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[1.12.x] Freight Transport Technologies [v0.6.0]


How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)  

388 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)

    • Propfan: Just right!
    • Propfan: OMG! Overpowered!
    • LFO Thrusters: Too weak
    • LFO Thrusters: Just right!
    • LFO Thrusters: OMG! Overpowered!

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Yeah, just discovered that. Apparently the Explorer pack uses the 4.0 version which has near zero thrust or something. Now back to the drawing board and possibly setting the Atmospheric VTOL engines back to not immediately responding to changes in thrust.

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We really need too look at the efficiency of hydrogen production, it takes ages even with dozens of drills and converters running too fill a single large hydrogen tank. It's easier too ship it up from KSC than too produce it when you are building massive ships

Perhaps we need a FTT scale Karbonite engine, or allow the FTT nuclear engines too run on a variety of liquid fuels for different performance

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We really need too look at the efficiency of hydrogen production, it takes ages even with dozens of drills and converters running too fill a single large hydrogen tank. It's easier too ship it up from KSC than too produce it when you are building massive ships

Perhaps we need a FTT scale Karbonite engine, or allow the FTT nuclear engines too run on a variety of liquid fuels for different performance

We need better tools for massive-scale mining operations. Given what LH2 is used for, I think its not unreasonable to require an investment of effort to have ISRU refueling with it, but part count and lag should not be part of that. If there were better tools for mining on a huge scale, there wouldnt be as much of a problem.

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We need better tools for massive-scale mining operations. Given what LH2 is used for, I think its not unreasonable to require an investment of effort to have ISRU refueling with it, but part count and lag should not be part of that. If there were better tools for mining on a huge scale, there wouldnt be as much of a problem.

Indeed. We need a massive drilling rig system, like an Oil Rig drilling tower that you build out of FTT frame parts and modules. You land the frame on the surface with the heavy modules as just shells and then kit them out with supply runs delivering heavy machinery, drill pipe sections and crew. Make it a real investment too build one of these Drilling rigs but with enormous resource production and refining capability so you can easily top off the largest of ships hydrogen tanks and have them shuttling great quantities of material back too Kerbin or other locations.

So the liquid mining rig would be something like this:


A modular frame and platform with attached crew, drilling, shipping and refining modules

And the Ore heavy miner could be something like a big strip mine excavator or a deep shaft mine


A series of connected buildings on the surface for processing large quantities of rock. Shaft elevator buildings that gradually over time open up new 'tunnels' (just a progress statistic really) indicating the amount of ore vein being mined so production increases over time. Balances out that deeper mines need more life shafts and more power too keep the ore being mined at optimal rate.

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I'm thinking of making an oil rig now, let's see: Mars Tension Leg Platform, structure weight 36,500 tons, 4 columns 66 ft diameter, 162 feet high, connected by 4 pontoons 27 ft wide, 24 foot high and spanning 220 feet weight 15600 tons. Deck 245x 245 x 45 feet weight 7200 tons. 12 Tendons 2800 ft long attached to the sea floor. 24 well slots, 106 people accommodated. Pumps 21000 barrels a day. I can do this but I'm not sure how to get the drills into the seabed, I can just drill the water right?

Edit: well I can make one half scale without having to manually edit part sizes, since tweakscake would let me make 10 meter diameter tanks for supports. They float quite well with a little fuel as ballast.

Edit: after I land this thing I'm going to find that it produces too much. Oh well, I Intended on nerfing the output of MKS drills etc anyway. :D

Edit: Still working the Bugs out.


Edited by MarcAFK
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Nice spider thing?

What exactly is that meant too be, I am rather curious

Nothing in particular, just some not-boat thing I decided to screw around with. Something else other than building rockets for a while.

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This is what I called the Grand Miner v1.

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It pretty much has everything I wanted to start a base on Mimmus through I decided last minute to remove rocketparts... and I can't remember why...

so what does the Grand Miner have? good question.

