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[1.12.x] Freight Transport Technologies [v0.6.0]


How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)  

388 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)

    • Propfan: Just right!
    • Propfan: OMG! Overpowered!
    • LFO Thrusters: Too weak
    • LFO Thrusters: Just right!
    • LFO Thrusters: OMG! Overpowered!

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Those values are massive, the last version of FTT didn't even have breaking force or torque on any parts so I modded them to force between 50-400 and haven't had problems with any parts breaking except for the ASAS module which doesn't surprise me considering the effort it was putting into controlling my stupidly huge ship.

Could your problem be part clipping? I have had parts spontaneously spring apart from each other on loading the Launchpad because they were clipping.

Actually yeah there was some clipping. I always have that problem with cargo/service bays stock or otherwise.

Can anyone actually explain, show me, make a tutorial on how to properly build using a cargo/service bay? Nothing ever seems to fit correctly and if you just wedge things in they clip and explode. You can only attach to 1 node so anything you put in there is going to be flopping around unconnected at one end right? How in the hell am I supposed to use these damn things?

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I don't know how "good" it is. But here is a pic of one of my mining honeybadgers. The parts are connected either from the front node or rear node. They don't actually go all the way front to back. I shored each side up with some struts.


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I don't know how "good" it is. But here is a pic of one of my mining honeybadgers. The parts are connected either from the front node or rear node. They don't actually go all the way front to back. I shored each side up with some struts.


Thank you for sharing this, it is always helpful to see how other people put things together.

On a side note, I have experimented with adding the MPL modules into the cfg of an Akademy module to make a Honeybadger compatable MPL. The problem is if I change the cfg in this way the context menu for the resulting module (actually all modules the whole ship) quits working. I am pretty sure I am doing the cfg correctly...what am I doing wrong here?

Edit: Never mind I found your notes in the MKSModuleSwitcher.cs which explained why I was having that problem.

Is it just me or is the nuclear reactor for the HB outrageously expensive compared to the PDU's from the other modules?

Edited by Smurfalot
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DDS is coming.

Will look at breaking force/torque (those came from the fine B9 people)

Log a github issue for landing gear or any other goodies you want (and why you want them)

Which font do you use for your decals?

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I recently tested the new Kontainers by launching a 3.75 full of Uranium, it was far easier than orbiting that starmover, despite the Kontainer alone weighing a few hundred tons more than the empty starmover, the higher density makes it more controllable, but the weight can crush anything directly under the Kontainer so struts are a must to distribute the weight.

I also tested modded RCS blocks, even power as low as 16 was easily able to make this rocket controllable, a little too controllable actually, with a mere 16 of these thrusters this 5000 ton rocket was capable of performing a loop, the thrust vectoring of the 9 mammoth's at the base probably helped considerably though.

I was attaching over a hundred standard RCS thruster blocks to my starmover launches without it being capable of recovering from a fatal pitch when mechjeb got a little aggressive, but to be fair 16 of these modded blocks would be worth 256 regular thrusters.

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Just posting too say how much I love this mod and share some of my crazy huge ships

**cross posted from Spacebattles.com forums**

Most of my KSP gameplay is building up an orbital industry and self sustaining colonies so i can launch colonizations missions into the deep solar system and interstellar. I use Roverdudes mods and Extraplanetary launchpads a lot

My mining vessels have become.... ambitious

My current Kerbin system Flagship, StarKlipper-1




Half a million in storage of each resource, a crew of 12 with full lifesupport and manufacturing capability. Twin giant reaction wheels allow her to spin about nose to tail in a mere ten seconds. Orbital spacedock for manufacturing stations and successor ships. Empty she weighs over 1000 tons, and with all her cargo containers full she weighs a whopping ~20,000 tons. She has an orbital logistics port allowing for easy transfers off resources from low gravity planetoids and too other ships.

Her main drives are quad torch engines from roverdude's K+ mod. Burning the incredibly rare Karborundum they give this ship a thrust to weight ratio >1 when fully loaded. Although my Karborundum mining industry has yet too take off (building up for a mission too Eeeloo where deposits have been located) our brave scientists were able to synthase 2000 units of Karborundum at great expense (sample tanks are super expensive, cost me like 5 million dollars) With a mere 200 units the StarKlipper-1 had over 20,000 deltaV empty, enough to cruise too the Mun and establish a mining industry.

Currently awaiting the completion of her successor ship the Star Hauler - 1 that will become the new flagship/station of the Mun industrial complex, when that is complete and the handover made StarKlipper - 1 will receive a fresh shipment of Karborundum and set off too Eeleeo with a full stock of rocket parts too build up the mining industry there. Once we have Karborundum mining in bulk StarKlipper - 1 will have enough Delta V too make direct line intercepts, Hoffman transfers and orbital dynamics will be obsolete!! Straight line too the future!

