program, but it's hours of fun for me.


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It's not gravity exactly, but I like this program called the Powder Toy.

It's more of a general physics sandbox, and it does simulate gravity, but their are a wide array of elements and materials you can work with.

Now that I think about it, it's actually nothing like a gravity simulator, but you'll more then likely love it. :D

Here's a link, it's not exactly online, so you've got to download the program, but it's hours of fun for me.


I used to play that game, and it is fantastic. Although I was just waiting 'till the next version. :P

I would call it a chemistry sandbox, with some physics involved.

And here, the star is chasing the nearest planet.


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