It has a Kloning Bay, a workshop, a PDU, logistics hub, karbonite converter, logistics module, 6 gigantor solar panels(though I can't open two with the logistics module), and 4 docking ports(i don't know why) I modded BahamutoD drills to do karbonite, MetallicOre and ore at a high rate but it uses lots of power. It can hold 45k Karbonite, and 15k metallicOre, plus a good chunk of LKO, Mono, and other crap, like soildfuel, and lqdhydrogen.

I'm a little proud of it :D

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I don't know how "good" it is. But here is a pic of one of my mining honeybadgers. The parts are connected either from the front node or rear node. They don't actually go all the way front to back. I shored each side up with some struts.


I finally managed to unlock the XL rover wheels -- W T F do WHEELS cost 550 science at the far ass-end of the tech tree?

Anyway, I finally remade my badger with the big wheels, but the damn things pop and/or fall completely off any time you even look at it funny, much less go down a hill. Seriously, I cannot get the damn thing off the runway. Also just the act of putting down the landing gear will destroy the runway/launchpad. How do you keep your wheels on the badger long enough to go anywhere?

We really need dedicated deployable "spice harvester" type wheels for the Honeybadger.

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I finally managed to unlock the XL rover wheels -- W T F do WHEELS cost 550 science at the far ass-end of the tech tree?

Anyway, I finally remade my badger with the big wheels, but the damn things pop and/or fall completely off any time you even look at it funny, much less go down a hill. Seriously, I cannot get the damn thing off the runway. Also just the act of putting down the landing gear will destroy the runway/launchpad. How do you keep your wheels on the badger long enough to go anywhere?

We really need dedicated deployable "spice harvester" type wheels for the Honeybadger.

Yeah, the fact that the stock wheels break too easily frustrate me. Use the ones from Kerbal Foundries.

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A couple of things. If you attach a docking port to a HB cargo pod you can connect rovers together via those nodes with additional docking ports. Also, they fit the new Mk-V modules perfectly, and those are now efficiency parts for the Mk-III modules.

Not exactly sure what you meant with first part. Are you referring to being able to have a rover docked in the HB cargo pod (as in your video where it drops to ground from a landed HB)?

Also, I was actually asking about the small nodes on the top and bottom of the Honeybadger nuclear reactor and what kind of purposes you had in mind?

Thanks a lot

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, OK. So figured out you have to turn on RCS for VTOL to function at all no matter if your craft is perfectly balanced or not. Does not actually seem to use mono keeping it stable but it does use a lot turning it. Which is fine in an atmosphere paired with the compressor function, but without that you would go through LOADS of the stuff. It really seems like we need some non mono-propellant RCS option for use on atmosphere-less moons. And like I said, it even seems like it is already using a non-mono solution, it is just that it is tied into RCS which necessitates mono usage for steering. So what am I doing wrong?

Edited by wisnoskij
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Hmm, OK. So figured out you have to turn on RCS for VTOL to function at all no matter if your craft is perfectly balanced or not. Does not actually seem to use RCS keeping it stable but it does use a lot turning it. Which is fine in an atmosphere paired with the compressor function, but without that you would go through LOADS of the stuff. It really seems like we need some non mono-propellant RCS option for use on atmosphere-less moons. And like I said, it even seems like it is already using a non-mono solution, it is just that it is tied into RCS which necessitates mono usage for steering. So what am I doing wrong?

my fix is to grab the throttle controlled avionics mod which makes even unbalanced VTOLs fly able.

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The Part FTT_Structural_500_05 (StarLifter Cargo Rack (Large)) has some Attachment nodes pointing in the wrong direction.

Fix with the modulemanager:

@node_stack_bottom_R = 0, -11.25, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_top_L = 0, 11.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_01 = .8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_02 = -.8, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_03 = .8, 7.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_04 = -.8, 7.5, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_05 = .8, -7.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 3
@node_stack_cargo_06 = -.8, -7.5, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 3

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