Before you cry about how good of a computer I have... don't, Star Klipper 1 has only 101 parts

Star Klipper - 1 was assembled at the first orbital manufactory established by SpaceWeta Industries. A kludged together series of modules in mid-kerbin orbit it was sufficient too kick off an industrial revolution in space. Known by the rather dull name of KSS-Station Logistics Hub (I forgot to give it a good name) it has now become obsolete replaced by the purpose built and mobile ship-factories like StarKlipper and Star Hauler; still it is a valuable low orbit research center capable of building satellites for contracts and being a training center for new Kerbalnauts.



Mining operations on the Mun are done using automated mining and storage platforms that link too orbiting stations with logistics drones.

The superheavy miner MK-1 weighs near 1000 tons empty and has 4 heavy duty Karbonite engines allowing it too deorbit and land safely on a deposit. Once landed it fires up an array of Karbonite generators and deploys over 40 high power drilling units too mine ore, minerals, substrate, water and Karbonite at a fantastic rate. Karbonite is used too fuel the logistics drones that ship large bulk quantities of raw material too refineries awaiting in orbit



Here we see StarKlipper - 1 with a recently completed Super Heavy Miner, this new miner will be sent too a high density deposit of substrate and water. The substrate will help fuel food and chemical production in orbit and the water will power a new generation of hydrogen fueled ships. From this view you can see the heavy landing legs and drilling array

And all at a mere 200 parts


From a Kerbals perspective you can see how large these monsters of industry are, each of those containers is 4 meters in diameter


Managed to build up all this in a hardcore career campaign :)

I have a second generation flagship that is going too take over from Star Klipper-1 when SK-1 heads out too eeloo


StarHauler - 1 is fundamentally an evolution of the StarKlipper, significantly expanding the cargo section to accommodate ever increasing shipments from Mun surface mines and an advanced refining suite too recover valuable rare minerals, metals and enrich Uranite too fuel reactors.

It was decided that due too the unavailability of reliable Karborundum supply, and the abundant water being mined from the Mun, that StarHauler should have a more primitive less efficient liquid hydrogen fueled nuclear engine array. This limits her range significantly compared too StarKlipper, however this is not a concern as StarHauler's duties will be acting as Kerbin system flagship, being an orbital manufacturing hub and shuttling large quantities of resources between the Mun, Minimus and Kerbin spheres of influence where logistics drones can transfer them too customers.

She has 350 parts, weighs 14,000 tons unloaded and around a quarter million tons fully loaded. Has the same crew facilities and manufacturing systems as StarKlipper


Nice shot of the ships bridge, shipyard spar, and the forward reaction wheel array with rare material tanks


Quad fission engine array and the enormous tank assembly


Engine array testing for Star Hauler - 1


Quite encouragingly she didn't explode.


SH-1 has received her crew and is now processing raw material deliveries. Raised her orbit from 1000km too 2000km too separate her from Star Klipper - 1 as SK-1 has insufficient fuel too maneuver at her current loading. Transfer of cargo from SK-1 to SH-1 is in progress, once light enough SK-1 will be moved too Kerbin orbit in preparation for long distance trip too Eeloo.

Funding for production of more synthetic Karborundum has been approved and it's expected too cost 10 million dollars to fuel a trip of StarKlipper-1 loaded with rocketparts too Eeloo, this large cost is being paid for by selling rocket parts and rare resources mined from the Mun back on Kerbin.

So anyone else built something to rival Star Klipper and big sister Star Hauler in size :P

Edited by Wetapunga
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@Wetapunga: how did you lift all of these to the orbit?

The logistics station I built in orbit as about 8 modules lifted up individually

StarKlipper-1 was built from the KSS Logistics Station using Extraplanetary launchpads and rocket parts shipped from the surface. I then cruised StarKlipper over too the Mun, built some mining platforms and sent them down too the surface too collect resources, make rocket parts, make more bigger mining platforms.... and so on. StarKlipper-1 is a mobile shipyard and refinery, Star Hauler is a much bigger shipyard/refinery with less mobility.

What madman would try use Freight Transportation Technologies phase II parts without Extraplanetary launchpads??? The whole point is too build huge single piece ships in the VAB and have them constructed in orbit

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The logistics station I built in orbit as about 8 modules lifted up individually

StarKlipper-1 was built from the KSS Logistics Station using Extraplanetary launchpads and rocket parts shipped from the surface. I then cruised StarKlipper over too the Mun, built some mining platforms and sent them down too the surface too collect resources, make rocket parts, make more bigger mining platforms.... and so on. StarKlipper-1 is a mobile shipyard and refinery, Star Hauler is a much bigger shipyard/refinery with less mobility.

What madman would try use Freight Transportation Technologies phase II parts without Extraplanetary launchpads??? The whole point is too build huge single piece ships in the VAB and have them constructed in orbit

Hi, that would be me.

For anything larger than a 1000 ton starmover I had planned on using modular construction, after all most of the weight is full fuel tanks and Kontainers.

I'm surprised you have any dV on that behemoth, my far smaller starmover barely managed 2,000 dV with 6 jumbo hydrogen tanks and 3 full Kontainers of metal ore.

I figured that fusion drives would be needed for anything significantly bigger, as your starclipper shows.

Just how much DV does starhauler have when full?

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Hi, that would be me.

For anything larger than a 1000 ton starmover I had planned on using modular construction, after all most of the weight is full fuel tanks and Kontainers.

I'm surprised you have any dV on that behemoth, my far smaller starmover barely managed 2,000 dV with 6 jumbo hydrogen tanks and 3 full Kontainers of metal ore.

I figured that fusion drives would be needed for anything significantly bigger, as your starclipper shows.

Just how much DV does starhauler have when full?

A few thousand when completely full of LH2, depends on how full the cargo is. Star Hauler probably could make a trip out too Duna but my plan for her is just jumping between the orbitals of Mun, Minimus and Kerbin. Might send a planned starhauler-2 too Eve, empty cargo except some rocketparts and get it too set up an industry on Gilly

Orbital logistics is absolutely essential too FTT ships like this, as docking these is impossible, and they have such huge cargo capacities. It makes more sense from a roleplay perspective as well too have little cargo drones going back and forth using fuel.

I would love too have a taxi variant of the orbital logistics part so you can send crew between ships easily

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I was trying to use FTT for transportation need on planets and while it's totally OK for non-atmospheric ones, the ones with atmosphere have an issue with CoL balance when used with FAR installed that leads to craft control problems.


Could there be done something with that other than not using FAR or balancing it out with additional parts?

Edited by Horus
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I'm very confised, as I just made a 250,000 ton ship and get 20m/s of dv with 8,500,000 of fuel, slightly more than yours is displaying on the UI.

@Horus: What you want is throttle controlled avionics, which from what I hear is essential for making a good V-TOL.

Edited by MarcAFK
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@Horus: What you want is throttle controlled avionics, which from what I hear is essential for making a good V-TOL.

Yes, I guess throttle controlled avionics could help. I just remember how strange it made my rockets behave some time ago. Hope, it's much better now.

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@Wetapunga - VERY nice!


I was trying to use FTT for transportation need on planets and while it's totally OK for non-atmospheric ones, the ones with atmosphere have an issue with CoL balance when used with FAR installed that leads to craft control problems.


Could there be done something with that other than not using FAR or balancing it out with additional parts?

Sorry, FAR is not supported, just stock aero. That being said, it should not be an issue building out a balanced ship.

I'm very confised, as I just made a 250,000 ton ship and get 20m/s of dv with 8,500,000 of fuel, slightly more than yours is displaying on the UI.

@Horus: What you want is throttle controlled avionics, which from what I hear is essential for making a good V-TOL.

Probably due to the K+ parts.

There will be some updated engine clusters coming in the next refresh

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The logistics station I built in orbit as about 8 modules lifted up individually

StarKlipper-1 was built from the KSS Logistics Station using Extraplanetary launchpads and rocket parts shipped from the surface. I then cruised StarKlipper over too the Mun, built some mining platforms and sent them down too the surface too collect resources, make rocket parts, make more bigger mining platforms.... and so on. StarKlipper-1 is a mobile shipyard and refinery, Star Hauler is a much bigger shipyard/refinery with less mobility.

What madman would try use Freight Transportation Technologies phase II parts without Extraplanetary launchpads??? The whole point is too build huge single piece ships in the VAB and have them constructed in orbit

I use that torus SAS all the time, mainly for huge and massive rockets. I also use some of the structural elements sometimes.

I agree though, the Starlifter parts don't look like theyre meant to ever go into an atmosphere.

As for the engine cluster stuff, it would be nice if the fuel would drain correctly in those two quad adaptors.

Edited by smjjames
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Just a quick heads-up: The CTT-integration seems to be broken.





in CTT.cfg seems to fix the problem for me.

Apologies if this was already reported and I missed it.

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FTT_Structural_500_05 the large cargo rack stack nodes are broken!

should be

node_stack_bottom_R = 0, -11.25, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3

node_stack_top_L = 0, 11.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3

is it possible to change from EL MetallicOre to Stock Ore? or is there a mmpatch out already?

keep up your great work Bob!

ahh just found your new Kontainers, they provide both EL and Stock, are you going to change that for all your Kontainer?

Edited by eLDude
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Are you guys sending up full hydrogen tanks, or mining it some way? If I'm sending up a full tank of LH2, I might as well just be sending the cargo that I'd be moving around with the Starlifter.

I currently have Karbonite and stock ISRU in play and don't have a way of getting LH2 besides filling a tank in the VAB. When I played with hydrogen with Near Future, it was never with parts on this scale.

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FTT_Structural_500_05 the large cargo rack stack nodes are broken!

should be

node_stack_bottom_R = 0, -11.25, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3

node_stack_top_L = 0, 11.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3

Thank you so much, I could never work out how to fix nodes except through Trial and error.

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